
Chapter 37 The Spinning Wheel

Chapter 37

The Spinning Wheel

"Woooo,brother calm down,no need to shout." James spoke to the angry man on the other end "See,that where you are wrong,I didn't kidnap or drag her as you presumed,she came with me of her own free will."

"Nonsense... My wife would ..."

"Wife?" James cut him off,laughing "Please,you and I,knows she is not your wife,at least not a real one. She admitted to me and now the entire world is going to no soon enough." He chucked

There was a long pause from the other end. "What are you talking about,James? What do you mean soon the entire world we know?"

Bastard,I caused inwardly,as I drag the phone of James' ears "he means,asshole we are going to the largest conference hall,the world as ever know... To discuss our marriage,"

"Mary? What do you think you are doing?" He asked,pissed