
Chapter 35 The Double – headed Sword

Chapter 35

The Double – headed Sword

But the moment I left his study,I hurried back to my room as I felt hot tears stream down my face,it hurts,why does it hurt?

His words shouldn't hurt me,but yet... it did.

I slump on my bed and cried my eyes out. From that moment things changed between us,we didn't see eye or eat together or even speak to each other.

I just stayed in my room and only go out when I want to some fresh air. This went on for days. I honestly thought he would come and apologize,since he need my help more than anyone,but I thought wrong.

After spending the last two weeks not speaking to each other,I stopped Mrs Lola from knocking on my door,if I want anything I knew where to get it,she agreed and never came over.