
Pact with the Devil CEO

Sophia stood in the cold Yakwen City, watching the LED screens on the skyscrapers display the news of Yuna and Ryan's impending wedding. Her heart was filled with agony because the man she deeply loved was none other than the heir to Stellaris Industries, Ryan. Despite knowing that she was merely a tool for bearing his child, she remained stubbornly in love with him, lost in the depths of her passion.

Hamady · Ação
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16 Chs

Chapter 005: The heart-stopping man (1)

The April sun, bright and warm, burned Sophia, who had just stepped out of the dark room.

She stood in front of the big iron gate, motionless.

Five days and four nights, the darkness of imprisonment, it was as if she had fallen into the hell of the endless. The boundless loneliness and coldness were like oxygen seeping into her blood, wrapping around her like a shadow, unable to shake it off, like a nightmare haunting her.

She knows, a month ago suddenly disappeared and fled to get rid of his control of the behaviour, thoroughly angered the man, but the face of his punishment, his uncut, his cold, his cruelty, she never hated him, even if he did not manage to keep his promise to her as a child, she does not blame him.

Because of love for him, deeply in love with him, so can forgive tolerate all his.

Even if he's going to marry another woman.

However, since he has already moved on and cannot share a milligram of love and pity with her, why is he not willing to let her live? Not ready to give the child a way to live?

Sophia stood in the warm sunlight, trying to raise her haggard, pale face, doing her best to expose herself to the sun and let the scorching light drive away the coldness that had soaked into her bones and blood.

But the body's cold is easy to drive away, but her heart, which is full of holes, is about to freeze into ice.

Daniel stood aside and looked at the woman who was obviously four months pregnant but looked thinner and thinner, with an indescribable emotion rolling around in his heart.

Because of the unique nature of his identity, he could never have feelings for a woman in his life, let alone in front of him or Ryan's woman.

Daniel pursed his lips without saying a word. He looked at Sophia: under the messy but long black hair, a bloodless and vicissitudes of the palm-sized face, engraved with as if never to eliminate the sorrow and sadness, thin body swaying in the cold wind, it seems that as long as the wind blows a little bigger, the woman will be blown away.

He is never a nosy and caring woman, but Sophia can easily provoke the most profound compassion hidden in his cold heart.

"Miss Sophia, we'd better hurry up and go to the office; if it takes too long, I'm worried about Ryan him" Daniel saw that Sophia was only wearing a thin single coat, although it was now spring, but still cold, he took off his suit, hesitated and finally draped the clothes on her.

Sophia jumped at his movement and looked up at him in horror.

Daniel smiled faintly, "Go, go to the car will not be cold."

It was just a widespread concern, but at this moment, Sophia was so sad that she wanted to cry out: if Ryan could treat her one hundred percent as well as he did, she would have died without regret.

However, she knew that Ryan's kindness to her had become a thing of the past, a thing of history, with the most distant clouds in the sky, and should have disappeared long ago.

She smiled palely and took a step forward to follow. Who knows, her feet have not moved, her abdomen suddenly came to a cramping pain, she ate pain covered her stomach and slowly crouched.

Daniel was worried and asked anxiously, "Miss Sophia, what's wrong with you? Where are you not feeling well?"

"My stomach suddenly hurts. Can you take me to the hospital?" Sophia begged as she grabbed his sleeve for dear life.

"But Ryan's side," Daniel tough, thinking of Ryan's previous orders: within two hours, even if you die, but also to bring me that woman to the office!

"Daniel, please take me to the hospital. My stomach really hurts. Please save my baby, please" Sophia covered her stomach with one hand and knelt down with tears streaming down her face as she braced her body for the last ounce of strength. No matter what, she must keep this child. It was so hard to get him to give her charity.

Daniel saw Sophia's pale face covered with cold sweat. He took a deep breath and pulled out his cell phone to call Ryan's cell phone.

As soon as the call was answered, he shouted in a panic, "Ryan, Miss Sophia suddenly has a stomachache. Can I send her to the hospital first and then send her to the office when it's stable?"

There was endless silence on the other end of the line, and Daniel shouted urgently, "Ryan, are you listening?"

"Hello, Ryan?"

"Ryan "

Daniel was about to hang up and send Sophia to the hospital, but a calm, cold voice came from the other end: "Twenty minutes! If you don't get it, don't come back!"