

After fighting all the goons in Pacoppolise both sides decided it was time the fighting stopped to settle down and live. Rather it was the afterlife or not the ghosts are now living together as one some even chose to live a new life. Took long enough for them to do so. Even though it broke Pinky's heart to see the man she wanted was with someone else there for has come to terms with it. That certain someone was Cylindria. 

This was due to the fact she at least got to be the godmother of the children who happened to be twins though it was easy to tell apart due to one having black with pink highlight and a girl twin and the body was yellow she was named Cyli. The other was a boy somewhat like his dad except with a pink body like his mom he goes by the name Leany. Pinky herself had just returned to her body just so she could be with her godchildren which was the next best thing to what she did want. but later found someone else Spiral who happens to be Pacman's friend since they were kids. though nowadays pac man goes on his own adventure to find out where his parents are on his own traveling all over Pac-world and nether to find out. Leaving Cylindria to watch the children. Though regardless she is ok with it. She lives with Spiral who is married to Pinky who has one kid, named Rupert Raspberry-pink, and a girl.

Now that the city is at peace with the nether Sir. C has retired and left his work to Leany who is as smart as his mom. The sister Cyli went on to become a police officer. There are still some ghosts and people who do not agree with how things are.

end of Pac-log (prologue)

these books are just fan made stuff do not get mad at me for not going to way to much detail just trying to keep it family friendly for this book

tina_stringercreators' thoughts