
P.A.S.A: I'm His (Jeon Jungkook)

Book 1 • Ongoing P.A.S.A. He's what people like to call a PASA, Professional Assassin Special Agent, known as "monster" by the haters. Jungkook lost his family at a young age and will do anything to get them back. Over the course of a few years, he learns that what he's been told by his own parents, who have been dead for over 10 years, are nothing but a lie. Betrayal. Redemption. Truth-seeker. Mysterious. YeonA is just an ordinary girl who has no clue that her family are way more important than she thought they were: agents, special agents to be exact. And one person, who's suppose to be the most important person, betrays her and her love: her mother. Betrayal. Acceptance. Feminist. Seeks to become an agent. Ω¤Ω ΩWARNINGΩ 18+ This story includes strong sexual content, foul language, mentions of abuse, firearms, etc. Read at your own risk. INCLUDES: BxG, BxB, and GxG.

Queen_Alyeon1 · Adolescente
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14 Chs

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[6 years later {Present/ 2017}]

YeonA's POV

"Good bye, Los Angeles!" I wave both my hands after boarding the plane with my oldest brother, Baekyun. "Are you happy to finally be going home?" I nod my head as a response and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's been what? Almost three years?" I stretch my arms and my back after sitting down besides the window. I turn to my right and just stare out, seeing as the plane still hasn't moved.

"So how was it? Did you meet any new friends?" He asks me, placing my bag at the top.

I came to America three years ago to attend performing Arts since the schools in South Korea were either too expensive or they asked too much. I only went to Korea either on holidays or for emergency - which was super rare.

So my brother, Byun Baekyun, came with me three years ago but only to get me settled before going back to Seoul. And now he came to pick me up a week ago to leave America together.

"I didn't meet any new friends, but I did earn a lot of photography and photo-shopping skills," I answer him, letting out another sigh. "Well that's good-"

"Yeah and how's Taehyung and Jimin?"

Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, is my adopted brother, and Jimin, Park Jimin, is my cousin.

"Oh you know, doing their usual things: always bickering with each other, training to become business men."

Jimin and Taehyung have always wanted to be in the business career, that's what I've been told.

"And how's Lucy and her brother?" He thinks for a moment before answering me, "they've been good too."

I'm someone who observes closely, so my conversation with my brother was definitely not normal so I know that there's something he's not telling me. But obviously, I don't feel like prying on it just yet.


I feel the sun's rays' heat burning my skin. I groan and turn the other way before feeling my blanket being jerked away. "Yah!" I sit up and pull it back before my second brother, Taehyung, pulls it away again.

"YeonA, time to get up!" Taehyung joyfully slides open the curtains, making my skin burst into flames with the radiating heat. "Yah, Taehyung! Let me sleep!"

"No YeonA, it's time to get up! If you don't move your ass in the next five seconds, I will pour all this cold water that's even filled with ice on you-"

I jerk off my bed and glare at him. "I love you too," he winks and leaves my room, closing the door right behind him. "I'm going to murder you."


I smile as I see my best friend already waiting for me by the lockers. "Lucy!" She waves her hand my way, showing me her famous eye-smile.

"Hey best friend! It's been three years since we last saw each other and I've missed you so much!" I roll my eyes at her, "why are you so dramatic? It's only been three days." We both laugh and begin gathering our things for our classes when two voices interrupt us.

"How's my favorite cousin!?" I turn around and bring the twins into a tight hug. "I missed you both," Jimin, who I mentioned earlier, has a female twin, Park Jaemin.

"We probably came too late so we'll see you after school," I nod my head wave to the twins. "The office is right there, if they ask for someone to give you a tour, just ask for me and I'll gladly give you one." I smile before she sends me off, showing me the way to the main office.


The principal, Mrs. Taelah, knocks twice before opening the door, "Professor Simmons, your new student is here." Mrs. Taelah turns to me and shows me a genuine smile, "Professor Simmons is a very friendly and amazing teacher who teaches Criminal Justice. If that's a field you'd want to go into, then he's the best to teach you."

She bows her head at the professor before leaving me alone. "You must be Byun Alyeon, right?" I clear my throat, "I prefer YeonA, and yeah."

"Very well then, YeonA, welcome to my Criminal justice class for the 2017-2018 school year here at Floreain University."

Mostly curious eyes follow my every move as I introduce myself to the whole class. "YeonA, the only empty seat is besides the boy in the leather jacket, Jeon Jungkook."