
Oz: God of Lies

In this world myths collide. In the Land of Oz, the King and Queen has long vanished. along with their daughter. Now the land is lawless, with diffrent sections ruled over by various witches. One man, known only as the Wizard, plans to reunite the country and return order. How? By claiming to be a God.

DaoistAiRx1i · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Kingdom of Stone

The King of Pumperdink was an overweight man who was quick to anger. King Pompus was used to ruling easily, any uprising ended with the rebels falling to his stone army and being dipped into the Kingdom's wall. That is why it was such a shock to him when his palace who stormed by all the people he had imprisoned in the wall.

"How dare you enter my palace! How dare you destroy my wall. You will all pay!" Despite the relative ease at which he ruled, he was no coward. He would not back down.

"Hmph, if any of you had the power to free yourselves you would have done so early. Bring me the one who did this! I'll crush them and show the rest of you your place!" At this, Oz stepped forward.

"The time of your tyrannical rule ends now!" 

"Is that so! If you all don't intend to go through with this your sentences will be instantly ended." The mob of people instantly agreed to these terms.

"Thank you King Pompus!"

"I knew you were a good King!"

"Such kindness!" Oz's eyes went wide with shock.

"What?! He stuck you all in a wall for who knows how long!" One of the various people from the crowd responded to Oz's statement.

"Eh, it was only for a few days at most. Most of us were only in there for a few hours." Oz sputtered

"Y-you all sounded like you had been stuck in there for years!"

"Ah, yes it is somewhat uncomfortable in there but it's not  that bad." Oz stared in silence before speaking again.

"What did you even do that warranted you all being trapped in stone?! Why would you want to serve under a King who would do that to you?" Everyone in the crowd watched as Pompus raised his hand.

"I will answer that question. They in some way displeased me. That is the reason. Now, tell him why you adore me."

"Of course! It's because we trust you King Pompus!"

"Yeah! He's such a wise King!"

"His armies are the only reason the Wicked Witches have not overwhelmed us!" As they sang their King's praises Oz was internally rolling his eyes.

'Why am I shocked? You can treat people as horribly as you want, and as long as they trust you they won't do anything about it. Disgusting. Truly, trust is only a weapon used by the smart to control the stupid.' Oz sighed before speaking.

"I am sorry, I was not aware of this kingdom's customs. I meant no disrespect." Pompus laughed.

"It's fine! Still, to break the wall is quite something. You're quite an interesting fellow! Who are you and what do you seek?"

"I am Oz in human form. I seek your kingdom's aid in protecting a village that was recently plagued by two giants." King Pompus began to laugh at this.

"HA! You're Oz?! HAHAHA! You are naught but a liar. I will not aid you, so-called God."

"I am Oz. I have taken human form to save this land. I don't begrudge you for your skepticism. Seems I'll have to show you my power to change your beliefs." Oz spun around his cane before pointing it at King Pompus.

"Feel free to bow when we're done!"

"A King does not bow!" The two were about to come to blows, but a young man with a sword came between them. He had on fancy clothes and looked like a younger and slimmer Pompus.

"Father, if you fight here the castle will be destroyed! If you are going to fight please do it in the arena."

"Ah, a splendid idea Pompadore! If everyone is gathered in one place they can all see my glory when I crush this fraud."

"I have no problems embarrassing this foolish King in front of his subjects!" Pompus turned his head to glare at Oz.

"You talk big, but can you back it up "God"?" Oz smirked.

"You'll see."

As Oz walked into the arena he noticed that despite the King's method of ruling everyone was cheering for him.

'Maybe drawing the ire of this place's ruler was a tad impulsive. How did a simple diplomacy trip turn into such a spectacle?' As he stood in the arena King Pompus came out to the cheers of most in attendance.

"Alright then "Oz", let's see what you're made of!" The King clapped his hands together and a grey circle appeared in front of him. Various stones and rocks were drawn into it, until it formed a Stone Guardian. This one was much different than the one Oz had encountered in front of the Kingdom Wall. It was much more human in appearance, looking like a fully armored knight. It had dual large swords, wielding one blade in each hand.


"Crush that fool!" The Knight jumped up and slammed its swords into the ground where Oz was standing. Oz swiftly jumped out of the way of the attack. The Knight continued to swing its blades, but the swings were too slow for Oz, who jumped out of the way of each swing with a cocky smile.

"I thought you wanted to see what I'm made of Pompus! All you've done is torn up this arena!" The Knight got close for another swing, but before it could bring down its blade it instead fired off a large mass of pointed stones at Oz.

Stone Missles!

The Stone Missles were much faster than the Knight's swings. Despite this upgrade in speed, it was still not enough. Oz slammed his cane on the ground and the Stone Missles lost all momentum, being suspended mid-air. He made a finger gun with his right hand and pointed it at the Knight.

"Fire." He pulled his finger back as the trigger. The Stone Missiles flew towards the Stone Knight, tearing through it instantly. It collapsed before being reduced to rubble.

"Well, you want to surrender now?" 

"We're just getting started you fraud!" As he said this he thought on what his next move should be.

'Magic Alteration. It's typically used to remove curses, but it does work on attacks that possess much less magic than the user. The liar's strong so there's no need to take things easy!" He slammed his hands together again. This time there was a circle both in front of and directly under King Pompus. The circle in front of him formed the many stones it summoned into a human-like figure holding a stone staff and wearing a stone hat.


"Simple-" Stones were surrounding King Pompus. When the process was done he was encased in stone, looking as if he was turned into stone. He was holding a large club made of stone and had a stone crown on his head.

Boulder Regalia!


"So you skipped straight to your trump cards huh? If I easily dispatch with these will you acknowledge me as Oz?" Pompos thought on this for a moment.

"Thinking on it now, there are many tales of Gods walking among humans. I can't imagine anyone easily dealing with  my power, so sure! If you could achieve such an impossible task, I'll acknowledge it. That you are Oz!" 

The fight's outcome comes Tomorrow! Also, Super Big Thanks to whoever put my story in their Collection!

Also, if you have any thoughts please comment them!

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