

In the world of the Blue Planet, where the rhythm of life continued its daily ebb and flow, an unforeseen and cataclysmic event unraveled before its inhabitants. A colossal, eye-like rupture manifested in the sky, a phenomenon now known as the Dungeons, casting a foreboding shadow as it heralded the summoning of all humankind. Within this enigmatic realm, humans were beckoned to forge their own factions amidst a myriad of races. Yet, as swiftly as they arrived, so did the monsters, thrusting chaos and havoc upon humanity. In the face of this upheaval, a dormant power surged within them, awakening the deepest desires they held within. The bestowed systems arrived in three stages, each enhancing their abilities in a unique manner. The Stage 1 system offered a normal RPG leveling experience with a 1x multiplier for stats progression. Advancing to the Stage 2 system granted a 2x multiplier for stats growth, delving into a more profound awakening that plunged the user into a deep slumber lasting anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Finally, the Stage 3 system provided a 3x multiplier for stats advancement, coupled with an even deeper awakening that led to a prolonged deep sleep of 5 to 10 years. On what seemed to be an ordinary day, while engrossed in his routine work and lost in the pages of novels, Chris found himself ensnared in the mundane yet precious activities of his family. However, as the clock continued its steady cadence, an unforeseen tragedy unfolded, plunging their lives into an unimaginable turn of events. As the very sky cracked open and unleashed a horde of malevolent monsters, a resonating sound, both deep and agonizing, reverberated through the air, overwhelming Chris with its intensity until he succumbed to unconsciousness. This marked the inception of Chris's remarkable journey, an ascent from an ordinary human to a force of power amidst a world in tumultuous transition.

YinANDYang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 3: Awakening III

"Remember," spoke a voice dripping with both malevolence and charisma. "Our only goal is the man sleeping. He must be killed. Understood?"

"Yes, sir," responded the assembled group of 50 men in unison.

"Malthorn, you are our hope. No matter the odds, you must eliminate our target swiftly. This act will shatter the Montano Clan's spirit. They have guarded this man since the dawn of the system era," continued the charismatic yet sinister figure.

"Malthorn, your unique powers as a System 2 holder make you the perfect assassin for this task. Are you capable?" questioned the leader, a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Yes, I will extinguish their hope," declared Malthorn through gritted teeth, his voice a vessel of vengeance.

The day of reckoning arrived.

Fifty individuals, had gathered for the operation.

Gathered for the operation were fifty individuals, each harnessing a unique System 1 ability, their varied powers converging with a single purpose.

"Blast them to pieces," ordered the leader with a chilling calmness.

Their gazes locked onto a majestic mansion, its form enshrouded in an enigmatic mist that seemed to cloak it in mystery. As the assailants readied themselves for the impending assault, the mansion's presence radiated an undeniable grandeur, its very essence veiled in an aura of secrecy that had shielded it from the prying eyes of the world.

Through the unyielding barrier of a window, a poignant scene unveiled itself before the assailants' eyes. Upon a bed lay a man, his form resting amidst a cocoon of familial protection as his loved ones circled him, an unwavering shield against the encroaching threat.


"Ice Age."


A torrent of devastating powers cascaded down upon the mansion, each harboring the potential to bring nations to their knees. However, as these formidable forces collided with the mansion's formidable walls, a veil of mystery was lifted. From the ether, a mysterious formation emerged, adorned with ancient runes and intricate seals. This enigmatic shield materialized, absorbing the ferocious onslaught with an almost preternatural ease.

The glass windows shattered under the relentless assault, but the mansion remained steadfast.

"Press on! Allow the chaos to engulf us, serving as a veil for his entry. Move!" The command flowed from the lips of the charismatic leader, his voice a tapestry woven with authority and determination. The plan, intricately devised, now sprung into motion, an orchestrated symphony of power and deception choreographed to breach the fortress's defenses and vanquish the slumbering prey concealed within its walls.

In the room, amidst the chaos that had erupted, Rhessan stood as a stalwart shield, protecting his family members from the tumultuous turmoil that surrounded them. Amid this maelstrom, Malthorn, bearer of the potent System 2, slipped through the commotion unnoticed. His arrival was marked by an eerie foreboding, like a shadow heralding a looming storm. He approached the bedside where Chris lay in a deep slumber, an embodiment of vulnerability amidst the upheaval.

From the depths of his storage ring, Malthorn extracted an ancient sword, a relic of unfathomable age. This blade held a singular purpose, an effect that echoed through time and space—an effect synonymous with ultimate obliteration.

With a seamless and graceful movement, Malthorn drove the blade into Chris's heart, the act swift and unerring.


The sound reverberated within the room, an agonizing echo that froze the hearts of the family members who gazed upon the scene.

"NO!!" Rhessan's anguished cry tore through the air, a raw and gut-wrenching sound that reverberated with his profound despair and unyielding defiance.

"Flash Heat!" Rhessan's distinctive ability erupted with blinding brilliance, a scorching surge of energy that engulfed the space around him. This searing burst of power transmuted matter into a molten inferno, an overwhelming force that left nothing untouched. Malthorn, trapped within its devastating embrace, experienced a harrowing transformation as his flesh, muscles, and bones succumbed to the overwhelming heat, melting away into nothingness.

Amidst the disintegration of his very form, Malthorn's chilling laughter resounded, a sinister melody that pierced the air with its haunting cadence. "Hahaha! Embrace the abyss of despair, for it shall be your ultimate demise!" His voice, dripping with malevolence, carried a taunting promise, a declaration that reverberated through the room even as his existence faded into oblivion.

Rhessan and the other family members stood frozen, their eyes locked onto the nightmarish scene that unfolded before them—an image seared into their minds. Chris lay upon the bed, the ancient sword piercing his chest, a cruel juxtaposition of vulnerability and impending doom. His life hung in the balance, teetering between the precipice of existence and the abyss of eternity.