

In the world of the Blue Planet, where the rhythm of life continued its daily ebb and flow, an unforeseen and cataclysmic event unraveled before its inhabitants. A colossal, eye-like rupture manifested in the sky, a phenomenon now known as the Dungeons, casting a foreboding shadow as it heralded the summoning of all humankind. Within this enigmatic realm, humans were beckoned to forge their own factions amidst a myriad of races. Yet, as swiftly as they arrived, so did the monsters, thrusting chaos and havoc upon humanity. In the face of this upheaval, a dormant power surged within them, awakening the deepest desires they held within. The bestowed systems arrived in three stages, each enhancing their abilities in a unique manner. The Stage 1 system offered a normal RPG leveling experience with a 1x multiplier for stats progression. Advancing to the Stage 2 system granted a 2x multiplier for stats growth, delving into a more profound awakening that plunged the user into a deep slumber lasting anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Finally, the Stage 3 system provided a 3x multiplier for stats advancement, coupled with an even deeper awakening that led to a prolonged deep sleep of 5 to 10 years. On what seemed to be an ordinary day, while engrossed in his routine work and lost in the pages of novels, Chris found himself ensnared in the mundane yet precious activities of his family. However, as the clock continued its steady cadence, an unforeseen tragedy unfolded, plunging their lives into an unimaginable turn of events. As the very sky cracked open and unleashed a horde of malevolent monsters, a resonating sound, both deep and agonizing, reverberated through the air, overwhelming Chris with its intensity until he succumbed to unconsciousness. This marked the inception of Chris's remarkable journey, an ascent from an ordinary human to a force of power amidst a world in tumultuous transition.

YinANDYang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Awakening II

10 years later.

Time seemed to stand still as Chris remained trapped within the confines of his own consciousness. Darkness enveloped him, a void of emptiness that stretched on for what felt like an eternity. The passage of time lost its meaning, leaving him suspended in an endless expanse of nothingness.

Then, as if a beacon of hope in the abyss, a brilliant flash of light pierced through the darkness. The light radiated with a mesmerizing intensity, drawing Chris's attention and stirring a glimmer of anticipation within him.

Suddenly, a series of disjointed words and phrases flashed before his inner eye:

[System Error]

[Error] [Error] [Error]

[Latent Potential reached]

[Desires have been awakened]

[10 abilities have been awakened]

[Requirements need to meet:]



[Requirements reached]

[Awakening the host]

[Error] [Error] [Error]

[Only one ability has been awakened]

[First Innate Ability: Duplication and Barrier has been awakened]

[Duplication: The power to Duplicate Everything]

[Barrier: The power of Telekinesis at the peak]

[Awakening the host now]

Chris's mind raced as these cryptic messages danced before him. Latent potential? Desires awakened? Abilities? The enigmatic words wove a tapestry of confusion within his consciousness, leaving more questions than answers in their wake.

And then, as if a switch had been flipped, a surge of energy coursed through Chris's being. It was as if every fiber of his being was awakening, stretching and reaching for a power he had never known before. A sensation akin to electricity crackled beneath his skin, igniting his senses.

A wave of realization washed over him – he was changing, evolving, and becoming something more. It was as if the universe itself had recognized the potential within him and was responding in kind.

The words "Duplication" and "Barrier" echoed within his mind, like the distant hum of a melody he couldn't quite place. Each word held a promise of newfound abilities, a glimpse into a realm of power that beckoned him forward.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the brilliant light began to fade, leaving Chris once again in the embrace of darkness. Yet, this time, the darkness held a different quality – it was alive with potential, brimming with the spark of his awakened abilities.

As the light receded, a renewed sense of purpose filled Chris's consciousness. His journey had only just begun, but he was determined to uncover the truth behind these newfound powers and the mysterious awakening that had brought them to light.

Back in the hospital room of the Montano Clan, Chris's lifeless body lay on the bed, connected to IV drips that sustained him. Unbeknownst to his family, a transformation was underway within his consciousness – a transformation that would shape his destiny and lead him on a path of discovery and power that he could never have imagined.


In the dimly lit hospital room, Chris lay motionless on the bed, connected to IV drips that seemed to be his only link to the world around him. His family members circled the bed, their faces etched with concern and frustration.

His mother, her eyes marked by the passage of time and countless sleepless nights, spoke with a mix of despair and determination. "We've tried everything we could, even sought the help of a System 2 Healer User. Yet, we're still left in the dark about Chris's condition."

Frustration tinged her voice as she continued, "A System 2 Healer User can mend planets and heal star systems, yet they couldn't find the source of Chris's ailment. It's as if his condition defies all logic."

Rhessan, Chris's third oldest brother, cast a pensive look at the hospital bed. His voice was tinged with a mix of concern and resolution. "That's why I have to go. My power as a System 2 Traveller could help me traverse realms until I find a solution for Chris."

However, their father interjected firmly, his worry evident in his furrowed brow. "It's too dangerous. We can't afford to lose our strongest combatant, especially with the threats we face from enemies and rival races."

Randeil, the eldest brother whose anime system granted him unique abilities, chimed in with agreement. "He's right. You're our highest-ranking System 2 fighter. Our clan's safety is paramount."

Yet, as their words hung in the air, a sudden explosion shattered the fragile peace. Glass shattered, the room reverberated with a deafening boom, and an overwhelming surge of power surged through their surroundings.

Rhessan's eyes widened as a shockwave coursed through him, his body reacting instinctively to the threat. "No... they found us!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of anger and disbelief.

With a swift, practiced motion, Rhessan's hands rose in a graceful arc, his fingers tracing intricate patterns in the air. In response to his movements, a translucent barrier materialized, its ethereal surface shimmering with a protective glow. The barrier enveloped his family, cocooning them in a shield of shimmering energy that defied the imminent threat.

The room trembled, the tension palpable, as the family stood united against the looming threat. The hospital room, once a haven of hope, had transformed into a battleground where their resilience and unity would be tested like never before.

His concentration was unwavering, each thought and intention translating seamlessly into the barrier's movements. It was as if the barrier was an extension of himself, an embodiment of his power and resolve to safeguard his loved ones from harm.

The room trembled with the force of the impact that had breached their haven. Yet, Rhessan stood resolute, his gaze steady as he surveyed the unfolding chaos beyond the barrier. He could feel the strain of the external assault against the barrier's defenses, but he met each onslaught with a calm determination.

As the attackers' efforts intensified, the barrier responded in kind, its protective field rippling with a renewed surge of energy. Rhessan's brow furrowed slightly, his focus deepening as he channeled his powers into reinforcing the barrier's strength.

With ease that belied the magnitude of the threat, Rhessan's barrier held firm against the assault. The attackers' attempts to breach the protective shield seemed almost futile, as if they were pitted against an insurmountable force of nature.

Inside the barrier's protective embrace, the Montano Clan watched in awe and relief as Rhessan's abilities manifested in full display. His power radiated with an air of confidence, a testament to his unwavering dedication to their safety.

The clash of forces continued, a battle of wills and strength that unfolded on both sides of the barrier. Yet, as the minutes stretched into what felt like eternity, it became increasingly evident that Rhessan's power was prevailing, his barrier holding steadfast against the unrelenting assault.

With a final, resounding impact, the attackers' efforts seemed to dissipate, their power waning as if conceding defeat. The room fell into a tense silence, broken only by the soft, rhythmic hum of the barrier that still enveloped the family.

Rhessan's shoulders relaxed slightly as he lowered his hands, the barrier gradually dissipating into thin air. As the shimmering energy faded, he turned to his family with a reassuring smile, a mixture of exhaustion and triumph in his eyes.

"We're safe now," he said, his voice carrying the weight of the battle they had just endured. "But we can't let our guard down. Whatever threat this was, it won't be the last. We need to stay vigilant and prepared."

His family nodded in agreement, their expressions a mixture of gratitude and determination. The hospital room, once a place of vulnerability, had become a testament to their unity and strength. And at its center stood Rhessan, a beacon of protection and power, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.