

How far would one go when faced with an exact match in power and hope. What makes one best stand out from the others. Soon everybody would experience the most disastrous fight the world has ever seen, a clash between love and hatred, they called it the battle of will.

When it came down to power alone, the military had already lost the war, even worse, the scorpion underground had by himself the whole battle field at his mercy. His unpredictable movements, and power was more than a problem to the army, there was no way to know where he would pop out next. His incredible size and strength allowed him to take out chains of vehicles, which got even the brilliant Isabella anxious, so she decided to resort to the most horrible war strategy, one designed especially for a massacre. It was time the military to play their trump card, or else they may never get another chance. She told every jet to gather aver the clouds, where they couldn't be seen, or struck easily. After they all assembled as she ordered, she made a call to all survivors on land '' all unit on land do you copy? '' '' it's time for plan B. start Genocide. '' she said, '' roger '' the yelled. A moment later every surviving soldier, dropped a cluster bomb from the tank, then locked themselves inside while they exploded. So many clusters were dropped, even from the wounded soldiers. Although Overwhelm holder could regenerate their damaged parts, it was not as fast as they were ripped apart by the cluster bombs. While they lost their body parts from the exploding bombs, the soldier hid inside the tanks, where the explosive could not get them, they were protected.

While they suffered from the abuse the land army, the air force moved to deliver the final step of Genocide, which began as soon as she gave the order. '' alright boys! Make it rain. '' she said. Still hidden in the clouds, they all unleashed missiles at the same time. Dodging them was out question, seen as some had their legs reaped off. Even for the ones who were not severely hurt, evading the missiles would prove very difficult due to continuous explosions from the cluster bombs, so all they could do was watch as they were wiped out. That is why it was called Genocide, a plan designed render any army, regardless of its power helpless as stared death in the face with no way they could run.

One strike was to enough to knock them out. Even though some had survived, they were too weak to fight. All the lower ranks were down for the count, it was time concentrate the remaining generals. The more time one spent fighting them, the more they realized that they didn't need an army, the army needed them.

Even after that big victory over the lower rank, Isabella remained cautious of the diving one, and had been studying him ever since. She knew that he was going to show up eventually, so waited for him like an eagle in the sky with her friends by her side, they flew around in a circle. She told her squad that she only needed one shot at it, and she wouldn't let got until it was dead. Despite the obvious difference in power and size, the soldiers did not underestimate her, instead, they went along with her plan without question. They believed in her even when the odes were clearly against her, and did not hesitate to put their lives on the line to bring close to the beast safely. They knew that the beast responded to any of their vibrations, which is how he was able to tell their where about even when he wasn't looking, or was underground, so one soldier used himself as a bate to bring him out of hiding. He had one the fast cars, and was excellent driver. He started the car, and headed out of the city. As predicted, the beast went after him, and so did Isabella, she flew low enough land good shots on the beast, however he could sense that it was a trap, and did not reveal himself to the surface instead he tried to turn him over by passing under the car, but he changed directions every time, so the beast jumped out of the ground to attack the car from above. The soldier did not want to go down without a fight, so at the last minute, he took out a gun and shot at him, however it was not enough to save himself. The beast struck the car, and blew it up with him inside ,and still went back underground which might have seemed like their effort to bring him to the surface was futile, until a red dot appeared on their GPS, and it was moving unpredictably. It turned out that the gun he used on the beast, shot out a tracker instead of a bullet, which gave them a better chance of striking him even when he didn't show up the surface. When Isabella saw the tracker indicating on the screen, she did not seem surprise, she knew what her soldiers were capable of when they felt cornered. What surprised her was that she failed to realize it until it appeared on the screen, because deep down she knew that each and every one of them would have done anything for the nation '' son of a gun! He shot him with a tracker. '' she said smiling. '' I knew he couldn't have gone out so easily unless he did it on purpose.'' Fin said. He was the soldier who spoke to Isabella the most during the fight, or any other fight. He was the only one who came close to catching up with her suicidal speed, even though he always knew that it would kill him some day. '' so what's the plan now, vulture? '' he said, '' do you think, you can risk your life in battle one more time? '' Isabella asked, '' it depends. '' Fin replied, '' how about a kiss on the cheek? '' she said, '' you gonna have to go a lot deeper than that mam. '' he replied, '' name your price than. '' she said. He smirked and stopped the conversation there. He asked her what she needed him to do, and she smiled, while focus on the battle field. She said that she needed him to intercept the beast, without using the missiles because they probably wouldn't leave a scratch on him, and they couldn't afford to mess up that chance. '' if he goes back underground, we're finished, we only gonna have one shot at this'' '' you up for it? '' she said to Fin, '' Ready when you are. '' Fin replied with fire in his eyes, however to pull that off they would need another bate, but nobody was ready to take that risk, so Julia offered to do it. Steve tried to talk her out of it but she would listen to him, instead she called him a coward and said that he should have been the one doing it. The scariest part of that plan was the fact that she have to go out of the tank, to find a faster vehicle, with which she would draw out the monster, but the question remained, what if he sensed her while she was searching for a car, but she did it anyway. She got out as slow as she could, without making a single sound. When she looked around, she saw whole world corpses, humans and monsters all together, not knowing whether they were truly dead. Chances were, she would step on a still breathing monster, and he would smash her right away, or he would make a noise loud enough to draw out the beast. With all these options in her mind, she could not risk being reckless, so she took deep breaths while she looked around, hoping to find a car that was not so many bodies away from her. She imagined that if something was to happen to her out there, even Royer could not have been able to reach her in time, in order to save her because he too was corps away her even if she could see him clear as day on her left hand side.

He too was fighting a battle of own, and it didn't seem very easy. He was up against a wild animal. His name was pride, and so was the nature of his emotions. He was one who would not stop fighting no matter what until one was dead, especially when he held a grudge, and he did one when Royer killed his friend right before his eyes. He swore to avenge him with tears of rage in his eyes, as he looked at the murderer with killing intent, but even with all that anger Royer was not exactly an easy prey seeing as he was able to unlock another part of his true power. Turns out that when he threw the pole at the alligator, it froze into an ice spear with his hand printed on the spot he was holding, and he switched places with Pride from the roof top, he was starting to understand the way his powers worked. He remembered that was able to kill the mantis with his own arm that was turned into ice, and that ice seemed unbreakable. Also he was able to knock out so many monsters using a vehicle door, which according to Rick was only possible because he was the one holding that door, so he came to the conclusion that his powers allowed him to weaponize whatever he touched. Even more, when he marked his weapon with any part of his body, he was drawn to that weapon. He could either go to it, or bring it to him in a form teleportation, which is how he was able to switch places with Pride without actually dodging him.

When it came to fighting abilities, Royer clearly had the upper hand, however the opponent that he was facing had a different view of the idea, and the way he fought proved that they evenly matched. Just like a wild animal, he senses were on another level, and his speed was no laughing matter. He had the speed of cheetah, and the strength of a lion. When realized that, that spear was more that it seemed, he jumped off of the roof, and stood just in front of the mention staring at Royer. Royer could not risk being taken by surprise, so he stared back at him, however he came to learn that, it did not matter whether or not you had eyes on him, Pride was very fast, he would anyone at any time. If it was not for his heightened senses, Royer would have died many times over in that fight. Even though he was stare him directly in the eyes, he could not see him coming, the next thing saw was sparks lit from his clause hitting that spear. He blocked the lion's punch, but didn't know how, and attacks were only just get more violent. He struck from every angle, with an increasing speed and precision, not giving Royer the time to fight back, so he understood that if he was to land any strike on Pride, he had to make an opportunity and not wait for it. He started to attack every time he blocked an punch, however the time it took him to swing that spear left him open to Pride's attacks as he could change directions very quickly, so whenever Royer blocked his strike, all he had to do was dodge Royer's spear, the strike him while he swung it. After receiving so many wounds from Pride, he got smarter, and decided to use his body even when it appeared vulnerable. In order to do that he span his spear like a fan while he rotated on one place, both to the left and to the right, depending on where he thought Pride was to pop out from. His first go at this new method of fighting was quite successful, because the beast had grown accustomed to the loop and did not expect a sudden a change in strategy, so he attacked the same way, hitting the spear with his clause has Royer span it to the right and left, then he turned around going back ward, while he span it above his head leaving his body exposed, so Pride saw an opening and went for it with his clause aimed at Royer's rib cage, but was repelled with a powerful kick to the right cheek that came out unseen due to rotation. As he fell, Royer stopped his rotation by swinging the spear down using his left hand, aiming for his neck, but he was one lucky monster. Actually the kick was way too strong, a result, it tossed him too far for the spear to hit his neck, so instead it scratched his left cheek.

After missing that chance, Royer knew that it wouldn't present itself again anytime soon. It was written wide in his eyes, Pride was not the type make the same mistake twice. Just like that, things got a turn for the worse. When he rubbed his thumb on his cheek and saw blood, he felt threatened. Every time an Overwhelm holder felt threatened, their true power awoke, so it did. He looked at Royer, and roared, then all the spots on his body along with his eyes started to glow in form of fire, and his were bright red. Looking at him, Royer could tell that one wrong move from him, he was a dead man. He was a general with the presence of demon, just being close to him one could already be defeated. For the first in life, Royer was not excited to keep fighting, he could sense death nearby.

When he charged at him the ground beneath his feet reaped from the force of speed. Royer knew right away that couldn't for much longer, because he would catch up eventually, so he went on offense too. Before he could reach him, Royer shot his spear to the sky, and as it went up, the hand printed on it started to glow. A second later he was up there holding it, so Pride ended up punching the air, but when he Royer he saw shooting the spear at him, showing that he was not running. He jumped on one side in order to evade it, but when it hit the ground Royer was already there holding, and was swinging it at Pride as he approached him however he dodged and struck him instead. Getting consecutive punches from Pride in that form, would be fatal even for some as strong as Principe Royer, so he shot his spear at him whenever he got the chance, and when Pride dodged it, he would trigger his teleportation and hit him from the direction of the already dodge spear. It took more than ten strikes before he was able to predict his movements. When predicted right, he grabbed him by his neck, and pressed it hard to chock him to death. He got so weak that he dropped his spear to the ground, as his eyes to close and his head changed colour.

When Julia finally found car and got in safely, she whispered on the radio that she was in '' alright girl, draw him out, we're above you. '' Isabella said, but when she looked up there was no jet in the sky ''you better be. '' she whispered to herself, and started the car. The moment it made noise, the beast was on to her, and moving at increasing speed. As he chased her, the tracker started to move showing the air force the direction he was going in. even though he did not reveal himself on the surface they could see his location every time. When he got close to the car, Isabella said to Julia that whatever she did she shouldn't let him turn her upside down. She asked she was supposed to ensure that, Isabella said to dodge him while keeping same path. They needed the beast to jump out so that they could make their big move on him. Although they could not be seen in the sky they were following them very closely. As soon as Isabella noticed that tracker was moving even faster, she warned Julia that he was about to jump '' now what? '' Julia asked very attentively. She told her to drive extremely fast in contraction to the arm he planned to strike with, in other word' go left, if his was striking with right, and go right if he was striking with left'. ''but you need to be at least three meters away from him, when we go in, or you'll be caught in the blast. '' Isabella said, '' got it. '' Julia replied. she was confident that she could do it because she had to if it meant surviving, so as soon as he jumped out she drove left with the highest speed that car could offer, and was able to push away from him while he was in the air. When the beast was high enough from the ground, holding his right arm to deliver a blow, a jet speed passed right under that arm heading in the opposite direction, and cutting it down as it passed by flying into it with the right wing vertically aimed straight at the bicep, just below the shoulder. It was Fin, and that was the suicide mission assigned to him by Isabella few minutes ago, to fly straight into certain death. He managed to chop off the beast's arm, as a result he reaped off the left wing by tearing through the floor as he struck him because the beast was not that far from the ground. He lost control the plain right away, but due to the speed travelled with, it continued moving ahead by rubbing itself in the ground ,and like most humans he did not make out alive, but on his way to death he knocked Pride in the back, dragging him along and together the crushed into a tank, and blew up.

As soon as his arm was chopped off, and was still I the air, Isabella shot a missile on his back. She believed that as a human when the heart stopped working it meant death. She opened fire on his back afterward, hopping to worsen the little wound that was caused by the missile. When he fell down, he could not dive back under ground, because he needed both arms to so, however he continued to struggle with his left arm as moved forward. When the beast began to weaken up, and those shots dug deeper into his muscles, he turned around and went back into the hole that he dug before. Regardless of that she could still track his every movement, so that didn't change, from her perspective, because he did not dive very far from the surface, which meant that the bullets could still reach him, however in order to they were powerful enough she flew the vulture just above him, so close that she raised dust from the ground due the wind blown by the vulture. As she shot at him, she got carried away and carelessly close to him. Which was a strategy played by the beast, pretending to be too weak to move until she was no longer afraid to approach him, and it worked perfectly. When she got in range for his attacks, he struck the jet with all three tails piercing through it with the scorpion clause. It turned out that his tail could split into three, which rendered her incapable to move. The second that felt trapped, she pressed the emergency escape bottom, and shot out of the jet, however she fell the pit that he was in, just few meters away from the beast. When he saw her in there, he knew that she helpless, because in the normal world there was nothing she could do against a monster like that, in a one on one fight. He reaped the jet apart and it blew up, then charged at her brutally while he screamed with rage. To him she was just too scared to move, but to her it was a well calculated strategy. When was close enough she pull off a chain of grenades from her waist, and threw them in his mouth. They exploded by triggering each other, destroying him from the inside and killing him as a result. He fell right in front of her, and back was opened from the whole spinal cord.

When got out of the hole, Royer was so relieved that she was alive because he thought that she could not make it, and she thought so too. she smiled at him, thinking that the battle was over, and he smiled back, but his smile was cut short when he saw Pride behind her, silently aiming his clause at her neck '' no! '' he yelled, stick out his hand toward her, but he was very far to do anything, so he thought, however when he yelled, the spear rose from the ground and went through her to get to Pride, leaving her unharmed. A phenomenon that even he did not understand, it happened completely out of his control. The reality was that when he yelled, he triggered his emotions, unknowingly calling out to his spear, and it followed his instinct, Kill him not her, which is why it took him even though it was charging right into her heart. It turned out that it skipped her, and teleported behind her, then stabbed him in the heart and went all the way to the back, blasting him into a tank and sticking him there. She ran to Royer immediately and hugged him with force while resting her head gently on his chest. She was sure that she saw it going through, and was confused as to how she was still alive. After watching her, almost getting killed, the remaining aircrafts flew in circle above their heads in the sky, to watch over them in case something else came up. '' it's finally over.'' Isabella said, but Pride laughed at her, telling her she was crazy if she thought so '' there is one more left, a five star general. He is far more powerful than any one of us, he is the closest thing the big five, and he has been watching you the whole time. He said. He pointed ahead and said that he was in that direction, and suggested that they ran in other way if they valued their lives, but Royer ignored him, saying that he was talking nonsense because he was on verge of death. They did not see him anywhere, so they assumed that it was a lie, because there was nowhere to hide. As they flew around in the sky, the soldiers noticed something moving on the ground and it enormous. It was right in front of Isabella and Royer, at a distance that they did not reach during their fights. '' mam! Something is moving. '' a soldier said, '' what! '' she asked with confusion, '' something is moving, and it's huge. '' he said. she asked it looked like, he said that it was like a butterfly camouflaged as it surrounding. She asked how big, he said that one wing was bigger than the white house '' what! How aren't we able to see something like that? '' she said, but when she focused her attention in the right direction, she saw it too. The upper surface of his wings had the ability to camouflage, and the lower surface was bright blue, gorgeously decorated with colourful figures, and countless diamonds of different sizes which glowed like fireworks.

He was the one who sheltered them during the battles, which is why it appeared as though they were coming out of nothing. He was of normal body height, just the same Royer, but with gigantic wings. They called Fairy man, and he was every bit the danger that Pride had described him to be, and would soon face them with true incomprehension. The sight of him was Godly, he looked like some kind of majestic creature. He stood there looking at them, and he seemed open to any attack, except he didn't who attacked him first, but someone had to make a move, so Steve did. He show up out of nowhere, and shot him in the face with a rocket launcher. When it hit him, the young soldier so excited, feeling proud of himself. He turned around immediately and looked at his superiors while he smile ''I got him! '' he yelled, and they smile back. When the fire went out and the smoke vanished, the beast was still standing without even a scratch on him. As they yelled to warn Steve, telling him to look back, his head exploded into blood, and they watched hopelessly as he fell to his knees and laid dead on the ground. '' Steve! ''Julia yelled, she sat in a car just steps from Steve's corps. Isabella and Royer could not understand what just happened, so stared his dead body, wowed and confused. The beast made one step forward, and air force opened fire at him without even waiting for the order to shoot. He covered himself with his wings, and allowed them to shoot out all their bullets reserves. His wings created sparks when the hit by bullets, because they covered in diamonds. When they stopped shooting, the place was quiet for a while, then he spread wings open violently, sweeping off everything miles away from him due to massive wind pressure that they caused. Even jets were affected by it, and lost control as a result. Julia had to get out right away and laid down before it was lifted. Royer and Isabella did the same, to avoid getting hit by flying vehicles, and covered their eyes to avoid being blinded by dust. '' you should have run when I told you to, now your demise is inevitable. '' Pride said. a second after, what happened to Steve, happened to everyone else in the jets and they dropped down like sick birds. Watching as they fell Isabella lost all hope of winning, and shared her despair with her lover. '' I think he might be Right, no matter how hard I think I can't see a way we can win this fight. '' she said, '' then don't think. '' Royer replied. he called out to his spear and it went into his right hand, then he moved her aside as he threw the spear at the monster. Before it got very far, he teleported to it and shot it for the second time with maximum strength. It travelled way faster than a bullet, but the beast caught it just before it touched his eye ball, he did not even blink. He squeezed it so hard that it broke in two pieces, and he it with no effort at all.

Inside the white house, Guion listened to their ideals without interrupting, without questioning. Every word that he heard from Julius's mouth confirmed that he had a serious problem with humanity, and he was not ready to stop at any cost. His hatred might have been justified, but he was willing to take it way too far just to prove the point that humans were the true monsters, and he a good argument on his part, but so did Guion beside, it is very hard to agree with someone when they are trying to destroy especially if they were right. Julius tried to convince him regardless, to choose his side, as he believed that they were brothers by nature. He even gave him an option to choose, from which the honest answer could only mean that he was either monster or hero, a mind game that played with one's consciousness, it was a strategy to make him vulnerable emotionally by inflecting guilty and fear within him. He told him an Overwhelm holder gained more power from the hardship that they endured, as the Blind Julius assumed that after fighting Fear, Guion understood his pain. Being the stronger ones, he told Guion that he could only imagine what they went through '' the pain you feel is nothing compared to the hatred that defines me, we have suffered worse. '' he said. Julius was not in favour of so many things that happened in the world in fact he disagreed with the very order of things and believed whole heartedly that it was his duty to do something about it. '' they say that God gave us above all animals, the ability to choose, then came this thing called destiny, an element that we cannot control, a catch that ensures that your choice no matter how noble disappoints you in the end. '' he said. he believed that fate existed because people needed experience failure, in order to learn the undeniable reality that if they were to succeed they had to work together, to support one another, however those laws only enforced the idea that humanity is frail, that it needed affection from the ones that they love. '' as long as people they are bound to choose someone else over you, which is why we will create a world in which it wouldn't who you choose, a world where we are not killed for being us. '' he said, then posed for a second waiting for Guion to reply, hoping that he would show interest in their cause, but he remained silent. '' I know what you are thinking. We are monsters, we killed some of yours, but what about ours?'' '' what about what we have lost? The monster you killed was the hero who saved your entire kind so many years ago, he was our brother, so I am gonna ask you to choose your words very carefully this time.'' ''are you hero or monster? '' Julius said. They waited patiently for his answer, and this time he spoke, looking at them straight in the eyes with no sign of fear, or discomfort. '' that is the most childish thing I have ever heard. '' he said. he mocked him, saying that he swore vengeance on people just because they did not know existed, then blamed him of having murdered countless innocents, all in the name of justice '' said you felt the most pain, I sympathize with that, but guess what, Annika isn't coming back, the world is a mess, the president under arrest. It does not matter how much pain you are in, you do have the upset the order of things. '' he said. he said nature did not give people what they could not handle, so if he was complaining then then he was not as strong as he said he was. '' be it that vengeance is justice, I will be the judge of that so here is my judgment, you let me kill you now before you do something you will regret. '' he said, '' take him. '' Julius, and his two allies rose from table immediately, but before they could act, Guion struck the table with both fists, summoning numerous sharp bones that rose from the floor, went through the table and pushed them all out of the president's office by busting a hole through the wall. He sent them all flying in twist across the wind, but as one would expect from the big five, they landed on their feet, and the holes that were punched in their stomach by those bones were already closing up.

It was time for the battle of will, this question lingered in people's minds for centuries, and soon it would be answered. Between hatred and love which will prevail. Their tension was already affecting the air in the atmosphere. Although they were recovering fast, those wounds triggered the Rage within Fury, and just like that the beast was awakened. Her hair turned into a scorching red blame, her body was taller, covered with the scales of a dragon, and her back had a chain of volcanic mountains that released steam the angrier she got. Her eye were red, her teeth were sharp, and her clause too.

. After enduring so much pain as he had, that attack was not enough to wake pain, so in order to speed up the transformation, Michael pulled a sharp gold stake from his big jacket by hooking his finger in the ring that was on the other side of the stake. He span it to have the slime sharp end facing upward, then stabbed himself in the palm of his left hand. The moment that the stake pierced his hand, a dark cloud formed in the sky from where he stood, and nearly covered the whole nation, before he even assumed his transformation. Thunders and lightning covered the sky, and monstrous storm covered the city. Everybody else seemed to be bothered by it, but the big five acted like it was normal to them, they were not affected one bit.

After all her clothes burnt from her on body heat, her feet were covered in dragon scales too, and Guion had left the president's office to join them on the ground outside, she attacked him with an explosive power and speed, but he would allow her to get very close. He place his right hand on the ground, and a chain of sharp bones stuck out of the ground, and grew toward her, however she countered them by holding the ground on her side, summoning a lack of hot magma of the same magnitude and speed as the bones, however when they met the bones were incinerated instantly as they sank along with the earth in that spot. Watching his nearly unbreakable weapons corrode so easily, Guion couldn't let those flames touch him, because his Overwhelm instincts strongly advised against it, but the magma continued to spread toward him, so he jumped very to make a long flip and land behind her where there was no magma. When his feet left the ground, she released the floor and shot a massive dragon flame at him using right hand. As soon as he saw the flame, he changed his mind and made a front twisting flip, exposing his head to her while he transformed into the Blind one. When the flame reached him, it touched his impenetrable skull leaving the rest of the body unharmed, which made fury mad, so she swung her hand to follow him until he land. When he landed, Michael was right behind him, however he had not completed his transformation yet, so he was not as fast. Guion took advantage of that, and struck him with his tail, sending far enough so that he could deal with Rage without Pain's interference. Doing that made him move his head from the flame allowing it to touch some other parts beside the skull, as a result, it blasted him back with so much power that he rolled on the ground as he was pushed. He managed to get back on his feet as soon as possible, but she was already up in the air coming for another assault. Since she had no control over her body in the air, it was quite a reckless move considering that they had just started the fight and Guion was not exhausted enough to miss such an opportunity, so when he raised his head and saw her coming, he punched the floor with his right hand and a pile of giant bones stuck out of the ground like trees that grew so fast toward her, leaving her no other choose but to waste her attack on them in order to defend herself. She simply touched a small tip of the bones, and they all turned to hashes like a piece of paper that was lit on one side. Her destructive heat spread insanely fast, with just a simply touch a person would be turned to hash. Guion learnt that the hard way after allowing those flames to touch him once, especially since they only touched his left limbs. Despite his superior instant regeneration, he was burnt beyond recognition, which took allot longer to heal compared to his usual healing speed. That proved how deadly she was, so giving her time to prepare for another attack would be very careless, so the second she destroyed the bones, Guion jumped to her and held her on the belly with his right hand, pushing his clause inside. He threw her back inside the white, through the same hole that he punched in the wall and she knock down the door behind which Rick was waiting as she fell. She fell on her stomach, and Rick was just behind the door. When he rose to her knees, he saw a pair of military boots next to her, on the left side and they were very close to her, so she raised her head to look at the face and realized that she actually at gun point. He held his revolver right on her head, and without saying a word he pulled the trigger. The bullet could not penetrate her dragon scales, instead it bounced right back and fell to the ground. He knew that it was not going to kill her, but infuriate her because he was well aware of her anger issues thanks to his investigations on Overwhelm. To make it worse he acted as though he did not know that the bullet was going to hit her on the forehead '' woops! '' he said. she bit her teeth, looking at him and the flame on top of her head grew bigger. With that, his first plan was a success, which left him with the most difficult if impossible task to accomplish, defeating one of the five in a one on one combat '' shit! '' he yelled, and ran away. She shot fire at him, but he hid by going inside the nearest room.

When Michael got back up, Guion told him that he was not there to fight him, and Michael stopped for a moment '' you seem to think you're in a position to negotiate, your ignorance is aggravating. '' he said. while he recovered from the burns from Rage, Guion laid down his guard to show him that was not a threat to him '' I know you're angry, I am too '' he said, '' that is no reason I shouldn't kill you where you stand. '' Michael replied, '' my fight is with him, he has created cycle of hatred that must be stopped at any cost, don't make this about you, you and I are brothers by nature. '' Guion said, '' you killed Fear, you are not my brother. '' Michael replied, '' you think killing me well bring you piece, I though the same when I killed, and I ensure you there is satisfaction in it. '' '' I do not plan to lose someone else because of something so pointless, I am the rightful king of overwhelm, but I am also a human, that is why I cannot pick a side. '' Guion said. he later told him that of greatest qualities of being human is that they could share their pain, because a human heart was not designed to withstand as much stress as they though, the real human will kill themselves over the most ridiculous of things, yet some seemed to cope just fine '' that is because we human have one remedy for depression that works like magic, a shoulder to cry on. '' he said, then said that just as an antidote was manufactured from the poison, the same shoulder that gave comfort could be the source of you suffering. The wound that hurt the most was the one that was caused by the things you held most dear. Wherever there was love there was problems, and it was so from the moment of birth, because people did not love the same which is why one's death could be another's salvation. If killing was the only way forward, there would one left in the word, that is where the concept of forgive and forget took rise '' time heals all wound, so there amount of pain that cannot heal '' '' stand down now, a fight between you and I will surly end the world. You still have family, and you save them, so live, you don't have to die here thinking that your sorrow has no cure because your family can heal your pain. '' '' don't let them die so that you can feed your power. '' he said.

After listening to that, tears fell from his eyes while struggled to decide whether to attack or to buck down '' don't let him get in your mind, kill him before it is too late. '' Julius said. Michael looked at him, and said '' you heard him, this is no longer my fight. '' and began to walk toward the Guion in order to get back in the white house. '' human kind is cursed to relive the parent's mistakes, should a time ever come when they decide to us once more I will end the world, and you will watch without action, or I will kill you too. '' he said, as he left and everything went back to normal.

Meanwhile, Royer and the five star general had a little shat because engaging into their final fight. '' my name is Sionis Care, the big five's strongest general. '' he said. The five star general revealed that he had been watching Royer fight, and he saw for himself three generals falling at his hands. He would not have believed it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes '' for that, you have my eternal respect. '' he said. He pressed more on Royer's ability to attack from a distance, the ability to use space as medium in order to teleport, saying that it was an ability possessed solely by the big five, so he asked him who he was. '' Principe Royer, I am Fear. '' he said with so much confidence, but a second later he had no idea what that meant '' what the! Why do I feel like I said something weird? '' He said, ''you said you were Fear, Fear is one of the Big five. '' Isabella said. with so much regret Sionis said to Royer that under normal situation he would be taking his order, and apologized to him for the way that they were forced to meet. Hearing that, boosted Royer's confidence big time '' if what you say is true then you know you will die too?'' he said, but the beast did not think the same way, he told him that he was indeed Fear, however he was just getting to know his powers better, in that regard he was no match for him not to mention how tired he got from his earlier fights '' it's more like in the video game, I am the last standing general. '' he said, '' the final boss. '' Royer said in a lower voice. '' he is right Principe, you will need help. '' Isabella said, and walked toward him, ''no! '' Royer said, and she stopped. He said that if anyone had to do it, it was him because it made more sense that way, so he would stopped him on his own or he would die trying. He very serious about that decision, that even his girlfriend could not argue any further, but wished him good luck instead. ''thanks darling, I have a feeling I gonna need it. '' Royer replied. The both readied their attacks to strike at the same time. Royer held out his fists with fog coming, while Sionis he stood still, but levitated by beating his wings very softly and slowly.

Just as they were about to approach each other, they heard a voice coming from the white house, telling them to stop '' that's enough Sion, stop fighting your battle is over. '' he said. that voice sounded very familiar to Sionis, so he stopped immediately as a sign of respect even though it was merely the voice of a teenager. Since the beast stopped attacking, Royer stopped as well, however he could not understand why a man like Sionis would pay such a degree of respect to a kid, but when he laid eyes on Michael he could sense the undeniable superiority in his presence, and he could not speak a word due to that pressure. '' but lord Julius. '' Sionis said, trying to explain but was interrupted immediately '' Julius is out of his mind, thinking that he can take on the blind one alone and hope to win. '' Michael said, '' even so I cannot disobey him. '' Sionis said, '' so you will disobey me instead? '' Michael asked looking at him in the eye while he stood next to Pride's dying body. '' of course not '' Sionis replied, '' good, take your brothers, the dead ones, they will need proper burial, then get out of here. '' '' this place is about to become an arena for the battle of will. '' Michael said, then looked at Royer and told him that he was smart he would do the same, Royer replied saying that he couldn't just decide to end the fight and expect both part to agree. Michael pointed his finger at the entrance of the white house '' he's the reason you are here, take him. '' he said, and the president came out from where was pointing. Julia and Isabella rush to president right away, and took to a car, declaring the mission a success. As they headed to the car, Royer was not satisfied with that sense of justice and was not about to let it slide just like '' just because you released the president you think we will let you run free? '' he said. '' honestly, yes '' Michael replied, shaking his head up and down with his innocent face, making everyone but Sionis extremely angry '' you monster! '' Royer said, '' is that right? '' Michael replied. in his dying voice, Pride still strived to defend his superior '' you insignificant quaky pest, you have no who speak to. You should be on your knees for you are in the presence a God. '' he said, then, with all the strength he had had left, he raised his head to face Michael and said '' I will kill him, let me kill him. ''. Looking back at him, Michael realized that what was about to kill Pride was the ice infecting his heart, that he could not boil off with his supernatural metabolic heat due to the enormous pain that it caused him. Michael placed his right hand on Pride's wounded chest, and second later Pride was healing fast. While Pride recovered Michael looked at Royer one last time, and gave him a lesson to think about for the rest of his life as a human ''do you know why we are hated, feared and killed? '' he said, but Royer kept quiet. '' we are the accurate manifestation of humanity's most dslikable self, simply put, we are the reminder of the part of you that you so desperately seek to suppress, so you tell yourselves things that would ensure that you sleep well at night, but even then the truth still haunt you. So in order to avoid that guilt you call us monsters, pretending that you are different, but when you look deep within your heart I am sure this is what you see. '' he said, pointing at the most hideous monster that laid down around them. '' is it me or this kid is annoyingly matured. '' Royer said, '' ya! No kidding. '' Julia said. before he left Sionis worried about his brothers who were simply out cold, but alive, so he asked Michael what of them since he only ordered that the dead were carried off. Michael told him not to worry about them, then vanished into fin air. Few moment after he was gone, they started to wake up, and there were more of them than there were dead ones. They intended to resume the fight, which had Royer and the three survivors very unease seeing how much they were overwhelmed by them, however Sionis insisted that left Washington at once, saying that it was lord Pain's wish. As soon as they retreated from the idea of fighting, the three soldiers and president all took a very long breath of relief because they were suffocated from though of having to fight all those monsters all over again. In less than ten second they were all off the ground, and were heading out of the city. Most of them held on the ones who could fly, and none were left to walk because that was the fastest way out. Sionis remained behind to collect the dead bodies of his men, Royer and the other survivors watched him do it as they needed him to clear way, so that they could drive the president out of there safely.

Observing the five star general using his power to help others was one of the most wonderful things nature could offer. It was as though they had set foot into an enchanted place and came across the fairy king himself, he was beautiful. The sight of it was mesmerizing. He was no monster, rather another species of life that was much more adapted to living on earth than any other creature, a superior life form.

He levitated few meters above the ground, then spread his wings wide open. The diamonds and other precious stones on his wings started to shine very bright, and everything under that light began to levitate as well and entered inside the diamonds like spirits. After taking everyone Sionis bowed his head with his hand on his chest '' it was an honour watching you fight, the next time we meet I pray we are on the same side lord Fear. '' he said, then looked up to the sky and flew away. the beating of his wings was so strong that it created wind storm, even though he only made it once, and with that one he was able to catch up to the others. Although he was flying just below the clouds, the beating of his wings could still raise dust on the ground as they left, even the cloud were pushed apart. Royer could not take his off them, he continued to watch him fly '' shall we? Lord Fear '' Isabella said with a smirk on her face, disrupting his attention in the process, so quickly looked at her and saw that the president and Julia were already in the car except Isabella because she was holding the door open for him '' oh! Please after my lady. '' he said. she smiled and got inside leaving the open on purpose, and he closed it regardless, then rushed to the driver's seat and drove off in the same direction where the monsters went, which did not matter anymore as long as they were out of the city, but mostly it was because the tension among the big five's remaining three was getting stronger by the minute.

'' I suppose your plan has been going well until now. Let me guess you thought cutting off Rage and Pain would be a massive boost in defeating me. '' Julius said. he smirked and said that it was naïve because the four of them were raised to love each other like family, which is the reason they grew up together, however they did not depend on each other. '' I am very well capable of killing you myself. '' he said, '' say what you will, but you will still die. '' Guion replied, which made Julius very angry. Julius was not the type to give empty threats, so he transformed right away, but attacked before his transformation was complete. His beast was known even among the other monster as the devil. He was red going to dark brown in colour with two long black horns that stood vertically on his forehead. He had black sharp clause and a long thin tail that was shaped like an arrow at the end, with big dragon wings. Even in his beast form he still looked very similar to his normal self, because of beard and long hair, but his eyes were black with red pupil.

Because he attacked before his wings came out, Guion had the advantage since he was already fully transform, so he gave the first four punches. Despite the power behind those punches, Julius barely moved. When his right wing came out, he struck Guion with it, piercing his right shoulder with the claw that was on top of the wing's joint, forcing him to bend on side using the other hand to hold the wound. Doing so left his left side open, and Julius did not wait a second. He shoved his clause in his neck, using his left hand and pulled him up as he jumped to slam while rubbing him on the ground at three different places. With just one move the covered a very large place in a short period time. When he slammed him at the third spot, he immediately jumped extremely high and threw him miles away from the white house. The moment Guion bounced back form the ground and landed on his feet, Julius's second wing appeared, so he started to attack directly from the air, he touch the ground unnecessarily there on, however when he speeded toward Guion, Guion was prepared to intercept him. He held his fist in position and waited until Julius was close enough, to a range that he couldn't possibly dodge anything, then shot out one of his signature wrist bones, surprisingly, he dodged it with ease by twisting to the right. Seeing that it worked on every creature that he had previously gone against, it was pretty clear the Hate had the best control over the air medium, so he shot four more as Julius flew around him looking for an opening to strike, but he dodged them too just as easily. After dodging the fourth one he made a super strong beat downward with his wings, and shot himself to other side of the clouds then held them wide open to slow himself down. It did not take him an instant to stabilize, and when was stable he looked through the clouds as he searched for the right spot to be exactly on top of Guion. When he found it, he dove down, giving himself a boost with his wings to descend with the speed of falling star. Guion shot another bones, but with much more power and speed than the others, because he knew that it was nearly impossible to dodge it, considering how fast he was landing, not to mention the monstrous speed of the bones arrow. Turns out, Julius was intending to evade the bone, in fact Guion was being very reckless by starting off a fight, revealing his trump card from the beginning. That was proof to Julius, that he completely overlooked the obvious probability that he too could have possessed long distance attacks. As fat would have it Julius's destruction ability was far superior to Guion's, when it came to row power, and he could to give him a show off. He struck out his right hand, and the bone cracked into a million pieces, then he passed through it heading straight for Guion. He grabbed his head with the same hand, and punched him toward the floor using the power of the fall, which forced his head down while his feet were lifted form the ground. When he hit the ground, its cracks affected even the white house despite the distance between them. It created a giant wind wave that pushed vehicles away, and nearly lifting the car in which Royer transported the president'' shit! '' Royer yelled. He struggled with the wheel to the best of skills and fortunately got the car back on track '' this is unreal, I can't believe this power belongs to a human. '' Julia sais, as she held the back window, staring at the fight '' at this point, I will believe anything. '' Isabella said. Not long after Julius flew back up, holding Guion by the neck with his tail, and dragging him very high in the sky.

Inside the white house Fury blew down walls with her fire power, trying to get to Rick, but since the place was enormous with so many rooms, it was not easy. Being as rational as he was, Rick could very easily suppress his emotions, making himself impossible to track even by a high ranking Overwhelm. It might have seemed that that whole fight was one sided, it was pretty obvious who would win, however Rick was a highly intellectual person, the kind that could trick a crocodile in its own water, he knew exactly how to engage someone stronger. He knew that even if she was Rage, being human, she was bound to exhaustion somehow. He kept forcing her to use her power again and again, hopping that she got tired eventually even if he did not know how much it took to wear her out. The problem was that being human, Rage was not foolish either, so she only broke the wall that she thought was shielding him. In order to make sure that knew where to strike next, Rick spoke to her while hid, telling her that she was very hot and that weirdly enough, it was not a compliment. He used the wreckage form the explosions to make his escape at the exact same time that they were happening in order to hide his presence from her supreme senses. When she burnt down that wall, he asked her whether she was always that mad or if it was only when she was Rage, and told her that it was because she had serious anger issues. She burnt that one too, still he provoked her '' you ever had a boyfriend before? '''' probably not, but I think it's your fault because, girl you got the body. You may be scaring them away. '' he said, and she blew up that wall as well. '' I think, I am starting to get why you are so angry all the time. '' he said, and still she blew up the wall. '' you ever look at yourself in the mirror when you are in beast mode?'' ''I think that's the problem. Your face, is the problem. It's stuck in your mind and it's pissing you off, now you want kill everybody because you think we all see you the same way, well guess what, we do. '' he said, '' boo! '' she blew that one too.

Left with no way else to hid, he exposed himself behind her '' it's seems you were so desperate to see me. '' he said. when she turned around and saw his, the flame on her head burnt harder. Instead of being scared he gave her a compliment '' God! You're so hot. '' he said, still referring to the heat she exhibited, but at the same time to her gorgeous body shape. He was right in front of her with nothing but a short gun, and a knife that he had in its pouch around his left thigh, it was very obvious he would there, so she asked him why she could not sense him, but he ignored her question and asked her one instead '' do you see yourself winning this fight? '' he said, and got her confused. He did not say anything, she only changed her facial expression, and looked curious. '' I have to admit it, I feel ashamed of myself because even as smart as they say I am, no matter how hard I think I cannot see myself losing to you. '' he said. '' insolent '' Fury yelled, and shot giant flame at him using her right hand.