

They say that the impact of the truth could be devastating when left untold for so long, especially when that truth was critical to begin with. Stories of the legendary overwhelm goes way back, and from generation to generation they were known as the bad guy. No one ever wanted to hear their side of the story, they were simply discarded as monsters. All those years of suffering, more truths have been building up until they could no longer remain hidden. When those truths came to light, human kind learnt the hard way that some things are better left in the past, and that every lie that we tell, only brings us closer to the truth, especially when that truth meant to hurt someone.

This time that truth was Julius and is crew. They were no up for negotiation, they only sought vengeance in the name of justice. The sad part was that they actually believed that it was in fact justice, for that they were ready to turn the entire world to dust, if it meant that voices would be heard.

The threat to kill the president soon, got the general on urge. He told everyone to prepare for battle right after watching the video. He was afraid that he would really kill him, before they got any chance of saving him, because as watched him speak, Julius did not seem like the type to make empty threats. It was written in eyes that he meant every word, which is why they could not charge in recklessly, they were already out of time. One wrong move, they would lose both the president and the war. A fearsome battle was about to break out right inside the city. Everybody was in danger, and there was no time to evacuate them. Beside it is not like Julius was going to let it happen, he wanted everyone in the city to bare witness as he took control the nation by force. Also any attempt to save the city would be seen as forfeiting the president's life, which could not happen, because if the president was to die at their hands, people would lose hope and the soldiers would lose the will to fight, leaving the country open to be ruled by anyone. The general had no choice but to turn the whole city into a battle field '' soldiers harm yourselves, we're going in '' he said with regret, '' but sir if we open fire in the city, civilians could die or worse the whole city will be a war zone. '' Steve said. '' and what are you suggesting? '' the general inquired, '' that we evacuate the city first, the we go to war. '', '' I agree. '' the captain said, '' that's a very good plan actually, except that by the time you finish, the president will be long dead. If you want to save the city, you have to do it in less than twenty seconds. '' '' do you think you can do it? '' the general said, and everybody kept quiet because as far as any human could go, it was simply impossible to do it. '' I will do it. '' Guion said, '' What! didn't you hear what I just said?'' '' you're gonna need a miracle to that off. '' Royer said, ''Oh! Come on, if the man says he can do it then let him. Beside, it is not you have anything to lose. '' Rick said, '' you just insulted me Rick. '' Royer said, '' I wouldn't dream of it. '' Rick replied, '' how considerate of you. '' Royer said sarcastically. He then went to Guion and said that Rick believed he could do it, that he trusted him, and told him not to fail at that whatever he thought he could. Guion listened quietly. Without saying a word to him, he walked few meters away from them, leaving all of them behind his back while he faced directly at the white house. He placed his hands in front of his face, making an x with his palms facing away from him, and his elbows raised to make a perfect horizontal line, then he closed eyes. When he loosened the x by slowly drawing his hands apart, the ground began to shake, the wind gathered around him until it covered the whole city. He stopped his hands when they reached a one hundred and eighty degrees angle, then he started to lower them toward his lower body. His hair blew up ward, as the wind was coming from the ground, and the vibrations became even stronger. The wind rose to a point that it clouded him from the others. As they struggled to watch on him, having no idea what he was doing, Royer worried that he would harm the citizens instead of saving them. '' what the hell is he doing!'' he yelled at Rick, '' evacuating the city. '' Rick replied with a smile, '' this sure as a hell doesn't look like it. '' Royer said, '' may be from this angle. '' Rick replied. Royer raised his left hand to his left ear, where he wore communication wire, and yelled to one of snipers at floors '' Jimmy! Jimmy! Do you copy?'' '' what the hell is happening out there? '' he asked, '' I must be seeing things sir. '' Jimmy replied, '' what kind of things? '' Royer asked, '' it's the city, it's sinking. '' Jimmy replied, '' what? '' Royer yelled. He could not believe it, so he told him that he was indeed seeing things, however he was interrupted by four more snipers who would soon confirm that the city was in fact sinking into the ground. Few minutes later, every building, every house, every civilian around them started to sink as well. Even the asphalted roads disappeared from the face of the earth. Royer was left speechless, and so were the other soldiers. '' look at that he is actually working out miracles. '' a female officer said.

When he opened his eyes his pupils were gone, and the city sank faster, leaving only the military, their equipment, the white house and everything inside it. The snipers who were inside the buildings, found themselves standing with the ones who were already outside. The helicopters were also brought to the ground. Nothing related to the fight, was allowed to pass through to the underground new city. It was as though Washington itself had vanished from the map.

Puzzled by Guion's spectacular show of power, Royer was brought to his sense, so he began to reconsider some decisions he made in a rush. He bended his knees, and rubbed the soil in his left hand, while his troop stood behind him awaiting his command '' if this is the kind of power we will be going up against, you can forget all the crap I said about them being our citizen. '' '' shoot to kill. '' he said, without even looking them in the eye, he continued to stare at the white house with his game face on. When got back up, Rick approached him, saying that they only needed soldiers to stay alive long enough until their leader was defeated. He believed that the new leader would stop the fight, and it would all be like none of that ever happened. '' but we have to draw them out first. '' he said, '' leave that to me.'' Royer replied. Rick nodded, then together with Guion they headed for the white, but before they got far Rick turned around and called out to Royer '' Yo! Royer! '' yelled, '' talk to me kiddo. '' Royer replied, '' you on the other hand will need to hold back a bit, you're more of an animal than any of them. '' Rick said, '' I will take that as a compliment. If I live that is. '' Royer replied and turned around to face his troops '' all units In position, it's show time. '' he said, as walked toward them and stood in the middle of the many military vehicles, ordering the helicopters to take flight. As they did Rick smiled while he walked with Guion ''you will. ''he said to himself.

Being a general for so long taught Royer many things, like when a person was desperate to show their might, a simple verbal provocation was more than adequate to push them to madness. He grabbed a microphone and yelled at the top of voice '' Julius! We are done playing hide and seek, so send them out, when their ready to die. '', inside the white house, Julius smile at the sound that, as he patiently awaits the arrival of the blind one. He knew exactly what they were planning, because they were outside all along, keeping him informed of every action that they intended to take. While they waited for Julius's response, they heard a voice coming from very close by, even though there was clearly nothing around them'' but we are already here. '' it said. The soldiers had no idea how to react, because they could not see anything, so they drew out their weapons, listening carefully to their surroundings. All of the sudden they appeared out of fin air, and they were a lot closer than anyone could expect them to be, what more they were in their beast form. They had the FBI completely surrounded. Some were even standing on top of the cars, staring them straight in the eyes. The voice that they heard, it turned out that its beast stood right in front of the general, like the others it stared into his eyes with the smile of demon. He was twice the size of the general, with the shape of an enormous rat and a head that resembled an iron for clothes and skin of a human. One could see the tiny mountains along his back bone. He had a lot of sharp teeth, perfectly arranged inside his big month like those of lizard. He wore some sort of dark grey sheet around his body, it looked very old, so it seemed like fur, leaving his forearms and lower legs exposed. He had long black slippery hair, and bright green eyes that could be seen even during the day. Royer was caught off guard, and so were his troops He was caught off guard, and so were his troops. Before he could even react he was blasted back with a back slap from the monster, he only stopped because he knocked into a tree ad fell chest down. When he raised his head, he saw his team being massacred, while tried their best to fight back, to survive. It was not even tree second yet, and more than ten trucks were already in flames and countless soldiers were dead on the ground. In a very short time, the whole place was covered in smoke. He knew that they could not hold them long enough with what they had, so he made call to the military, and the military answered.

He did not sit and wait for reinforcement, instead he pushed passed his limit and forced himself to his feet, then he ran right into the field of battle despite being half broken. He charged straight at one who punched him in the gut. He was too busy smashing a car with his powerful punches that he did not him coming. When he got in range, he jumped as high as he could, going in for a punch in the face. That punch so powerful, that it pushed the beast two steps backward, however that was not the only problem. One thing wasn't normal about his jump, it was inhuman. '' I am surprised that you can even stand, I totally meant to kill with that blow. '' '' tell me are you even human. '' the beast said, '' honestly, I don't even know what is what anymore. '' Royer replied

The beast was frustrated that a human actually landed a punch that powerful on him, so tried to kill him with his next attack just to protect his pride as an overwhelm hold. He spread his long nailed fingers with extreme concentration, and struck Royer's head with insane speed, hopping to snatch it off, but the general dodged by leaning backward, then dodged few other consecutive strikes by leaning to the left and right. His movements were so swift that the beast could not afford to take him lightly, because he was without a doubt different from the rest. From the monster's perspective he was not just extraordinary, he was a threat. After dodging his clause, the beast furiously swung its huge crocodile tail at him, still he dodged it by flipping backward. The moment he his feet touched the ground, the beast was already onto him like an wild animal, trying to bite him around the stomach by launching himself head first. Royer allowed him to pass through, but sped up his fall by giving him a right hand punch in the left lower jaw, blasting him into a car and the car nearly splat in half as he stuck into it. He placed his hand on either side of the car, and pushed the apart until they separated, then he threw them at Royer one at the time, but he dodged them with a lot of ease. The beast got obsessive, and charged at him with the same ferociousness that he would show another Overwhelm, however was interrupted by two helicopters before he even got close to Royer. They shot at him simultaneously, targeting his head with great precision. Although he was not hurt, the bullets were very painful to him. They pushed him back for a short while, as he tried to protect his head by covering it with his hand, but the irritation would not end, so he decided to make them stop. He shot himself out of there when they least expected, heading straight for the helicopters with his clause held out like he was giving them an embrace. He stuck his clause in the base of the helicopter, and then ripped off the guns. With his weight down there, the helicopter lost control, and began to spin around on the same place. The pilot was a female officer who clearly did not feel like dying in that manner, so she jumped off with a parachute, leaving the helicopter to fly on its own. When got about two meters above the ground, she lanced off the strings of the parachute in order to land faster, to avoid being vulnerable in the air. When she reached the ground, she rolled head first on her back to minimize the impact of the fall, saving herself from fracture, then drew her gun instantly as she stood up.

While the helicopter span out of control, the beast continued to assault the pour engine until it began to fall. The moment he realized that the helicopter was about to fall, he jumped off to the other one, while it shot at him. He grabbed a fang, and stopped it from spinning by using just one hand, then pierced the helicopter's bullet proof body with his other hand, using his clause. He stared at the male pilot until they both fell to the ground. Even then, he was still hung on killing Royer. Despite knowing that, he stood right where he was waiting the beast to return, and when crushed with the helicopter, he was right behind him ready to resume their fight. The beast was observed him from his left hand side, and smile. He said he that he never saw a human that resilient before, which made killing him even more amusing. He grabbed the helicopter's tail with his right hand, and threw it at Royer by turning anticlockwise toward him'' now die! '' he yelled. Royer did not know how evade an helicopter that was charging at him with the speed of a tossed stone, so he froze for a second, watching as it smashed numerous people along the way, but was blocked by a tank that stopped right in front of the general, and exploded immediately.

Inside that tank was Juliana celstia the same girl who jumped from the helicopter earlier. She was a bit tall, slime body, long black hair that she closed at back of her head, with big brown eyes. She always had feelings for Royer, which is why she deliberately stopped in front of him in order to shield him from the helicopter. '' are you alright sir? '' She asked with ease, '' thank you Julia, I owe you my life. '' Royer replied, and she smiled. The beast however was not finished with him just yet, because he could still sense that the general was still alive, and that alone made him mad. Before they could react, he made a long jump and kicked his side of the tank with the bottom of his right foot, pushing the tank toward Royer. He jumped out of the way, and it hit into another tank, creating a loud noise that made him worry about her dying in there. '' Julia! Talk to me, Julia! you still with me? '' he yelled, holding his ear, losing focus in the fight which left him defenseless for a second there, as he dropped his guard out of concern for Julia. Ceasing that opportunity, the beast punched him in the stomach, and hit in the same tank that saved him, then fell on one knee while held his belly to try and fend off his pain, he heard her voice '' yes, sir. '' she said slowly. He could tell from the sound of her voice that extremely hurt, and it angered him '' you!! '' he yelled, as ran toward the beast and the beast ran toward him. They both jumped at the same time, yet it was Royer's punch that hit its target. Although he did not fall, it hurt him just the same. He tried to intimidate the General by exhibiting some sort monstrous noises, but Royer punched him on the left cheek as well, the span kicked him in the gut, sending him few steps backward. Out of desperation the beast attacked like a wounded animal, relentless punches to the left and to the right, except this time Royer did not just dodge him, instead he punched him twice for every blow that directed at him, one to block the beast's attack and the other to assault his huge body. He gave him so many punches in the stomach and the face, while the beast could not return a single one, all he could do was take it as he back over and over. Every strike he made backed fire on him, so he ran out of strategies. He could not understand why Royer's punches had such a big impact on him, because to him the general was nothing but a human being, and got sick of being dominated by one, so made what he called his best move, spinning around faster than the human eye could capture, while sticking out his tail hopping to rip off Royer's head, that too was but a waste of effort. He simple bent his knees, with his legs spread apart giving him more room for shortening his tall body. When the tail passed over his head, he jumped toward the beast, and punched him on the forehead, almost crushing him skull and the beast fell to the ground.

He followed him and sat on his belly, then continued the assault by punching him in the face repeatedly, with both hands, switching from left of right. With every strike the weight of his fists increased tremendously until he started to rival the power of an Overwhelm holder. He beat him so bad that another monster had to leave his fight to go to the beast's aid. He rushed at him very fast, but when got in range to deliver his blow, Royer ripped off a door from a hummer that laid at his left using his right hand, and knocked him in the head with it, turning his speed against him which in turn sent flying backward until he crushed into another hummer and blew it up as a result. The beast took advantage of Royer's temporary loss of focus to punch him under his chin with all the strength he had left, which broke the general's neck, leaving his head stuck looking upward. The beast almost started to celebrate his victory, however his smile was cut short by the sound the general's broken tissues reattaching themselves, as he forced his head to face the beast. Despite being a monster himself, the beast terrified by the sight of Royer's bizarre behavior, so he tried to pull himself out of his trap, but the general was not to be shaken. When he finally laid eyes on the beast, his iris shone of blood red, then slowly went back their original color, the brown. He held out his right fist, and punched him right at middle of his face, only to be surprised that effect of his new found power level. It so intense that its pushed the beast's into the ground, by half a meter, breaking his neck and nerves around the head and neck beyond repair, all while emitting the sound of a powerful explosion that came out with a shock wave that swiped off the sand around them. it was so loud that all the monsters were distracted from their opponent, allowing almost all of his comrade to escape from certain death, because the monsters all turned their attention to Royer. When he breathed in five time, and the beast was still out cold, they knew that he not coming back, that somehow there was a man beside the Blind one who could kill an Overwhelm holder with nothing but simple punches, and he was right in front of them. they saw him as a threat and attacked at the same time. The general grabbed the door next to him and rose from his knees, holding it with both hands, expecting an attack from every angle around him. The first to reach him from behind, but he already had him anticipated. He turned around in a flash and hit him with the door on the right cheek, knocking him out too. The second one came from the opposite direction, so he reversed span and struck his head as well. The next jumped toward him from the right, but he slid passed under him by spinning around on his knees, striking the next one as he stood up, then span back to hit the previous one. About fifty lower ranking Overwhelm holder charged at him continuously without giving him even a moment to breath, he knocked them all out using the door of a bullet proof hummer H eight, while his entire troop or what was left of it watched a legend coming to life.

Although there were rumours that he was a demon at close combat, they still looked at him like they had never really knew him at all, they question his nature in gossip within their mind while they stared. He did not blame them, instead he grew anxious of his power, worrying that there may be something inside of him, a will that he could not overpower. As he distrusted himself, he accidentally laid eyes on his own reflection, given out by countless burning vehicles around him. He was still holding the door on his right hand, his body covered with the blood of his enemies as he stood in a pile of sleeping monsters, struggling to catch his breath, he was afraid of what he saw.

Meanwhile Rick and Guion snuck in the white house searching for Julius following Guion's intuition as an Overwhelm. As they walked through corridors the can across two holders, whom they could already hear thanks to their military boots, it was the twins who were guarding the president'' don't help until I ask for it, I wanna test something. '' Rick said, and rushed to where the two paths met, leaving Guion behind him. The second that their eyes met, Rick jumped between them and punched the hind one in the face, when the other turned around he was tackled with sharp spin kick in the legs and fell on his knees, so the other one came in with a knockout punch but Rick moved out of the way, giving him a push on the back to enhance his power while he punched his brother instead, which made him extremely mad. He swung the same fist backward, but Rick hid behind his back and span with him, then hit him against the wall, using his right elbow while holding the fist with his left hand to provide more power to the elbow, knocking him out in the end.

With that he was able to knockout two Overwhelm holders without breaking a sweat, which Guion could not understand, knowing very well how quickly they could regenerate from any damage, before he could say something they heard the general's through their wires trying to get to them '' Rick! Rick are there? '' he said, '' I'm listening. '' Rick replied.

It was an emergency. with their numbers reduced to five field fighters and one helicopter, the general was desperate to know how he was able to put so many of them to sleep with nothing but a door. He concluded that it wasn't impossible to knock them, and that anybody could pull it off. Rick agreed with him, however told him that they would need enormous power behind their attacks, while targeting their most sensible part with absolute precision. He told him that fact that his punches had a big impact on them confirmed that he was also an Overwhelm, and the strength that came with his nature was the reason he was able to knock them out using a door. '' that what you by ' more of an animal?' '' the general asked, '' I have known for a while. '' Rick replied. He ignored his curiosity and told Rick of their situation out there, he explained to him that they were nearly wiped out, even though it seemed that their adversaries still had more to offer because they were monsters who didn't get tired easily, so he asked for an advice on the next plan of action. He suggested that the remaining soldiers individually found themselves a tank fully loaded, and target only the lowest ranking because those weapons wouldn't scratch an upper rank. '' how the hell are we supposed to tell them apart? '' the captain asked, '' upper ranks are much more brutal. '' Rick replied. He believed that it would be more effective to blast them, before they saw it coming. According to him the ability to transform was but a defence mechanism triggered by their hormones when they felt threatened, giving them the best characteristic required to survive that danger. '' so technically, their immune to anything they perceive to be dangerous. '' he said, ''great! So we are hopeless. '' the general said, '' technically, yap! '' Rick replied.

The general dropped the door, and call out for his team ''alright you heard him, get moving. '' he said, however they kept staring at him, without even blinking. He slowly got fade up of it, so he looked around acting surprise '' move! '' he yelled, '' sir! '' they replied and ran to pick their tanks, as the soldiers ran Royer witnessed something that would only make sense in movies and fantasy novels. A door way to another world, which looked like something visible coming out of the invisible. One moment there was nothing and the other, there was a monster running toward him straight from the front. It was the same one who slaughtered all those people in the conference room, only he was much more ruthless than he was in that room. He was going for him specifically, but two of the running soldiers just happened to be in his way, yet he kept going. He moved like insect, that is why his feet didn't make any sound, despite his big body. The general was the only one who saw him approaching, because it happened right before his eyes '' run!! '' he yelled, but it was too late. He watched as they were both cut in half, one by one so fast that their pieces fell at the same time, and still managed to get Royer before they hit the ground. Royer picked up the door, and tried to smack him with it then came to a quick realization that, the individual before him was completely different monster from the ones he had knocked out using that same door. When he attempted to use it on him, he sliced it in half, bumping his right shoulder into him with the same speed, as he came to a standstill. He was pushed miles away from the others. Even when he hit the ground he kept bouncing and rolling into the soil, raising a long trace of dust until scrolled back to his feet, while his right hand held the floor for more balance, yet he somehow got out without scratch on his body.

With that in mind the beast knew that the general was not just any overwhelm, that is why he was on him like shadow. He did not give him time to recuperate from any of his attacks more matter how strong. The dust hadn't even settled by a fraction, and there he was, striking him with his front limbs from left to right like a hammer striking a nail, but Royer escaped them with fast jumps in opposite directions. After he dodged the right limb, the beast went for a kick in the head and he dodged it as well by bending downward, however didn't pay attention to his long locus legs that only kicked backward, so it kicked him on the cheek giving him a small cut bellow the eye, but he remained standing, he only moved back one step to be able to withstand the massive push to his head. The beast continued to attack by giving him three quick spins using his knees while sticking out his front limbs like swords. Royer dodged it still, with a front side twist, going above the beast switching places with him. When he got down, the beast tried to reverse strike him his right front limb, but Royer saw it coming, so he stepped on the beast's head like he was killing a huge bug, forcing him to the ground, nut he put his left limb down and resisted the kick. Royer tried to go for another kick, however the kicked instead, using the right locus leg and he fell down. Using the other locus leg the beast launched himself in the air, then turned around in a sense that he would be falling on top of Royer, and stuck his right knee to crush the general's back as he lands on his spine, but he pulled himself out just in time by using his hands to lift the rest of his body and rolled right back to his feet with his back turned toward his enemy, so the beast crushed the floor instead. The second he turned around, the beast kicked him in the belly with both legs, while boosting himself with his locus legs, blasting him back to where his friends were hiding. Still he forced himself back to his feet, even though he could barely stand. His team watched him from inside the tanks and begged him to let them help, because they had never seen him in such a helpless state, but he told them to stand down '' this is nothing. '' nothing he said with a smile. He knew that he was up against their general and they would not have stood a chance of survival. The beast charged at him using only his front limbs and locus legs. That way his doubled his speed, and appeared a lot more intimidating while Royer was already at his limit and his movements were getting slower. He dodged two side attacks and one up, by leaning backward, but when he returned his body to normal, the beast raised itself with its locus legs while giving him multiple strikes on the chest from bottom of his feet using his human legs, until he fell down, then he stuck his front limbs into the general's chest right below his shoulders. The monster then flipped his body with his arms still stuck in the general's chest, lifting him up when his feet returned to the ground. He threw Royer in the middle of the tanks, where he fell inside of a burning car. The beast stuck the car, slashing it from top to bottom with Royer in it, fortunately he managed to get out in time and rested his back against a tank, however before he could even catch his breath, he was stabbed in the stomach so deep that the limb pierced through the wall of the tank, and was seen by Julius from inside. '' Royer! '' She yelled, '' general! '' the others yelled as well, as they watched him lowering head. The beast stared down at him and said '' looks like your strong will is just for show. Don't worry I will kill them next. ''

With Royer nearly dead, he tried to pull off his arm but he failed. While he freaked out, he heard Royer's hearts slowly getting stronger and began to feel increasingly cold on that arm. When took a look at it, was freezing and the ice was spreading fast, so he tried to break it, but that too wouldn't work. '' those will be the last words, you ever said to anyone. Are you okay with that? '' Royer said, '' bastard! '' the beast responded trying to stick his left arm in his neck this time. Royer bowed his head, allowing the arm to pass, then punched him on the cheek with his right hand pushing his head to his left hand side, where he grabbed it with both hand and knocked it on the tank by pulling him to the right. When him bounced from the tank, Royer punched him in the face with his right hand, breaking the monster freezing arm at the bicep by slapping it with his left hand. The monster again, used his left arm to strike Royer at the head. Royer walked under the beast's armpit and hit him with his left knee, as he passed behind the beast, forcing him to bend down around his waist. When he turned around, Royer gave in a big right punch to his left cheek and the beast was on his knee and Royer was behind him. He tried to kick him with his locus leg, but Royer grabbed it and threw him away from the tank, how the beast simply drifted sideways and his was on his feet. He ran toward the beast and jumped in or a punch, but he was repelled upward with a power full kick in the chest, from both legs by the beast, who his locus legs to push the general as high as possible, then prepared to deliver a killing blow when he fell back down, thinking that he would be defenceless as he fell. Looking at the beast from up in the sky, knowing that he was indeed vulnerable as he hung up in the air, the general remained calm and collected. Suddenly that beast didn't seem much of threat to him anymore, so he looked down him, even as he fell right in his trap.

When he was close enough, the beast bent down for a jump he wanted to intercept Royer, not allowing him to reach the ground alive, but Royer easily turned the tables on the beast. He pulled off the frozen arm from his stomach and threw it at the beast. Seeing the speed it came with, the beast had no choice but to dodge that strike, so he stuck the locus legs on the ground and pulled himself back, as it stuck in the ground. Although he threw it intentionally knowing that beast would have to dodge it, that arm surly would have splat him apart if he hadn't. He got down with his right hand placed on it, he bent his knees from the impact of the fall. When he stood up he was a different person. He gave off the same sent as the members of the big five, which terrified the beast a great deal. That was not all. He was ice cold, as white as snow with scarlet red eyes. One could see the blood running through his veins '' no way the rumours were true, he really is a vampire. '' Steve said, '' I can't believe this, he is one of them. '' the pilot said, '' no, he is one of us. '' Julia replied.

He span backward with his right foot held up high, intending to kick the beast in the head. He leaned back and dodged it, the he attacked him with left leg, still trying to hit his head, but the beast went low and back kicked in the right leg, however he stuck the frozen arm on the ground with his right hand, using it as leverage to resist the fall, so instead of falling Royer lifted his lower body using only the strength of his right arm, he rapidly kicked him on the head with the left leg then kicked him with the right leg. Since those were powerful kicks, they push the beast a step back while he returned his feet to the ground. His back faced the, and his hand still held the frozen arm. The beast attacked him from behind, yet he span low toward him and sliced both of his left legs using the frozen arm, but the beast refused to fall, so reversed twisted body horizontally in the air, gathering ventilating speed from the turning effect, then gave him a powerful right at the back of the neck and the beast fell instantly while stood. Missing two limbs did not seem be to stop him, he attacked the general with his left arm just as he laid on the ground, but Royer countered it by cutting both his left limb and his head at once, using the frozen arm. He was so quick that the head did not fall down only until much later. After he won the fight he dropped the frozen arm, and stood still looking at spot where he came from. '' do you think it over? '' Steve asked, but Royer remained quiet. With only the sound of the helicopter echoing round the whole area it began to look like the battle was actually won. A moment later they realized that the real war was only just beginning, and was a serious one.

Five of their generals emerged from the invisible. They struck at same time. Their speed and shear power were unlike any of the preceding fighters, they were on whole other level, and they were after him and him alone. To make it worse, they were hundreds of lower ranks following them behind, but Royer stood his ground waiting for them arrive '' oh! My God '' the pilot said, as watched their number endlessly increasing, he could see them better from up there.

When they were just about to reach him, a rain of bullets dropped upon them, forcing them to retreat from attacking the general as the struggled to escape the bullets. Out of relief, Royer fell to his knees as breathed heavily from all the exhaustion that he went through in such a short time. Because they did not see it coming, a lot of the lower ranks died from that attack, while the generals only suffered minor injuries from which they recovered very quickly, however that was but a mere demonstration of the true might of the military's air force, and that, wasn't even half of it. When they looked up, there was about fifty military aircrafts clouding the very sky of Washington covering the whole place under their shadow.

Meanwhile Rick and Guion finally got to their destination, the last room. Before Guion opened the door, Rick reminded him not to engage Pain no matter what, and told him that he did not send Rage in his way he would open the door and join him in the fight. Guion held the door handle and said that he still though that he should reconsider, but Rick said that it was a shame because he was the only one with a reasonable plan. Guion shook his head and turned the handle, almost pushing in the door '' you may be the strongest of the big five, but please don't charge in blindly. '' Rick said, Guion turned his head toward him and said '' what else can I do? I am the Blind one'', then walked inside the room, leaving Rick outside.

While air force was keeping the creatures busy, the land assault team closed in from every corner of the city. They too started to attack. They parked their vehicles all over the city, lined up in rows and they were countless of them. While Royer cached his breath still on his knees, a woman got out of the only land jet, and headed to him. She was lieutenant colonel, Isabella Centaurus, Royer's girlfriend and the best in war strategies. On the field she was known as vulture, people compared the effects of her bullet strikes to a scavenger's feeding style. The same way a scavenger can feed on a corps leaving nothing behind, she had a way of penetrating into any form of bullet proof shield. Other than that, she was extremely beautiful. Tall and blond, with the best female muscularity and long hair tied at the back her head, reason why she looked so professional in an ordinary military uniform. When he sensed her standing behind, he asked her what took her so long '' I said I was coming in thirty minute. '' She said, '' and!?'' Royer asked, '' and it hasn't even been twenty minute. '' '' what the hell happened here? '' She said, '' it's a long story ''Royer replied, then stood up. When looked at her she noticed that his face was a lot more white than usual. '' what the hell happened to you? '' she said, as she touched his cheeks. '' like I said, it's a long story. '' Royer replied. She grabbed his shoulder with tender touch, telling him that he could rest easy because the military was there, that they would take care of everything, so he did not have to go all out anymore, but he said not '' this is unlike any you have faced before. '' he said. He told her that for some reason he was able to kill them, and he was the only one who could do that out there. She listened to him, then said that if what he said was true, they were indeed going to need him to continue fighting, however she promised him that the military would do anything any its power to deliver them to him on a silver platter '' all you have to do is .'' she said, '' dig in. '' Royer replied. He made her promise to him that whatever happened she would not attempt to engage a general, or try to help him fight one no matter how bad things got. '' what! '' ''but why? '' she said, but he insisted that she promised him '' Isabella, promise me. Please. '' he said, '' okay! Okay, I get it, but who are the generals? '' she said. Just as she finished the sentence, an explosion occurred right behind her, but far away. She turned around instantly, and saw a hug bird like figure standing on top of two burning jets, staring right at them. ''those ones. '' Royer replied. she looked at him and told him that they needed her up there, and he told her to be careful, but before she left, he asked her if she not afraid of him. She rubbed her right hand on his bicep gently, and said '' you might be the weirdest thing I have ever seen, but God! You look hot. ''. Royer continued to stare at her, waiting for a yes!, or a no!, instead she kiss him on the lips '' I'm in love you, silly! '' she said, and walked away heading to her jet, the vulture. Before getting far from him she pointed at the helicopter in the sky while she turned her head toward him '' is he one of yours? Tell him to go home, he is getting the way. '' she said, and left. When took off, she passed right above him, he smiled '' you heard her, you're free to go. '' he said, '' copy that. '' the pilot replied, '' can I go home too? ''Steve said, '' yes sure, but you're gonna have to walk home.'' Royer replied. He opened the door, removed his head from the tank, and took a look around '' on second, I will stay. '' he said, '' Good now shut up and focus.'' Royer said.

Inside the presidential palace, Rick patiently waited for his share of fight at the door, outside the room in which Guion assumed, Julius would be found. Behind that door was four of the big five, and Julius was in fact in there. He sat on a fancy chair, with the other two on the left and right edge of the table. It was a big room, so he stood away from them, because one could never be too careful. The minute that he got inside, he could not take is eyes off Michael '' I see you've Mick. '' Julius said, and Guion looked at him too '' he told us about you as well, that a certain police officer was coming us, that his name was Guion maro, and that he was the Blind one. '' he said. Julius said that he knew that Guion was going to go to Washington to try stopping him. Julius wanted to meet the new Blind one, reason why he kept the president alive, to drag the hero him to go and save the day '' and it looks like I was right. '' he said, but Guion remained silent. '' this whole talk is starting to irritate me, I say we kill him now before I lose my mind. '' Fury said, while staring at Guion with disgust in her eye for him, she gave the ' I hate you' vibe. '' careful Fury, he is one of us. '' Julius said, '' and yet, he killed Fear. That proves otherwise. '' Michael said. Julius suggested that they gave Guion time to choose his side, and if he chose wrong then they would kill him. He saw all that as a means to provoke him, so he stayed calm.

''Before we start, I would like to tell you a little about myself, about us, and after you are going to decide. '' Julius said, '' decide? '' Guion inquired, '' yes, decide whether you are a hero or a monster. '' Julius replied, but Guion kept quiet despite his confusion as to what Julius's story was all about, what he was really trying to tell me, and it didn't matter either because to him the reason for Annika's death was sitting right in front of him. Julius's father was the Overwhelm holder known as the Blind one, ''a kind men''. Being the strongest of his kind, he was the king of all Overwhelm just like the legend would recommend. When the world war broke out the nation was losing, they were desperate for anything, until they learnt of Overwhelm. They went to them seeking help, and his father agreed. After the war was won, they were called heroes, they even made a statue of him in his demon form, but all that was only temporary. Having gain the reputation as the most powerful nation, they became blinded by ambitions. They feared that someday we will turn against the as well, an army of fully prepared supernatural beasts seemed nearly impossible to defeat, so the military attack them while they were under the impression that they were friends. their people were caught off guard, they didn't have time to adjust to the new weapons that were made especially for them. Many lost their lives, so the big five took front line. With their ability to manipulate the forces of nature, they raised hell into that world. After from that day on ward, they became known as the monster society. When the government realized how hopeless they were against the big five they tried to buy themselves a negotiation, by teaching them the importance coexistence. His people saw right through their lies, and were determined to wipe them all out, but his father, being the holder of blind love he sympathized with the humans. Although he was the King of Overwhelm, he did not see eye to eye with his people about it, and their disagreement brought them to war with each other. They decided that if he was going to defend them then he would be seen as a traitor, and would be killed along with them, however he was far stronger than all of them combined, so he killed them instead. He murdered his family to protect humanity, again they pretended to be grateful, while they waited for the right moment to put him down. To them he was just another monster no matter what he did.

Even the king of the most powerful creatures in history fell vulnerable to forces of nature. His father had childhood disease, that never seem to end. As a hero, the government hospitalized him in order to show gratitude for what he had done for the nation. They tried everything in their power to save him but the disease was not one you recover from, so eventually, he passed. Few days later the monster society started to receive threat from the government, saying that if they did not keep their identities a secret from the world, they would kill them the same way they killed his father. With all members of the big five gone, they did not have anybody strong enough to look after them, they were helpless. they were still so young and weak, but the army did not show any mercy. They went on a genocide, killing them as they ran for their little lives. they were just a bunch of children, but all their people saw was little monsters to strike down before they fully matured, so they kept hunting and the children kept running until, they were cornered, surrounded and nearly killed. they were very young then, so they did not have the almighty defence mechanism they did that day, their weapons would surly have obliterated them. That overwhelming state of terror and panic, reached out inside the heart of Patrick, triggering the beast within, that is how Fear awoke for the first time. He was so afraid, that froze the entire nation, almost killing everyone because their heart stopped beating due to the horror in the atmosphere, but that happened only on the enemy. Thanks to him, they survived, however remained hiding never to show our faces into the light. their existence was simply covered up as a myth.'' I sought vengeance on humanity ever since'' he said. When hatred awoke, he became king, and swore to claim their lives back, to rain judgment on all those who have wronged them, watching them buckle or cry as they live by the laws of natural section ''that is justice'' he said.

While they spoke inside, things outside had just gotten dyer because the real battle was only beginning. The full might of the military going on beast mode led by their strongest sky fight, the vulture and the monster society's most ruthless killer, the generals. They took the front line, getting most the attention of the aircrafts, which gave the lower ranks the opportunity to strike the land machines, in fact only one general attacked the aircrafts. As he kept them busy, the other generals attack Royer. At first it seemed like he had them under control, as he dodged few of their trikes, even punching two them into the ground, then he realized that he only made thing harder for himself. They turned the tables on him every quickly, and took pleasure in tormenting him by beating him inside out. They were all bigger than him, so in his current state, his punches had little to no effect on them. They dominated him, and their lower ranks, the soldiers on land. They threw the tanks against one another, ripped off the doors to kill the people inside, some squashed the tanks simply by pressing them from two side, forcing their hands to meet, crushing the ones inside with it, showing no sign of remorse as they watched their blood spill from the tanks and polluted the very atmosphere with the sound of their crying, they died screaming. They looked like they need help, but beside Royer no one there could face a general and hope to win, at least that's how it seemed until the bird figure in the sky came across a soldier skilled enough to take on a general despite being just a women.

When the fight got very serious, some lower ranks grabbed the tanks by their guns and threw the at the jets flying above the clouds. When those tanks hit them, they exploded at once, and their burning parts rain down with smoke, the air force lost its numbers tremendously. They were stuck an situation, where they could solely either win or lose, and as things were, they were losing. An army of mad magical monsters on the ground, and the a vengeful general acting on pure killer instinct in the sky. Still the army refuses to buck down '' we are running out of options here, lieutenant colonel what are you orders. '' a soldier said, as they threw everything they had at the flying general. '' just like us they are stronger together, break them apart. '' she replied, '' roger! '' they yelled, and the diverged to the left and right, scattering all over the city, right before the eyes of the beast. When he tried to attack another jet, the vulture appeared from the crowd, charging straight at the beast and shooting him. During the first few minute, the beast could tolerate the shots thanks to is advance skin shield, and flew toward the vulture believing that he could take it head on, but the vulture continued to assault without falling back. When the beast got close enough to scratch it, she unleashed a missile from the bottom of the vulture, and passed right through the flames as it exploded, and immediately resuming the shots with an increase frequency. Although the missile did not hurt him one bit, the beast was thrown out of balance, so in order to regain his balance, he flew downward. When he did that, the vulture flew pass the clouds and vanished from sight, giving him the impression that she was retreating. Doing so, allowed the beast time to recover his lost balance, however he lost focus, and she using that against him. Being the predator of the sky, he arrogantly tried to prove that he could not be bested in the air, so flew back up for a rematch the second he found her. Turns out, she flew to other side of the clouds only so that she went down with unlimited peed, and when he reached the clouds, she was just coming from them, catching him completely off guard. She knocked right into him, and shot him while he fell. The vulture's insane landing speed gave a massive boost to the shots, plus she gave an intense chain of assaults at the spots on his wings. He tried his the best to regulate his flight, but the vulture was on him the whole time. When his skin wore off, the beast realized that he could in serious trouble, so he tried to escape, but the vulture followed, still pushing him toward the ground, and eventually she pierced through his wings, so he went rolling into the ground. Knowing that they had the ability to regenerate, she followed him on ground level. The bullet repetition stopped him from flying away, but it did not stop him from timeously pulling himself away like a wounded cheetah running for his life, as she was just above him, very close to landing. Even after putting so many holes inside of him, the beast still struggled, so shot the second missile and took off as it exploded.

They all watched it happen, as she flew back to clouds. Despite being beaten half dead, Royer still would die. He laid down, surrounded by all four generals while he coughed out blood '' look at that, it seems you're not invisible anymore. '' he said, while laughed. One of the general walked to him, and kicked the stomach, blasting him whole the way to the white house which was miles from there. He fell on the roof, almost going through it as part it shattered, cracking the palace down to its foundation. while his body shook from the pain, he noticed that had fallen right next to America's flag. He knew that needed a weapon, so he got up, he grabbed the pole, and pulled it off from its stand. he stood there in position, ready to fight back, as he waited for them to arrive. One of them was still in his human form, and he was the who sent him to the roof. His power was formidable, he possessed the strength of a giant. Just as they got close to the white house, a jet dropped a missile on top of them as it flew pass above their heads '' boo! '' it blew up, however two of them had extremely sharp senses, so they got away without a scratch. One resembled the mixture of a lion and a cheetah, that stood on two legs and he was tall, and the other, a man with the skin of an alligator. They were both bare foot, and black trousers that ended on the knees. When the fire went out, and the dust settled, the third one was gone too.

The lion jumped first, going to the of the roof where Royer waited for them. Royer pressed the pole tight in his right hand, and shot it at the lion man like a spear. Observing the strength behind that throw the alligator worried for his friend, he threw himself in front of him, and got it got him right in the gut, however thanks to his crocodile skin the spear did not go all the way through, but it did hit on the ground pretty hard. When he removed it from is belly, the wound did not close, instead his blood froze all around his body, and he collapsed and died instantly, with the flag in his right hand. His brother tried talking to him while he on the floor '' stop playing around. '' he said, but his brother was already long dead. When he didn't wake up, the lion was angry. He looked at Royer who stood at the roof, and roared louder than any lion. A second later, an enormous creature popped out of the ground, it was the who had gone missing, in his beast form. He was extremely large, with the upper body of a man, and the lower body of black scorpion with no legs. His tail was gigantic, almost the size of a train in diameter with three scorpion clause at the end. His forearms were shaped like the legs of a crab, and he was a black Rasta.

It even began to look like the military was going to win, because most of the lower ranks were either dead or knock out. Although they completely wrecked so many tanks, some were still standing, and those were driven by some of the military's most skilled fighters, who kept the number constant to a great deal, not to mention the air force, who's maximum attention was now focused solely on land. Even so the remaining generals were more troublesome than they were given credit for, they were fast, skilled, resilient, They were powerful. As the second largest general, the scorpion did not wait to show them just that. He was able to slice a tank in half just by swinging his arms at it. He could also dive underground, but unlike Guion, he could not go very deep. When he attacked, he jumped out of the ground like a dolphin in the ocean, and used his sharp limbs either pierce through a vehicle or cut through it, and he was very fast at that. He dove four times, and he had already taken down more than half of the military's remaining force. The air force had trouble landing a solid hit on him, because he was continuously diving underground, so the soldiers, with faster vehicle chased him around while they shot him on back, but every single time turned them upside down just passing under their cars. He rampage allowed his lower ranks to land multiple strikes on the aircrafts, as a result, their numbers were brought down to ten, while the lower ranks were more than ten.