
Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Disclaimer: I do not own Overwatch, its events or its characters. In a fit of rage, our protagonist accidentally kills himself and gets the option to get reincaranated to a world of his choice. Based on the many hours of dedication and a body pillow, he chooses the world of Overwatch. Join Shawn as he fights robots and helps change the world. Cover is done by Badbitch21.

Eaglestriker_22 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

Our Legacy is Our Deeds

After that day, I thought about the future and how I should move.

I obviously wanted to join Overwatch but from what I know, they don't just accept anybody.

Dr. Liao had trouble getting accepted in and her intelligence rivaled that of Torbjorn.

Speaking of, I was going to have a chip on my shoulder there because much like her, I was going to be associated with the creation of omnics.

Maybe I should get a name for myself outside Omnica Corporation, but I didn't know if it would cause unforeseen ripples.

Plus, if I learned anything from my father during that conversation, it's that Talon existed before it's mentioned in lore.

I didn't want to do something that put a target on my back.

What I wanted was to be invited to Overwatch, not look desperate, begging to join.

Problem was, I was only 6 going on 7, so what I could do was very limited.

Overwatch was a military style organization but I couldn't join the military until I was 18.

Which would be in the middle of the war, which would most likely make me subjected to being cannon fodder.

I didn't want to be the soldier left unprotected by Reinhardt against a Bastion in turret form.

I spent the entire day riding around with Sebastian, trying to brainstorm ideas.

About to give up for the day, I look out the window as Sebastian stops at a red light.

To the left of the window was a school and I thought about how much the war is going to affect everyone's lives.

Then an idea struck me.

In times of need, military organizations often sought the help of children geniuses.

Look at how much recognition Efi got when she built Orisa.

Instructing Sebastian to contact a private school, I rushed home to prepare for the meeting with school officials.

That night I spent considerable time forging my fathers signature to put on documents as parent consent was required and I had no desire in further dealing with him.

The next morning, Sebastian told me that a meeting with school officials was scheduled for Friday morning, or tomorrow, which gave me the day to acquire the proper paperwork to handle this matter in my fathers stead.

Heading into my fathers room, that somehow was still tidy, I easily access the safe which contains all my documentation.

Next, I head to the computer in my room and type a letter and do some research into the private school that Sebastian set me up for.

Seeing that they have a uniform policy, which is just a white dress shirt with a green striped tie, khakis, and any closed toe shoes.

We head to the best clothing store, where I find plenty of uniform outfits, and for the closed toe shoes I choose Converse.

Since there's plenty of time left in the day, I take a break by visiting an ice cream shop that sold an apple pie flavored ice cream, which just so happened to be my favorite dessert.

Not going home quite yet, I decide to go to a park, where I find an isolated spot and start practicing for any potential interview questions that I might get.

I knew that my fathers reputation would do most of the work, but they were still going to ask me some questions to understand my competence level to see if i was a good fit for their school.

I was debating whether I should just start off being the genius or pretend to be the innocent kid at first.

WIthout the presence of a parent and just an omnic there, I guess that I would have to go the genius route to get their attention.

I had a pretty good idea on how to go about doing that.

Before heading home, I made sure to grab a Happy Meal to reward my efforts today.

Waking up the next morning, while quickly scarfing down my breakfast of a blueberry muffin and a yogurt cup, I get dressed no different from working at Omnica Corporation.

It takes us no time to get to the private school that was in the middle of the city and I made an effort to get there early.

Using Sebastian, I go ahead and register myself for the first grade which is apparently what grade kids my age should be in.

We waited the remainder of the thirty minutes before we were ushered to a room containing three people in suits, two women and one man, somehow all in the same blue suit and glasses.

They were sitting at a table with clipboards trying to look intimidating.

If I was just some kid, I would have been scared by their looks.

Too bad for them, I wasn't fazed as I was on a mission and was determined to do my best.

The guy speaks first, "Well truth be told, when we heard the President of Omnica Corporation was interested in enrolling his son at our school for this year, we were pretty excited. In fact, we were hoping to meet him today and not this.... inconvenience."

"Mr. Rose is not able to make it today but has presented this letter in his place." Sebastian confirms while sliding an envelope towards them.

The woman in the middle of the group begins to read it and I notice that the other two don't even attempt to look at it, much less proceed without her direction.

Reading the letter she gives a slight nod and the woman on her left continues, "Well I guess that the omnic will have to be a substitute for Mr. Rose."

"Sebastian." I respond.

The woman on the left pauses in confusion, "Im sorry?"

"The omnics name is Sebastian." I say.

Each person looks at each other before the woman on the left responds slowly with an unsure, "Ok?"

Using that moment of hesitation on their part, I take advantage of the situation. "If we were being honest here, I was the one who wanted to attend your prestige school.

I've heard that it has the richest history of those who now have careers within the field of robotics and A.I, that I knew that it was a good opportunity for me to attend."

Stunned, the woman on the left looks to her apparent superior in the middle, who motions with her head to proceed.

Clearing her throat, she says," Well then thank you for your consideration. We have some questions that would normally be for your father to answer, so we will have to ask you instead."

"That's fine, I'm prepared to answer any questions you may have."

I notice the woman in the middle narrow her eyes at my response, but refrains from commenting so the lady on the left continues,

"What might you say are some of your strengths?" She asks.

"I would say that it would most definitely be my ingenuity. I'm sure that you've heard that Shawn Rose was behind the newest models of prosthetics." I respond without hesitation.

"We have and although we have some doubts about the validation of such a claim, we are currently investigating and will take any findings into consideration." She responds while pushing her glasses further up her face.

I smirk at her basically calling me a liar without having actually said it.

"Of course, I fully understand. I can provide assistance by explaining the function of the new models." I say.

Shifting in her chair uncomfortably she continues, "No that's not necessary. What would you say are some of your weaknesses?"

"I would say my eagerness for knowledge. It excites me to learn something that I didn't prior, which makes my curiosity for the unknown extend to a wide range of various subjects." I respond.

Once again my response makes each examiner sit in a brief moment of silence.

Breaking the silence, the examiner in the middle asks, "How old are you again?"

"I turn 7 in December." I answer.

The middle examiner takes charge, "Just what do you think you can contribute by coming to our school?"

I was waiting for such a question and I was all too prepared to answer.

I pause as if contemplating the question for an answer to add some effect.

"Ten or twelve years from now, everyone will have heard the name, Shawn Rose. At press conferences, after showcasing my inventions and world changing products, reporters will ask the same question.

Where did you go to school that you have such knowledge?

Now you have to ask yourselves. What school do you want me to say there?"

The examiners look at each other before standing up and telling me that a decision will be made by tomorrow.

Confident in the results I get back from the interview, I head back home and work out, watch a movie and relax until bedtime.

The next day, Sebastian comes in with a message that to no surprise, I got accepted, and classes begin Monday morning.

Since I basically was already prepared, there's little for me to do besides order the required books, so I spend my day at leisure.

Relaxing throughout the weekend, the days pass by quickly and Monday morning arrives in no time.

Getting dressed in the school uniform, I skip breakfast at home because they serve it at the school, and I wanted to try it.

Sebastian drops me off at the school, and I head to the auditorium, where there is a welcoming.

It was just as boring as I thought it would be so I immediately headed to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I grabbed a tray of turkey bacon, potatoes, eggs, and a fruit cup that was surprisingly delicious.

The classes felt like they took forever even though we were going around the class introducing ourselves.

Just as I had figured, almost everyone was to some rich family.

I kept a mental note of some of the names that would most likely be influential in the upcoming war.

After three excruciating hours, it was time for lunch, where the options were more open and you were allowed to make requests .

Otherwise, it was pasta day, with the main option being a chicken alfredo with broccoli or a zucchini and squash medley.

After lunch, we were allowed a 30 minute break, which was spent in various ways.

I decided to spend mine outside alone while doing research on a tablet of the names that I remembered in class.

While doing so, I failed to notice a group of boys approaching me.

As a shadow loomed over me, I sighed.

"Hello." I say not looking up from what I was doing.

"You think you're so rich that you're too good to play with us?" The boy in the front asks smugly.

I look up to see a young blonde boy with three others standing in front of me.

Before I can respond one of the other kids behind him speaks up, "Just imagine if your father was the better robot place instead of his, Chase."

Chase looks arrogantly down at me, "I know right, we would have a new omnic every year. Meanwhile your father... or I shouldn't even say that cause let's be honest, is he even your father?"

Everyone starts to laugh and it ticks me off a bit even though I felt like I shouldn't care.

Before I know it, the tablet is tossed aside as I lunge at Chase.

I start to swing at his face and manage to get three hits in before my fist is caught, and I'm pulled off of him.

Being held down, kicks and punches start hitting me from all sides.

This continues for a moment until everyone just suddenly walks away, leaving me there on the ground.

Standing up, I brush the dust off my clothes and use the camera on the tablet to see if my face is messed up.

Thankfully they left the face alone and the bell rings.

Limping back to class, I spend the rest of the day in silence.

At the end of the school day, Sebastian pulls the black Bentley hover car around and I hop in.

"DId you enjoy your first day Mr. Rose?" He asks.

"Yes I learned a lot. Sebastian can you do me a favor?"

"Why yes, Mr. Rose, what do you need?"

"Get me a martial arts teacher. Preferably a Shimada."