
OverPowered System

Stonexia Yrrah who was an poor simpleton loved reading novels with op characters and playing games. Rest of his social life was totally dull. He rarely stepped out of his house. Even his neighbors don't know about his existence. Of course the reasons for this is society itself which used to bully him when he was kid. When he became adult he was bullied by college mates. Being poor even his parents couldn't support him or protect him from his bullies. After college, which he barely passed by minimum grade he had hard time finding a job to earn money. Even in job he was bullied by seniors and once he was forced to resign as well by a senior who wanted to use him as a stepping stone. After losing job, he has nowhere to go, nowhere to live, he was afraid to do suicide as well being a coward, so he simply pleaded to lord and asked for the reason of his existence? He just demanded one thing if their is no reason for his existence then simply provide him a painless death. "There is a reason for your existence. Here you go." (Animation of lightning thunders and cloud blasting "BANG" echoed) "BOOTING UP OVERPOWERED SYSTEM." Author's Note - The summaries of various novels will be posted in it too so it can help you save your spirit stones :)

mailmeharry2008 · Fantasia
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56 Chs

Trading in Noblesse Universe/Wrath of Beerus

(Almightoronia Universe)

In Almightoronia, Mr. Yrrah was flaunting his deeds to his descendants as usual, taking all credits on himself.

"But greatest grandpa (Mr. Yrrah), I heard from greatest grandma (Mrs. Yrrah), that grandpa Stonexia is responsible for our high status in our universe." asked one of the naughty descendants who wanted to have fun with his greatest grandpa as he knew the flaunting character of him.

"Cough.....cough....If Stonexia was not born by your greatest grandpa here, then Stonexia or Yrrah family couldn't be this great, so all credit belongs to me. You got it?..." Mr. Yrrah retorted.

Everybody was speechless on seeing the shamelessness of this old man. Meanwhile he got a thought message from Stonexia about discovery of Dragonball Universe and Noblesse Universe. As Yrrah business in Almightoronia is at its peak with descendants handling all tasks appropriately, and Mr. Yrrah and Mr. Han Yrrah were idle nowadays after retirement, he decided to establish branches in these two new universes with priority on Dragonball Universe because they can trade Jellitonium with them in exchange for better metals found in that universe. Moreover food available here in this Universe was different to that of Dragonball Universe, so inter-universe trade in such food items can bring riches to Yrrahs even on Universal level. They can just claim any planet there and start exploiting resources.

Raisha was informed too to carry out her religious missions and establishment of One God Temples here. For Noblesse Universe she had already started establishing Temples there earlier. Rest of the system affiliated members of Yrrah family were informed too, so they are also planning to go sight seeing in these two universes. Bardock informed other saiyans and ordered them to re-establish the Saiyan race in their actual universe again near to the location of the previous Planet Vegeta, and name it Planet Vegeta again. Soon the rest of universe also knew about existence of two other universes through flaunting of few good for nothing Yrrah descendants, and thus star wars Era further advanced and scientists got more research work for them to do in future. Rai Yrrah told the truth to Hirusha and she didn't mind his clone to stay in Noblesse Universe with other woman. Stonexia has also convinced her earlier, so even if she had minded, she won't go against the will of Stonexia, as it was Stonexia who has brought her to this kind of life. Who was she? A nobody? Even after coming to stonexia she was still a widow? So she can't refuse Stonexia no matter what.


(Noblesse Universe after few months....)

Raizel was now totally a different fellow in eyes of nobles and modified humans, who was modern already and can easily mix up with New Earth Humans, Werewolves, and even Modified Humans. With his coming now Nobles have lost the tradition of formalities and rankings. Even clan system is removed and all Nobles are united now with no low or high status. Raizel married Raskreia and just came back from his honeymoon.

As Raizel can teleport in any universe he brought delicacies from all 3 OPS copied universes for all the people who were on good terms with him. They loved the food from other universes and always demanded more, but Raizel being simpleton didn't mind much and never felt annoyed on the shameless behavior of these freeloaders, who didn't give him anything in return. They were enjoying so much in these few months that they nearly forgot about the existence of Dr. Crombel as their enemy. Raizel didn't cared about enemy too as he was so strong that he can destroy whole planets let alone a weak mutant and a super weak scientist. But this was a real mistake on his part.

Dr. Crombell's lackeys and mutants are spread in outer space searching for Noblesse, Werewolves, Raskreia, Nobles, Frankenstein and other escapists. Although they didn't find traces of their targets but they found some races from Almightoronia instead and Dr. Crombell was informed about their technology and he was really interested in that and started inter-trading with the weaker races. He paid huge price to obtain Jellitonium Z through inter-space trading. He was informed about the Yrrah family too so he tried striking conversations with them to gain a powerful ally. But he was targeting certain good for nothing descendants because he was unaware about the existence of Stonexia or Rai Yrrah completely as Mr. Tofu Yrrah is the known god of the Yrrah family due to his fake self flaunting in the eyes of all outsiders. And with his low status he wasn't qualified enough to meet even with Mr. Tofu Yrrah. Currency of inter-space trade was set by Almightoronian Races as Dollars from their Almightoronian Earth. As they have better resources, it was natural that their currency has more value. Soon resources from Dragonball Universe were also brought by alien races in Noblesse Universe that's why technologically all universes were getting almost equal now.

Rai Yrrah due to his links with all Yrrah descendants helped Frankenstein in acquiring latest technology and resources to help him advance the races of 'Modified Humans', 'Ordinary NU (Noblesse Universe) Humans', 'Werewolves and 'Nobles'. All 4 races felt as if they were living in hell earlier and this is true heavens. As Nobles have a duty to protect the innocent, they were receiving missions from many races but due to new knowledge and coming of star wars age in their universe, now they don't do stuff for free as in earlier days. Now they charge Almightoronian Dollars for their services. Werewolves also undertake security, rescuing or exploration missions to earn their living with desire to stay in this new heavenly life. On the other hand, Dr. Crombell spent huge amount of resources to acquire Almightoronian dollars and exchange them for Jellitonium Z and other rare stuff. Using those resources, Dr. Crombell has upgraded 'Muzaka' to an astonishing level which was used to conquer various new races discovered by them. He has failed in becoming ally of Yrrahs, but Siths and Jedis were willing to establish trade contracts with him. He sold his conquered planets to Siths and Jedis from Almightoronia to exchange for their currency and even technology or resources. It won't take Muzaka long to reach the level of strongest Sith i.e. Exar Kun, but system still didn't care for the ant and kept the news in low priority.

This news got mixed in ocean of news that Stonexia received nowadays from three universes and thus he or even Maya didn't noticed the news who was set as incharge to filter the news. Actually she was troubled with lots of kids of descendants especially from Onix Yrrah and Onie Yrrah, so she can't concentrate completely on news too, so she miss out on low priority news usually. Stonexia also didn't blamed her as he can control any situation with his current abilities. There was another reason for news being on low priority, it was due to a certain event happening in the Dragonball Universe.


Dragonball Universe (after few months)

Mr. Yrrah and Mr. Han Yrrah soon established tons of branches of Yrrah business due to technological advancements where buildings can be constructed within a day now, and thus getting self-sufficient in the unique resources of Dragonball Universe. And instead they became so rich in short time that they were now providing the unique resources from their Universe to Bulma's Capsule Corporation and other races staying in Dragonball Universe too, so currency of Almightoronian dollar remained heavy on the Capsule's Zenis, and thus new currency accepted for inter-space trades was only Almightoronian dollars in all 3 universes for now.

Stonexia is enjoying life of luxury and training with kids of Goku and Vegeta. But there was a surprising scene happening there. Whis was acting attendant for Bardock, and Beerus was sweeping the floor of Capsule Corporation. Goku was not there as he went to train with Broly on desolate planet of Broly (as per storyline of Dragon Ball Super: Broly Movie) who are currently strongest in whole Universe along with Bardock and Stonexia. They were training for an upcoming tournament.

In the beginning Vegeta was training with the latest technologies invented by Bulma after acquiring Jellitonium from Almighotronia Universe. As Stonexia wasn't a big fan of Vegeta in the anime, he was not helping him much but he wasn't hostile towards him either so remained neutral towards him. But this caused extreme gap in the powers of Goku/Bardock/Broly/Stonexia group and Vegeta. Feeling depressed, He was thinking about going to 'New Vegeta' planet established by the saiyans that Bardock brought earlier to re-throne himself as their new king. But even this plan of Vegeta failed as Bardock personally trained those saiyans and thus they are even stronger than current Vegeta. Finally he decided to retire and live as an old man in Capsule Corporation with no hope to catch up with the beastly performances of the Stonexia's group. Even Bulma's latest technology can't help him regain his confidence. He was totally depressed.

(Flashback from few months ago.....)

That day when Beerus was angry few months ago, and was hurling tons of mini-spheres of destruction towards Goku and Stonexia, Goku transformed first into super saiyan blue and later turned grayish white by triggering his Ultra Instinct form and kept redirecting many of the spheres but soon showed signs of exhausting. Beerus on other hand was showing no signs of getting tired and in fact showed more vigor due to his fury. When Goku was about to collapse, he apologized to Stonexia regretting his incapability of saving this newcomer from the wrath of the Beerus. Not only that he may himself die a horrible death with the oncoming flurry of attacks. But Stonexia showed a smile instead, giving a clue of having some awesome plan.

First of all he used 'Blood Field' to enhance the stamina and strength of Goku, who received over 30 levels of boost from the skill of Stonexia which was an astronomical buff at higher levels. Now he was nullifying Beerus attacks with flick of finger, not appearing much different from Whis wand performance earlier. Beerus was boiling in anger and thus used certain hidden godly skills (that were never used earlier by him in the anime), which caused whole Earth and neighboring planets to tremble with suppressing aura. Even Goku was not experienced in front of these skills, so he didn't knew what to do, and how to tackle the skills of Beerus. But Stonexia remained calm as he was having Plan-B for the situation.

Stonexia ordered Bardock to act as his shield. Although there was no risk of his dying as a clone, but he had a plan to accomplish greater objectives. He further ordered Bardock to curse on the face of the Beerus and attract all hostility towards him. Stonexia told Goku not to worry and there's no need to defend Bardock or him at all. Bardock did the same without questioning Stonexia at all, which made Beerus forget about Stonexia and concentrated all his attacks on Bardock instead. Earth and other planets were being protected by Whis during this encounter so there were no risks of total annihilation even with Beerus performing at his 100 percent strength. And finally after continuous dodging Bardock got exhausted (actually Stonexia stopped him from running seeing that the time is ripe to execute his plan) and one sphere of destruction hit him. Beerus laughter echoed in whole galaxy about this victory. He felt his rage getting calmed down after his attack landed on the target. Stonexia didn't helped him and stood still and was smiling instead enjoying a feeling of 'Mission Successful'. Goku and others dropped their jaws seeing the calm behavior of Stonexia even after seeing death of his friend. Their opinion towards this newcomer was switching now to bad side.

Amidst the laughter of the Beerus, the dust clouds finally settled after half an hour. This time the one getting surprised were Beerus, Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Bulma, Trunks and rest. Even Whis was surprised as with the destruction powers of Beerus spells, anything or anybody is destroyed to the extent in which it can't even reincarnate, but the Saiyan in front of them is standing there perfectly fine. Not even a wound was seen. Beerus went crazy again seeing this, and resumed his attack.

Stonexia and Bardock alongwith all system affiliated disciples heard a notification...

"A massive flood of experience acquired from the near death experience of Bardock's clone from a stupid fox race enemy which is being shared automatically with all disciples for faster level ups...."

"Level up....Level up.....Level up..... Level up...." This notifications flood caused headache to all Yrrah members.

Bardock now at once understood the plan of Stonexia. Just with first death system is now capable of reading even the maximum levels of Goku and Beerus and even Whis. Their Power level hiding techniques was no longer effective on system. Vegeta was at Level 990, Goku was at Level 1001, Beerus was having level 1003, and Whis level was 1100. Yrrah members were now at Level 599 directly after the notifications stopped. Bardock's and Stonexia's levels reached 659.

This came as a surprise to Stonexia as well. Although Stonexia plan was to raise level 1 by 1 by this technique but he never expected to receive such a massive boost of experience boost from Beerus. Earlier whenever he trained with Bardock, Bardock leveled up only once at a time after his death in demo mode. But this time it was live mode, combined with the supernatural strength of the godly opponent, which brought the surprise to Bardock, Stonexia and rest Yrrahs. But it didn't make much difference because next death brought only 100 level ups, and continued to decrease further and further. And at Level 700 automatic sharing was stopped too by system. Now he was gaining 1 level up every death. Sharing of experience points was still ongoing with Stonexia as a protective measure to suppress disciple from getting stronger than host.

But Goku and Vegeta had their jaws dropped, clearly sensing the changes in aura of Stonexia and Bardock which was rising at a noticeable speed continuously which appeared like an carp transforming into dragon. Whis was also flabbergasted to see this, unlike Beerus who was blinded by his anger and continued hurling massive spheres of destructions (which were not mini spheres anymore) towards Bardock who was getting better in dodging after every level up. In the middle of those spherical spells were also the godly skills of Beerus which suppressed even Goku earlier, that were killing the clone of Bardock immediately as soon as it re-spawn. Beerus was even forced to use Senzu beans due to lack of his stamina. But how can he give up on his revenge? He didn't cared about his image as a god now, he wanted to annihilate the monkey in front of him at any cost and that's why swallowed Senzu bean saying it as a delicious meal, trying to hide his real motive of rejuvenating his stamina from others. But this strategy of his worked only on Goku and all others showed disdainful glances towards him. But he didn't cared and continued barrage of his attacks.

This fight continued for many days, but the spectators never blinked their eyes in fear of missing a single detail of the battle. Stonexia felt asleep during the battle however, due to mental pressure of notifications from the level ups and also repetitive nature of the battle of death and re-spawning. In others eyes Bardock was dodging instead of dying from Beerus attacks, because once dead how can somebody resurrect immediately especially if dead by destruction energy? So they never thought about this possiblity at all. And thus battle seemed extremely exciting to them. They felt it as technique similar to Instant Transmission only.

Stonexia put notifications on mute before sleeping, this was another reason that he missed the details of Dr. Crombell plans and his conquering of various planets in NU. The mute was not switched on even after his waking up, for one month.

At Level 900, Beerus can't one hit KO the clone anymore, and now clone seemed wounded on first attack, disappears on second and then reappears in perfect condition afterwards. Only his strongest hidden godly attacks can one hit KO Bardock now. But he is getting better and better as the battle is progressing. Beerus has consumed five senzu beans already. As battle went on Bardock and Stonexia leveled up at speed of 0.5 after level 900. Whis tried explaining the situation to Beerus, but Beerus shut him up everytime even without hearing Whis. After a month this battle ended. Bardock reached Level 1003.5 and now can easily dodge and even retaliate against Beerus. Beerus fell on his knees now with no more Senzu beans remaining to refill his stamina and strength, but Bardock was still standing fit and fine as he was getting stamina from real version of him in Almightoronia who overfed himself during the battling month to keep up with the stamina requirements. At this moment Stonexia's clone yawned after waking from his slumber.

"Bardock you suffered a lot for whole month. As per system's calculations you have suffered over 1 million attacks from this purple buggs bunny. It's time for sweet revenge."

Beerus still enraged, didn't noticed the changes in Bardock and Stonexia, and immediately retorted, "What did you call me? I am a God alright. And what can you do to me as your revenge, you insolent fools." said Beerus while breathing heavily due to lack of energy.

Stonexia just gave a simple smile and told Bardock, "Show him mercy." Stonexia at once casted his Blood Field on Bardock to buff him up further by 50 levels (it upgraded automatically with level up at 500 and 1000 levels twice). But Bardock told Stonexia to remove the buff. Stonexia frowned but understood immediately. Beerus still couldn't understand his situation, but next moment he saw Bardock converting himself into a giant ape.

"Ha ha stop joking around, this puny monkey form of yours won't make much difference. I will show you hell once i recover my strength." said Beerus gasping but with mocking laughter, but his laughter paused abruptly. In 10 minutes Bardock was changed into super large sized ape, but his color was greyish white just like Goku's Ultra Instinct form. This form should normally buff him up by 60 levels (30 at SS3, 40 at SSRed or God, 50 at SSBlue and 60 at SSWhite), but due to his ape form he had 10 more levels of bonus in this form making it 70 level plus. And if he use his Jellitonium Z weapon then it can go further to plus 15 levels. And if he is buffed further by Stonexia's blood ring then it will be 50 more levels up, and he can destroy even Whis with that.

"Wow he can go Super Saiyan White even in the ape form." praised Whis. Due to his wisdom, he can guess that this feat was impossible for Goku, Vegeta who don't own their tail. And even Stonexia shouldn't be able to perform so logically. But he was not sure about Stonexia because he has defied all sorts of logics till now. Bardock could be said to have trained due to battle with Beerus but Stonexia was growing out of nothing effortlessly as if he was just hiding his strength earlier and revealing it slowly to all spectators.

Beerus was in daze now. He saw Bardock in his Super Saiyan White transformation forming a blur in the air and after that he felt pain on his face. He noticed that his face was swelling with continous slapping on the face, to be exact he was slapped one million times by Bardock within few minutes. Now he was looking like his brother Champa, or even more fatty by facial looks.

In fact Beerus was in such weak condition (and Bardock was so overpowered at the moment) that if Bardock had hit him with anything stronger than slap then he must have fainted, making it less entertaining for him and Stonexia, so this was a merciful way to take his revenge for Bardock.

Vegeta and Goku were watching the sudden turn of events with their eyes wide open as if they will come out any moment from their sockets.

It was a total humiliation for a god to be slapped by a saiyan and that too as a sign of showing mercy. Whis was watching this but he wasn't allowed to battle as per rules set up for Angels, that's why can only pity the fate of this God. Also Beerus was the one who invited wrath of these two newcomers on himself, what has he to do in a mess caused by him?

Finally to end the revenge a grand move was required so he fired his Final Spirit Canon move (that's shown in Dragon Ball Super : Broly movie when Bardock used this move as last resort against Frieza's attack on Planet Vegeta), but made sure to fire it at lowest possible level to not kill the Beerus. Finally Beerus was sprawling unconscious on the soil in his own pool of blood forming below him. When has he seen his own blood in past millions or even billion years of Dragonball Universe's history? This God was now pitied by everybody present who has seen him acting haughty every time.

Goku came up to congratulate Bardock with no emotions towards Beerus, "Father you are so awesome, even gods can't stand against you. You did well hiding your strength earlier. And i am confused why did you fall on ground after getting hugged by Gotenks a month ago?"

"Cough cough ..... That was an emotional reunion so i lost power in my legs by meeting my grandson." said Bardock in emotional tone without revealing true facts.

"Oh yeah, then you have to drop once more, as you have another grandson named as Gohan. Ha ha...."

Stonexia was amused by the behavior of his favorite character. Beerus was lying on the ground still but everybody was busy chatting with Stonexia and Bardock. After many hours Beerus woke up to see himself lying pitifully in his pool of blood, and he tried to recall the happenings and thus went berserk again. But Whis whacked on the back of his neck to bring him back to his senses.

"As you have lost to someone it's time to inform you that you are no longer God of Destruction and your destruction energy has been transferred to Bardock. And he has accepted the throne of God of Destruction unlike Goku who was never interested in such throne. So you are now an ordinary Purple Fox race member."

"The prophecy from Oracle Fish came true, it's truly a Super Saiyan God but neither Goku or Vegeta but Bardock, who could have believed that.", said Beerus in saintly tone. But what else can he do, even without destruction energy Bardock could beat him, and with addition of a huge buff of Destruction Energy (+100 levels) now Bardock should be even stronger than Whis whereas he himself has deflated to 903rd level with lack of Destruction Energy, so he should be even weaker than Vegeta currently. All his exclusive Godly skills that can overpower even someone stronger than him were transferred to Bardock which includes Planet Destroying, Galaxy Destroying, and even Universe destroying mystic skills.

"Stop acting all saintly after your defeat. One moment you are a brutal god, and another moment you switch to a pitiful saint? You shall be punished." said Bardock in haughty tone which earlier Beerus used towards them.

"How about making him clean the mess around capsule corporation?" suggested Bulma with a funny expression. She always wanted her revenge for being used as a cook by this Buggs Bunny God. Whis was always polite but this Beerus ordered her around like a waiter at many occasions. Moreover her husband was once whacked by this purple fox. To add salts to her wounds, he has destroyed the mineral with which she could have created her Time Machine. (She wasn't aware that there was another mineral source in Earth's core which OPS has located after copying this DB's Earth.)

"Very nice idea, you heard that purple fox or Buggs Bunny or whatever? Get to work immediately...."

After this life went normal for everybody for a month. Capsule Corporation got the world strongest cleaning staff member as Beerus as their paid employee. As salary he used to get one type of exotic dish every day which he eats slowly unlike the days when he ordered Bulma around and ate like an hungry wolf till his belly protrudes. Now he has become more thin due to lack of food too.

Once 'Grand Priest' has visited all universes to announce another Tournament which will again be held at the same place as the Tournament of Power one year later. This time the participating universes will be 24 universes, and there could be even more that were destroyed earlier by Zeno maybe trillions of years ago.

The last wish by Android 17 after winning tournament of power was wrongly phrased by the Grand Priest in front of Super Shenron, which brought back not only destroyed universes during the tournament but also rest of six universes that were earlier destroyed by Zeno. Not only that even more universes destroyed by Zeno in the further past were revived by the wish. But Zeno didn't mind it and just scolded Grand Priest for being careless and gave him punishment to entertain himself.

Grand Priest thus suggested this idea of a new tournament named as 'Tournament of Survival', with all the existing and even revived universes and except for top 12 ranking universes rest should be destroyed in order to correct the mistake done by him. And this will entertain Zeno too at the same time killing two birds with one stone. Zeno agreed to this and that's why Grand Priest is informing all universes now.

This brought a doubt in Stonexia's mind, whether if his universe was one destroyed by this Zeno due to fear of system's existence? And is this Zeno the true almighty God or some sort of evil god who is against true almighty god? But nothing is clear yet as system has not seen Zeno yet and can't peep in his memories. Also Grand Priest was unreadable too at the moment, making it clear that his power is at the very least stronger to the extent of being the double of even his current self. And as Zeno can destroy so many universes in single thought he should be even more powerful than Grand Priest. And to add to more troubles there was even Future Zeno, who should be even stronger than Present Zeno as per Stonexia's rough estimation.

Format of Tournament of Survival is same as that of Tournament of Power. But new addition is that Rankings will be based on the performance of the participating members and every knockout will bring 2 plus point to the universe, every lose will make it -1 and thus highest 12 scorers shall be crowned winner. First place will be granted a wish from Super Shenron. And one more change was there, this time number of participants is increased to 20 instead of 10 per universe.

Time limit was removed too.

This made Goku and Vegeta resume their training plans, and thus vegeta came out of his retirement too. Goku knew about Broly's current location so he revealed it to Vegeta to help him train faster again too, after all it's going to be survival of fittest again and he can only depend on his comrades. Stonexia wasn't much worried as he has the system. After overcoming Beerus he has a lot of self-confidence in beating anybody unless he encounter the Almighty God himself, and he will surely not dare to fight against him but worship him instead. That's why he was having fun with grandsons of Bardock by training them, and his training is obviously even better than that of Vegeta or Whis. Goku was assigned for finding the comrades for the tournament this time by his father Bardock. He acted like an obedient kid, knowing about the current strength of his father. Stonexia had a plan to add Goku as a disciple of system, but he dismissed the idea feeling that it will make Goku lazy like him, who can effortlessly grow in levels. And he loved the determination of the Goku most, which made him his fan.

A high priority news popped up, "Bardock's son's life is in danger. Someone is about to deliver a killing blow towards him. System is also afraid that host can't make it in time to protect him even with system's teleportation."

This was high priority news due to the fact that Bardock was father of Goku. Another reason which was even stronger was that Stonexia was huge fan of this Goku.

PS----------------Hey friends, I am Goku, Will i really die? Please stay tuned and find out in the next chapter of Dragon ball Super, oooopsss sorrriesss, not 'DBS' but 'OPS' or 'OverPowered System'.

4800 words O.O

Longest ever chapter, you can't blame me for lack of chapters, my chapters are longer than any seen in the normal novels here. I really don't like cliff hangers and can't stop myself and thus keep writing and writing and writing......:)

mailmeharry2008creators' thoughts