
Overpowered Mage in a Parallel World

One day Alex inherited a house from his grandfather. As he cleans the house, he finds a mysterious door and a diary written by a hero, who brings all races together to make peace. It’s been two centuries since the Peace Covenant has been accepted by all the races in the world of Terra. A covenant that was agreed upon by all the races to build a prosperous life for all. However It turns out that the hero came from a parallel world that was destroyed by war. And the mysterious door is the gateway to that parallel world. Alex went inside the door and found out how different the other side is. A world devastated by war. Ruined city, Big sized monster, Hostile weather, everything what post-apocalypse looks like. But not only that Alex also found out that anything related with magic is rare in this world. Not wasting a chance, he, who previously worked as a mage in the military, took this opportunity to become the strongest mage and rule the another world.

High_Fives · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Alex's threat

"Tell me how you'll survive those monster attacks. There's a lot of them, you know."

"I can fight them."

"Yeah, how? Tell me your plan."

"Just pass through them. Simple as that. If impossible, then I'll go to Telasis."

Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing. They had already tried what Alex said, and the results were terrible.

"Do you really know what you were talking about? Didn't you see it yourself when we came here? Those monsters' attack, I mean."

"I saw it, and I killed them. Alone."

Everyone was just weirded out hearing what Alex said. Where did Alex's high confidence come from? Shooting from a distance and up close while being chased is completely different. It was foolish to compare the two situations.

Jack, however, had no choice but to agree to this fool's request. His safety was now in Alex's hands.

"F*ck me. Fine, you won. But I decided the route, 'kay."

Alex just nodded. All he needed was their vehicle, so any terms would be acceptable if it didn't bother him.

But not everyone agreed with Jack's decision. As soon as he finished speaking, Amanda immediately denied it. "Wait, are you out of your mind? Do you want to kill yourself or what?"

"Do I look to have a choice? Either we do what he wants, or I die. If you don't want to, that's fine. It's my car anyway."

Amanda couldn't deny it. If she refused, it would mean she was left here, and she didn't want that. "Fine, let's say we go. But how can we bring these two people along? Your car only fits for five people at max. If you bring these two, that means we need to throw our belongings at the back to make some space."

"It's fine. Alpha can sit on top."

Amanda was slightly infuriated by that but didn't retort to what Jack said.

The Alpha Jack was referring to was the lupus guy. He was a slave owned initially by Lana but had been ordered to do anything Jack wanted.

"If someone needs to be on top, then I should be the one to do it." Jack and Amanda were surprised to hear Alex's words. But immediately took offense after hearing the rest.

"It's not like you guys are capable of killing those monsters." Alex's words really upset them both.

"Sure, whatever you want. Mr. Strongest." Amanda said, a little annoyed.

"Alright, we go to Karlingford. Alex, on top. Amanda, you drive. I'll sit in the front. And the rest at the back."

No one objected to Jack's decision to go to Kalingford. But Lana disagreed on one point.

"Why do I need to sit with those slaves?"

Jack and Amanda were shocked by Lana's words. On the other hand, Alex took offense and pointed his gun at Lana. A frightening aura came out of Alex. Iris, who saw Alex was immediately anxious.

Alpha felt that his master was in danger and immediately stood in front of Lana to block Alex's attack. Jack and Amanda also followed what Alpha did.

"Wait-wait, calm down. She didn't mean what she said. Please, drop your gun."

"Huh? What do you mean I didn't mean it?"

"Shut up, Lana."

Lana didn't open her mouth again. But Alex was still pointing his gun at her.

"I'll sit on the back, Lana on the front." Jack came up with a quick compromise.

But Amanda was now the one to object to it. "You can't sit in the back. It will be cramped. Your body is still injured."

Amanda was right. Sitting close to each other would put Jack's injuries at risk. But they couldn't get Lana to comply.

Still thinking of the best way out, the situation became even more tense when Lana said something even worse.

"Just put that demon on top, or even better, just leave her here."

Jack and Amanda were covered in sweat. They were dying to punch Lana in the face. But what mattered now was the action Alex would take.

But instead, Alex lowered his weapon and sighed. "You know, I can just kill you guys off and take your car away. I can undo my spell so Jack will die instantly. And the rest of you aren't mages either. I can just stand here and kill you guys in a short time."

Jack, Amanda, and even Alpha got scared by his threat. The only one who can fight him is Jack. But if he is out, then the others will undoubtedly die.

Lana, however, didn't faze out. She still believed that Alex's words were just nonsense. "You make that threat. Do you even know who my family is?"

"No. Not really."

"I'll tell you, you brute. It's the Allister Family who rules the northern district."

There was no reaction from Alex after Lana revealed who his family was. Yes, in fact, he didn't know and didn't care.

"I can just throw you to those monsters, you know. I believe no one would even know that I was the one who did it."

Considering the current situation of monster attacks, Alex's words could be done and worked.

"N-no, my family surely would find you."

"Hmm, sure. Even if they knew, you're still dead, though."

From here, Lana began to waver. She began to think that Alex would actually kill them.

"Alright, Alright. Let's stop here, okay." Jack tried to keep both sides at bay. Lana hid behind Jack out of fear. Meanwhile, Alex was still staring at them with a murderous aura.

"How about this? Alpha, you're on top with Alex. Lana and me on the back. That demon can sit in the front-."

"She has name."

"Who's her name?"

Iris, who had been silent and pensive, said her name in a low tone, "I-iris. My name is Iris." After that, she bit her lip.

"Then, Miss Iris, you can sit in the front seat, and Amanda will drive. Anyone objects to that?"

No one made a sound. Alex, without waiting anymore, walked towards the trunk of the car to put his bags. Iris also followed Alex's lead, and the others immediately got into the car.

Before leaving, Alex handed his rifle to Iris. "Hold it so they won't do something to you."

Iris just obeyed and held Alex's rifle but with a troubled face. "I'm sorry, sir."

"What for?"

Iris wanted to apologize for the fight that happened earlier that happened because of her being here. But the words wouldn't come out of her mouth.

Alex did not understand what Iris was sorry for. If she meant Lana, she shouldn't be the one apologizing. But Alex chose not to bother and told Iris to forget about it.

Seeing Alex, who gave his rifle to Iris, Jack and the others felt confused. They didn't see that Alex had a spare gun.

However, Alex instantly materializes a rifle in the air out of nowhere. Seeing that Jack and the others got a sweat on their foreheads. It's the first time they've seen something like that. Even Jack didn't know anyone could do that. It's a good thing they didn't end up messing with him.

After everything was ready, they started their journey to Karlingford.