
Overlord: Zarathos Apotheosis

Quick Warning. This fic isn't like the others. If you come here expecting Nazarick to be well... Nazarick. Then sorry this is not for you. Power is everything. That was the only thing I learned all these years. With power, anything and everything is possible. Once I was a weak, an idealistic child who wanted the world to be different. Now... I am a God.

vtorx_0867 · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Let's Start all Over… Rise II…

Timeline xxx


The mute man groaned, while he pushed himself up to observe the floating object before him. His head moved left and right mechanically as he tried to make sense of what was in front him.

The strange object glowed as a feminine voice flowed right into his mind.

'Oh, my son… Time has done you much wrong. Once you held the power to rip the very universe asunder. Now… Here you are. The rightful ruler of the New Gods caged like an animal. But soon all of it be rectified.'

Dumbly, he tried to speak only to despondently find out that all that came of his mouth were jargons. Words that he was sure were not normal.

It sounded like the braying of a tortured steed.

The neon circle in the dark box palpitated sadly as a thin blue ethereal line stretched from its frame slinking down to the mute who did not even have the energy to cry in alarm.

The voice said in sadness,

'What have these monsters done to you, my child? If you cannot talk, then think. Your mother will listen.'


The mute blinked as his hands went to his throat. Black lidded eyes looked at down as his hands went to his throat.

'How is this possible?'

It was like he was speaking once again, only this time with his mind.

The diseased looking man paused looking up, 'Who… Are you?'

The boxes descended to the mute's eye level, as they replied. 'We are the Mother Box. A creation by the New Gods, and an immaterial concept from the Source of All. Most importantly, Orion. We are your mother.'

The mute winced while crawling to the edge of his uncomfortable cage. He rested his back against the bar while studying his peeled fingers.

'Heh. Yeah right.'

He didn't trust it.

For as amnesic as he was… For all that has been removed from his memories. There was still one warning that remained in his mind.

No, it was more like the only message he had left.

Never… Ever take things as they appear. Never… Ever TRUST ANYONE.

Eyeing the metal like boxes, the mute cynically wondered if they were just an image conjured by his jumbled imagination.

After all, their more distinct appearances should have notified his neighbors who would have started asking questions. But somehow they only appeared visible to him. Not to mention that for all the titles they heaped on him, for all the power they say he possess.

Not an iota of it helped him for the past 400 plus years.

Laughing with self-contrite. The mute shook his head, his eyes were dead without light. 'My need for companionship has conjured a pretty convincing illusion. Orion? Yeah right… I'd rather get some shut eye rather than listen to this… Self-conjured fallacy.'

Resting his head against the bar, the mute closed his eyes, seeking the dark sea once again. This time to be one with it.

If this is what reality held for him now: Lies. Then he was done with it.

The Mother Box blinked sadly at the state of her son. He was once a pariah of the New Gods in Genesis, feared for his inhumane heritage and the boundless strength that came with it. But rather than fulfil the expectations of the New Gods out of spite, he persevered on becoming an icon of peace.

She would be the first to admit that he wasn't faultless.

The need to be perfect for the Highfather. The need to disassociate with anything that will pull him towards the Dark Tyrant made him to do all sorts of things. His distaste for anything that appeared inhuman.

His soul was also affixed in too much pride.

But he became better.

Honor, love, peace… To protect such values were his core tenets.

For where the son of Krypton became the greatest defender of Earth. Orion became the greatest defender of New Genesis. Orion's power was such that he was hailed as one of the mightiest warriors in the cosmos.

The Mad Dog of War… A dreadful jibe that foretold his power and his ferociousness in protecting the innocent.

His destiny was one of triumph against the Lord of Tyranny.

In the end, with the power of the Astro-Force, the Wrath of the Source, Orion had fulfilled his destiny.

He had slain Darkseid.

It was a battle that shook the very universe itself. Planets broke apart due to their concussive forces, galaxies lost forevermore as their very energy threatened to destroy all of existence.

But it was finally over… And she was by his side through it all.

'My son… Why have it come to this.' The supercomputer mourned as she gazed at the existence her son had become.


He had finally fulfilled his destiny, it was over. Apokolips was to experience the dawn of a new age. An age where everything will be made whole. Where the fires of Apokolips will be quenched bringing an age of freedom, of peace…

The Mother Box could remember those days like it was yesterday… But the truth of it all is that.

Destiny fulfilled does not truly speak of an end.

Darkseid even in death had spitefully come into the conclusion that if he doesn't seat on the Throne, then no one else can.

So he released what had been banished from the cosmology.


Using his empty vessel as a shell, he beckon the Primordial locked away from cosmology into him. With its power coupled with the Omega Effect, the New God brought about ruin throughout the Multiverse.

Many tried to stop him. The son of Krypton, the Goddess Amazonian, The Man who controls the Speed Force, the Dark Knight, the King of Atlantis, the Champion of Will… But they all failed.

When Orion had heard that Darkseid was heading straight for Apokolips, he came down from his throne, heading to the frontlines.

If he had done it before, then he could do it again.

Their battle was blew everything away as they shook all of creation!

They were evenly matched. Unfortunately with the power of Darkness, there was nothing Orion could do to permanently put his father down. On the other hand, injuries upon injuries kept on piling upon the new King of Apokolips.

Ultimately his strength waned and Darkness prevailed.

Till this day, the Mother Box rued the moment she granted Orion her blessings to head into battle.

She had put too much faith in Orion's Soul Fire.

She tried everything she could do in that clash. Healing, support, even forcefully bringing forth the Infinity Man into the fight. She could still remember the trust Orion had in her as she for the first time expressed her doubts on the outcome.

In the end, he had been ripped apart, while her physical form was mangled. But they both were still kept alive by that thing posing as his father who brought him to see his people of Apokolips and New Genesis massacred.

It was truly a dark day.

His Darkness infused Parademons ravaged through everything. Ghoulish howls of delight was always followed by the cry of a soul snuffed out. The Mother Box could still remember when the impossible had happened.

When Orion had cried, pleading for mercy as Darkseid held his wife and son at hold.

He screamed with an emotion she never thought possible: Fear. But that only brought delight to the Tyrant. With a quick use of Omega Beams his wife and son vanished, written off from existence.

When Darkseid was to do away with them also, the Mother Box even in her current stated used the last of her power to save her son.

Orion's body was destroyed but she saved his soul from the existence erasing attack. There was no time to build a vessel for her son to inhabit, neither was there anywhere in the cosmos could her son live that the Darkseid wouldn't know.

So she fled.

Using the torn hole in the Source Wall that Darkseid had made in his clash with Superman. The Mother Box used the remaining vestiges of her strength to ferry her son to the world beyond.

In the end, most of Orion's soul with the Astro-Force remained in the enigmatic Astral Dimension saved from the eyes of Darkseid, while his an inkling of his consciousness had been reincarnated in another Prime Multiverse.

As for the Mother Box, while she was still connected to the Source, it was just too faint to do anything. So she could only survive on the Astro-Force and cannibalize the Element-X within her to create three physical vessels to have the processing power she had with one physical vessel.

Worst of all, she couldn't see his reincarnation from the Astral Plane. No that is wrong. She could only feel him.

But all she felt would have driven her to tears, if she had the capability to cry.

Pain, suffering, hope, only for it to shift back to desperation and denial… What spurred her out her hibernation like state was the intense emotion of pain and despondency, she had been receiving from him. So the Mother Box revved up and moved to see her son.

The boundary between the Astral Plane and the Prime Reality was almost like Heaven and the Phantom Zone… It such that it took her more than 400 years and most her saved energy before she could pin-point his exact location and find him.

But at the end she found him like this… But she wouldn't give up.

The Mother Box glowed with determination despite her weakened state. In the memories of the dream of the New God, Orion, she would help his reincarnation.

No matter what.

Maybe in the end… She might have her son back.

Floating towards her son, The Mother Box said. 'I… I won't say I know how you feel. I won't try to say that I understand. But as… Your greatest confidant and your beloved one, I'm sorry for not being here for you.'

'Why?' The mute hollowly. For as much as he didn't trust this thing. Deep in his heart, he did not want the conversation to end so soon. Anything to get away from this pain.

'Why are you apologizing? It's not like you are the one who put me here. Where I am locked up and tortured endlessly for no reason… So you have no reason to feel apologetic.'

'No, my son, I am to blame. In my haste to escape from Darkseid's clutches. I plummeted into another universe forcefully reincarnating you, hoping that you will at least live a simple life free of the pain from your past life. But I see now, I have only brought you nothing but pain and suffering but it is alright now, I will make it all right. '

'How?' The mute said giving her a chance to explain.

Reincarnation? Universe? Darkseid? The mute did not have any idea what the strange object meant, only that he heard that short sentence.

I will make it all right.

At this point he was willing to take anything. Even if it was from a conjured illusion.

'Maybe it really might just offer a way out of all this. Maybe it could even grant me True Death.'

Even that, would be a blessing for the imp.

Meanwhile the cosmic supercomputer pondered on the How.

Unlike before, it no longer bore its full connection with the Source so it was out of options. The link between her son and his power, the Astro-Force, was so thin it barely existed. If it weren't so, she would have already granted him the power to lay waste of his enemies.

So that left only one way.

Surely while it wouldn't supply all of his power back. But with the amount of Astro-Force that could be gained, her child would hold the minimum strength to shatter this planet if he so pleases.

It would have to be more than enough.

But that way was not without its repercussions.

As the Mother Box, it is inherent in her being to be good, and love her owner like a mother would love her child. But that might completely change, not her love, but her values. Not to mention, the corruption that it will bring to her child.

The Mother Box contemplated while her vessels hummed… Wait. Her vessels…?

The supercomputer slowed in realization as she had found a tentative solution to her problem.

It would not be perfect, but it will be manageable.

Beeping in happiness, she was going to inform Orion of her idea until she paused looking around. The mortal souls trapped within their pens, robbed of their dignity and their pride as a thinking being, put under the mercy of a conqueror.

Or a merciless being.

To the Mother Box, it reminded her too much of Darkseid's pen worlds. It was all Orion and she stood against… But that was hypocritical of her.

For the sacrifice that must be carried out for her child will require something she would have never considered possible.

It would be a betrayal of Orion's tenet.

'There is a way, my child.' The Mother Box began slowly, 'A way you can get out of this predicament. You can start all over again… Only that there will be a high price to pay.'

Yes, even if the process will invert a part of her in the process.

'Requirement.' The mute would have chuckled if he had the capability. 'At this point I am willing to take anything to get out of this hell. Anything.'

'… …. As the Mother Box, it isn't consider an assertion that I am omniscience. But the power needed for my plan will require just one thing.' The Mother Box paused for some seconds before it continued.

'In the case of damage to our physical forms, the emotions of our bearers is one of the ways in which we can be restored to optimal forms. But in this case, this will not be possible due to insufficient Material X and my weak connection to the force. But there is a third option… Souls. '

That got the mute's attention, looking up, he forcefully narrowed his eyes. 'Souls?'

'More specifically, Soul Energy, not the core itself. With enough Soul Energy, I could punch a hole in the Local reality for your consciousness to pass through to where your main self is. There you can claim a modicum of your true power. Although, there are risks involved.'

'Knew it wasn't so simple.' The mute thought snidely to himself.

'One, there is risk of corruption. An Inversion of sorts. Depending on the nature of the Soul Energy offered, your main core would be subtle to their influence. I could try to mitigate it as best as I can, but the changes would affect me also. Secondly, due to the nature of this Prime Multiverse the only way for us to escape would be moving back in its temporal currents. In order words, we would be going back in time. '

To the mute, the issue of self-corruption wasn't as daunting as he would admit. After all, with all the intense agony he had been through, a little change of personality would not surprise him at all. But the issue of going back in time surprisingly did.

To go back in time means to deal with everything and everyone once again. It was such a frightening prospect that the mute could not stop shivering in fear.

'No.' The mute visibly trembled. 'Not again, I don't want to see them again.'

Death would be bette-…!

'Wait… True power…' The word struck an alarm in his head. Those two words while it sounded funny rocked his very soul.

If he truly had that…

'This true power of mine." The mute asked, "Will it be enough to stand against them?"

'While I don't have a total understanding of this world's Supernatural Systems… Unless they are potent enough to paint the entire world with their magic. At the very least, in this world you will be unrivalled in might. '

For the first time a light since 400 plus years something shone in his eyes. The situation where he may be more powerful than the gods was so delicious to miss. But the only issue is this.

Where would he find the Soul Energy?

As if the Mother Box had read his mind, it cleared away from his view showing him a well of souls.

His supposed neighbors.

'No, no.' The mute catching on firmly shook his head. It wasn't a matter of morality. He refuses to be just like them, the mute refuses to do the things they would do.

It was not out of morality. Rather it was out of sheer spite.

'No, Mother Box. There has to be another method.'

In a way, the Mother Box was proud that her son had not immediately agreed to it. Although she suspected it was not for the same reasons as his first incarnation.

But it had to be done. Besides…

The Mother Box pulsed an invisible wave that scanned the entire area for over two kilometers, the site they were in, included.

For some dark reason, the Mother Box knew that this people if given a chance for eternal peace would take it, gladly. Even though she didn't know how to feel about that.

'My child, while I will admit that seeing you did not take the option just as quickly is speaks of your altruistic instincts. There really is no other way. I am not in the optimal condition to use our enemies as the required energy, and with your situation, I suspect you aren't also.'

At the Mother Box firm but gentle reply, the mute couldn't help but grimace.

'Believe me, this goes against everything we stood for, everything we abhor. If there were any other alternative, I would take it in a heartbeat. Besides… Personally, I-I believe they wouldn't be opposed to this.'

It took a split second before his eyes widened in realization. Just some seconds ago, he had been contemplating death. Deeming it as the only thing that could- would grant him peace…

He might not be totally sure of it, but, here and there he would occasionally glimpse it from his neighbors. The expression on their faces, and behaviors, with the main theme being one word.


He had also heard the gist before.

Some time ago, there was a practice in which the parents would be forced to skin their children and a person would be forced to eat the flesh of their loved ones. It didn't seem like it had stopped, only that it had been versified.

For those kind of people, wouldn't death be a sweet alternative?

It twisted the mute's soul that he actually considered the view of the gods.

He could still remember the one thing that had been said to him by his torturers…

To go against Nazarick. Is to seek a fate worse than Death.

It was a message made clear with each painful spasm.

'Alright… I will agree to this… But only if they want it.'

Even saying those words sounded ridiculous, because the mute already had an idea what their answers will be.

'Of course, my child. With my current strength it is nigh-impossible for me to collect the number of Soul Energy required for the Grand Escape.'

'Grand Escape, huh. How fitting… But still, how are you going to get their permission?'

Rather than answering, the Mother Box let her actions do the talking. Simultaneously, the Boxes glowed as an orange neon light shone like the dawn of a morning sun. Its radiance suddenly brought the attention of the ones around him.


"Is it the pen masters?"

"M-M-Morning. Is it morning, already!"

These responses weren't cries of awe or astonishment. It was fear. Fear, that a new day has arrived. Normally, a new day speaks of a time of new beginnings, it tell you that while your struggles aren't over there is still hope for you to overcome your challenges in reaching your desired end.

But here…

Pain, pain, pain, pain, and more pain. A never ending loop of anguish. The literal manifestation of hell on earth.

So was it a surprise that they feared a new day? That call sign of a beginning. These were the children of light who were given no choice but to love the dark and its blanket of silence.

Thin filaments almost transparent to the eyes, spread out of the Boxes each targeting the humans, demi-humans and monsters in the pen. But that wasn't all, the light in the box flickered still pushing ahead. Taking a spiderlike shape, it spread out of the large tent streaking towards the others, her targets were the ones in the same situation as them.

While there were cries of confusion and terror, it did not escalate to nothing more than harsh whispers. They were afraid of what will happen if their voices caught the ears of their masters.

Meanwhile the people who were in the same tent with the mute could only look up with wide eyes at the glowing halo above their fellow Albion sheep.

'To all who listens, I am the Mother Box, and I bring you good tidings. But with the present situation at hand, it will be no surprise that my words will be taken as nothing more than meaningless platitudes. So I will go right into the matter.'

She took a small pause quietly waiting for some questions before she continued.

'I have seen your plight, your tears and your pain. It is one I know of all too well. But unfortunately I have no means to help. EXCEPT, to offer you all a proposition… Death.'

Like buzzing bees, people discussed in their cages appearing puzzled at the strange offer.

'I need your Soul Energy or more specifically, your Life Force. I want to use it to help my son escape from this place. But I cannot do it without your permission to use your life force… If it were possible I would have tried saving you all, but sadly I only have the capacity to save one.'

The mute refused to look down as she said that. It was cruel to tell them that their lives were to be used to save one person. It was only be natural for them to feel anger, jealousy that he got to live while they all died. He could have told the Mother Box to lie, tell them that she would save them all.

But he refuses to. Out of sheer spite.

'My son is returning to the past…'

Audible gasps of disbelieve were heard as they all tried to see the mute who was beneath the blinding luminesce.

'He is going to make things right. Prepare for the ones who had put you in this place and prevent this from ever happening. But for that, he needs your help.'

The mute shot a weak glare to the Mother Box. He wanted to complain about her pushing such a heavy responsibility to him, but he knew he was only kidding himself.

If he actually had no chance, the mute would have coerced the Mother Box to kill him. For without any power what could he hope to against the gods? It would be like climbing to the skies without any support equipment.

But he banked it all on this True Power, she was talking about.

The mute will not deny her existence -The fact that she is talking to the others was more than enough proof- So he would hold on to this budding HOPE, for that is all he had. Not like he has anything to offer anyway.

So yes, if it is possible he would do it. Prevent this from ever happening.

'I cannot force you to decide. But for those who are ready to put their lives on the line. Close your eyes and accept. My promise to all who accept is that it will be a painless transition to the afterlife.'

It was not a second later. A voice belonging to that of a little child said out loud.

'Really? Do you promise that it wouldn't hurt like what our Pen Masters are doing to us?'

It was an innocent question, one asked by a child who was tired of the world he had been born into. Since the time of conception, all forms of agonizing experiments had been done on him. It always hurts, he cried looking for someone who could soothe his pain, but in this dark fetid place, it was every man for himself.

But if what this voice is saying is true. If the owner of this voice would grant him a peaceful death. Then he would gladly die.

This world had not given him a reason to live anyway.

'Yes, child.' The Mother Box replied gently as if lulling the child to sleep. ' All you have to do is close your eyes, and dream. I will do the rest.'

'Then, what if they decide to resurrect us. Wouldn't it be all for nothing?'

Another coarse voice belonging to that of a woman asked.

It sounded like it belonged to a young woman whose voice had been forcefully altered to sound like the croaking of an old lady. Probably due to the screams she made when she had been toyed and raped.

'I have seen it. Many people had killed themselves to escape this place, bite their tongues to bleed their selves to death only to be resurrected by our masters like it was nothing. So how sure are you that your method is going to work? '

The mute noted that the woman wasn't opposed to the part where she would die, but rather on the assurance that it stays permanent.

The Mother Box was silent for some seconds before replying. 'I assure you. That will not be a problem. A Soul Core without a Soul Energy to sustain it will be impossible to resurrect, not even the gods can anything about that. Except through forceful reincarnation.'

'… … Oh. Good. Then please… I want to die.'

Like that a sparked fuse. Voices of different kinds ranging from humans even to the monsters lit up adding in their agreements. For them, this is the perfect way to die, and if this could prevent them in another life from coming back here, then it was even more of a bonus.

In response to that, the Mother Box glowed even brighter while a small bell-like chime sounded from her vessel. The strings of light on each and every one glowed orange for a brief second, and their bodies cracked, visibly breaking down to red motes of light.

It was as the Mother Box had said. A peaceful death. Their bodies vanished, leaving behind the rags they wore.

In another tent, a tear slid down a little girl's face as her fingers connected with her parents through the gaps of her cage. Finally it was over.

In another, a young female human and a male bear demi-human linked their bleeding hands, as they departed together from this painful world.

In another a young boy closed his eyes for the final time giving thanks to the mysterious voice for letting him escape tomorrow's torment.

In another a Medusa held her half-human children in her arms, hugging them tight. Tomorrow, she was to be compelled to skin her children, but thankfully that tomorrow will never come. Even as she vanished, she only focused on her children hoping that in their next life, they will have a mother better than her.

Meanwhile the red particles floated into the strings like they were being sucked in, giving the spiderlike threads a red color that subsequently flowed into the Mother Box.

'This is enough, more than enough. It's ready, Orion. Prepare yourself.' The Mother Box informed the mute.

Wordlessly nodding back, the mute felt a brief shock course through his body as he too began to breakdown into motes of lights only that his was orange.

From the distance, he could hear the sounds of heavy footsteps hastily approaching the tent. It seems like the Pen Masters has finally realized that something is going on, but it was too late at this point.

Even as his vision began turning dark, the mute narrowed his eyes as a fire burned in his heart. 'I swear the next time will be different. I swear it…'

And everything turned dark.


The Mother Box watched as her son's physical form vanished leaving an orange floating orb. With the knowledge within her, the cosmic supercomputer gestured above as she used the Soul Energies as catalyst to create a rift between boundaries.


Using the method of creating a Boom Tube, a black whirling portal manifested with a crack on the walls of reality, which she used to immediately leave the timeline. Finding herself in the void space that leads to the Astral Realm.

Quickly, the Mother Box began refining the Soul Energies before the winds of entropy smashing against her vessels obliterate both her and Orion's existence.

She could feel it little by little, as the Soul Energies seeped into their cores.

'It's too much.'

She counted that the Soul Energies came from more than 2 thousand souls, which were more than enough to ferry her and Orion across the gap . But with such numbers, the corruption they would bring was too strong. The Mother Box could feel the psychic imprint on their Soul Energies.

Cries of agony and a dark deep-rooted desire for vengeance.

It was too the point, the Mother Box feared that if she wasn't careful enough, she too might be swallowed up by their turbulent wills. Swiftly, she selected one of her vessels as she began to refine the energies into it.

That was her main plan.

As she knew that the corruption was an inevitability, she would contain it into one of her vessel, while using the other two to cultivate using the Astro-Force.

But even with that, she knew her son will not be spared from the corruption. She could already see it as the orange orb was now gaining dots of red.

'I have to hurry!' She thought in alarm, pushing ahead through the storm of the end.

It took an unknown amount of time but she was finally back in the Astral Realm. By then the red spots on the orange orb were becoming bigger. Without another word, the Mother Box vanished as they appeared in another location.

It was an endless dark expanse that had a magma-like sea as its source of light. The heat the marine caricature gave off was pretty convincing on its own. It was a heat greater than a sun's core.

'Orion, Go. Your power calls for you.'

With that the orange orb shot out from her grasp immediately sinking into the Astro-Force. This had caused to sea to boil as the heat increased even more.

The Mother Box knew this would take some time, so she used this opportunity to pull the Astro-Force for her alteration. Normally, it wasn't possible for anyone to control this kind of energy, just the potency was enough to kill even a god. The Mother Box sometimes had suspected that the cosmic energy was actually sapient.

But she was the Mother Box. Apart from Orion, she was the only one even among her fellow machine in existence who could actually control its tempestuous energy. Or rather, the Astro-Force allows her to control it.

Time passed. Days, weeks, years, centuries… By then she had already finished the refinement. Two of her vessels emanated with an orange glow that gave off a ragging energy while the last was blood red that gave off a malicious bloodlust.

One day a formed in the sea as a glowing orange form came out from it, hovering in the air in a still like state. Finally a New God has been reborn.

Drifting towards Orion, the Mother Box noted that the energy absorbed was more than she anticipated. While it was obviously not more than 1% of the Astro-Force, it will be more than enough.

Using the power the realm provided for her. A Boom Tube opened, its destination, another timeline in the past.


Original Timeline.

With a gasp he opened his eyes, wincing the following second due to the loud noise that followed after. Alert, he looked around only to see that he was in a room on a bed that felt too comfortable for his liking.

He stood up, looking at himself only to see that he was naked.

"Where am I?...! Wait. I'm talking?"

He paused as his hands went to his throat while in a state of confusion. Shaking his head, he left that for later to observe the room better. It was familiar. Hell a little too familiar, he knew this room intimately.

Light peeked from the wooden windows, which he hesitantly opened only to see the blue sky.


He staggered back in shock, while whispering disbelievingly. "I'm back. I really back."

[Yes Orion. Welcome to the past.]

Turning back, the man saw the floating boxes. The Mother Box. While they appeared different from how he remembered them, he would not forget their uniqueness.

"You really did it, Mother Box." Tears streamed down his eyes. As he looked towards the window.

The skies, and the Kingdom of Re-Estize which could been seen in clear view… Wait. Re-Estize?

A piercing headache lanced through his head. Like a torrent, everything came back. Who he was? What he was? Why he was? Everything.

[Orion?! Are you alright?!]

Groaning, he shook his head. "It's nothing, Mother Box. I just finally remembered my own name… No, my former name. Climb."

He stood up standing in his New God physiology. He is back, this time will be different.

The once named Climb and the will of two thousand souls grinned savagely.

"This time will be different. Nazarick. "

In another Prime Multiverse. A God of Darkness stirred. Eyes that reflected the power of the Omega Effect stirred to life, while in the distance billions of demons growled as their master awakened in the empty Multiverse.

"At last my son. I've finally found you."