
- Dooms Bringers

With each passing day, I begin to realize what kind of mistake I have done. Andras tightly gripped the feather pen, his fingers covered in sweat.

So blinded by my hatred, I have summoned something uncontrollable and truly horrifying, that even a thought of him spreads fear all through me. Tristan and others say I am not at fault here and I want to agree with them, I want to shift the blame to those who gave us the gem, however, no matter how hard I try to delude myself, I know that I am at fault.

I am sure that this burden will only disappear the day I die, but until that day comes, I will use all of my willpower to endure the horrible pain of it.

He dipped the pen into a jar with ink and once again put it to the paper.

The incident that occurred soon after the summoning has been disguised as a mining accident and the truth was hidden. Even after thinking about it for days with no sleep during the nights, I still do not know why Baphomet killed them. Others say he did it just because he is so bloodthirsty and mortal hating being, I agree with them, but I have this feeling, something telling me that it was more than that, there was some kind of plan behind it, a plan that I simply too foolish to comprehend. Perhaps I will understand it after all of this is over. Tristan and I have made a plan to extinguish the fire we started. As I suspected, the word about Baphomet's summoning got out and my higher-ups found out. I thought they would be against me plotting to end it all but on the contrary, they agreed with my decision and have sent some of their assassins to aid us. I just hope it works. Up until Baphomet killed the innocent, I truly thought that what I have done was in favour of humanity. I thought that he would be able to see the good and bad and separate them both for the sake of the world. Now I see my mistake, and I will do anything to change it.

My name is Andras Unglaus. If the pages after these are blank, let it be known to those who see this, I have lost.

Ulbert closed shut the diary and placed it on a wooden table in front of him. His sharp teeth showed as he smiled at first, but only faded away into the thoughts running on about in his head. It seems Andras developed his doubts right after I killed those people. I wonder...If I was to take a different course of action, would he still betray me? Ulbert frowned as he stared at the leather-covered diary, lost in thought before dragging himself away.

No, that would just delay the inevitable, a loyal servant would never betray his lord, no matter how frightened he is.

Ulbert turned his monstrous body around, bloodstained are his hands and no longer is he in a human form. Although being a human has a lot of perks Ulbert prefers his original form, a form he got used to after playing in it for so many years. The only reason why he would wear his human costume is to blend in with the scum that surrounds him, to destroy it from within and cleanse the filth that stains this world.

With the help of a few demons, he ensured that this complex labyrinth was clear of all but one human life. A human life that he took under his wing as a pet, making sure it would not be touched without his permission.

"Ready to serve."

The two demons that he summoned with a click of his fingers appeared in front of him and spoke in unison, both bowing with their heads down.

Ulbert looked at one of them, a Succubus in his service.

With the body of a stunningly beautiful woman, her voluptuous form is squeezed into a tight leather bodice and her cherry blossom tail wags around in excitement. Bat wings, powerful and great in size, hang from her back while the horns attached to her head are surrounded in a fiery aura, surprisingly lukewarm to the touch.


"Yes my lord?"

"Have you found those who have escaped?"

"Yes lord. Two humans and dwarf travelling west in a hurry."

"Hmm, interesting."

Tristan was not among those who got slaughtered, he must be the dwarf she is talking about, retreating with other survivors to the headquarters, to the ones behind my summoning.

Ulbert shifted his gaze to the other demon, a Satyr.

"Has the mine been cleared?"

With wicked horns erupt from his skull and a nearly hairless tail wagging around in excitement, he looked up at Ulbert. His body is similar to that of a humanoid, with two muscular arms and legs that are partly covered in dark red fur he stands at seven feet tall, with enormous claws sharper than a blade ready to rip his opponent to shreds.

"Yesss your lordssship" His long tongue wiggling about from one long and pointy ear to the other, refusing to stay in his mouth and brushing past his long beard.

Ulbert looked at the Satyr and then the Succubus. Unlike the humans there is no fear on their faces. On the contrary, they seem pleased to be in his service, they see him as one of their own and follow not because of terror but because of pleasure, something he cannot expect from a human.

Loyal creatures indeed. He thought as he eyed them down. He could feel their power just by standing near them, an immense difference when compared to average humans he had to deal with.

"Succubus." Ulbert turned his head to the beautiful demon.


"Do you have a name?"

"No lord."

"What about you Satyr."

"No my lord."


It seems that just like in YGDRASSIL, summoned monsters do not have personal names. That makes sense as who would name a disposable summon. If I remember correctly high-level monsters stay for as long as the user desires unless I summon another similar to its kind. If I am going to keep them by I should name them.

Ulbert thought for a long moment, his hand stroking his grey beard as his mind shuffled through possible names.

A good name...A name that will be remembered and feared...

And then names popped into his head and he moved his arm away from his beard. Names originally from a very old game most have forgotten about. No one would know where this name came from, none but him.

He pointed at the Satyr, his eyes full of excitement and a big smirk on his face.

"Your name shall be...Xavius, first of the Satyrs." Ulbert clenched his fists as he spoke the name out loud. He was proud of it and that could be heard in his voice, a very fitting name for his trusted soldier.

"Thank you my Lord! I will carry thisss name with great terror!" Xavius bowed his head down in gratitude.

"And you..." Ulbert turned his attention to the Succubus. "Shall be named Noura, Mother of flames."

"With great honour, I accept the name the supreme one gives."

Ulbert took a step back and looked at both of them, proud as a father would be of his children.

"Arise my children." He spoke as he lifted his hands and both of them began rising from their knees.

"Arise and be prepared! For we are the bringers of doomsday.

We are a force that from the ashes of old, shall build a new order, that will shake the very foundations of the cursed world!"

"Miss?" A high-pitched voice called to Anna resting in a bed, wrapped around in soft snow sheets and snugging away from the cold winds of the room.

"Miss Anna?" A bit louder this time, the voice called out again.

"Mhmm...?" Slumberous, she slowly opened her eyes and gazed at a small goblin about the size of a dwarf staring right back at her, flapping its eyelids that cover its large round eyes.

"A goblin..." She whispered.

"A GOBLIN?!" Her body jerked itself awake and out of surprise, she kicked the small goblin in the stomach and sent him flying to the other side of the room. Screeching mid-flight, the small goblin hit the stone wall and fell onto his stomach near the door, his body slightly twitching.

With her eyes wide open and the bedsheet tightly clenched in her hands, she eyed the small goblin down as he struggled to breathe and stand.

With green skin and long pointy ears, he stands not taller than a typical dwarf. With rough brown leather clothes and no shoes on his feet, the goblin stood up and looked at Anna, holding his stomach in pain.

"W-Who are you?! And what are you doing here?!" She asked as she covered her bare chest with the bedsheet.

"L-Lord Baphomet sent me," He grunted, wheezing as he spoke. "H-He asked to check if you were awake." The goblin barely stood up as he held his stomach in pain.

Baphomet? She clutched the bedsheet tighter as a glimpse of last night flashed in her mind. Did he really send him?

"I-If he did send you, then how does he look?"

Although in pain, Anna could see confusion come over the goblin's face as she asked him the question.


"How does he look. I do not trust you."

"Umm...He is tall?" The goblin scratched his bald head. "And...And hairy?"

His words contained more surprise than uncertainty. He knows how Ulbert looks, but the unexpected question made it this much harder to answer.

"What colour is his hair?"

Goblin took his hand off his stomach and looked at Anna with annoyance in his eyes.

"Listen, lady." He pointed his finger at her "I don't have ti-"

"Answer or I will scream!" She shouted, startling the little goblin.

"You crazy bimbo, why the hell are you shouting?!"

"I am sure Lord Baphomet will hear me and will question what is it the little goblin has done to make a woman scream like that."

"Lord Baphomet?" Visible panic took over his face. "T-There is no need to get Lord Baphomet involved, I will tell you how he looks okay? Just please don't scream like that again."

The goblin gestured her to calm down.

"It is uh-umm. Grey! His hair colour is grey. He also has that a...what's it called again?" He clicked his fingers. "Top hat, yeah, and it has a...a clock. Yes, a clock...

Anna looked at the goblin for a long moment while squinting her eyes.

"So he did se-"

"Horns! He also has horns!"

"I-I know he sent you."

"Wow, I never knew that." He sighed as he held his head in pain. "Now hurry up and get dressed, we don't have much time."

The goblin took a neatly stacked pile of clothes from his backpack and approached Anna, placing it in her hands."

"W-What is this? And much time for what?"

"These are your new clothes and I don't know, he advised me to hurry up and If you ask me personally, I don't want to disappoint. So move on."

Anna began flipping through the clothes. Black dress with white trim, a skirt with an apron, white stockings and even high heels. All part of the maid outfit. Is...Is this a maid outfit? She thought

"Did Lord Baphomet give you these?"

"Yes he did, now hurry up and put them on."

"I-I am not going to put them on while you stand there, looking at me."

"Ugh humans," The goblin huffed and turned his body around, facing the door instead of Anna.

"Leave the room!"

"Lord Baphomet gave me clear instructions, I will not leave the room without you."

"F...Fine! But don't you dare turn around"

"But don't you dare turn around," The goblin whispered to himself as he mimicked her voice.

Of what importance is she to Lord Ulbert? He thought. His foot tapping the naked floor in anticipation. And why did he tell me not to give out his real name? Perhaps this girl possesses powers that even I can't feel, or maybe there is another use of her.

"I am ready." As Anna's voice reached his long ears, the sound of high heels touching the floor swiftly followed and he turned around.

From shoes to the ruffled headpiece, every single part of this outfit is a perfect fit for her slim body. Although beautiful and elegant, just as a maid should be, she finds it quite embarrassing and out of ordinary hence why her cheeks turned to bright pink colour.

"Took you long enough," The goblin said as he began eyeing her down from head to toes with a frown on his face and a hand on his chin. Studying her dress.

After a long moment of looking, he sighed and waved his hand. "Ah nevermind. Let's go, we can't keep him waiting." He proceeded to the door with Anna right behind, nervous as always.

Ulbert inhaled the fresh air around him. It is a sunny day, a hot day. The sky is clear and the warm breeze caresses his skin through his grey hair. With birds chippering away, hopping from branch to branch, he shut his eyes and enveloped himself in the calm atmosphere. Something he misses greatly.

I can't remember the last time I got out and enjoyed a pleasant day...

"Lord Ulbert?" Xavius's voice broke his train and thoughts but his eyes remained closed.


"The woman you called for is approaching,"

"Is she with the goblin?"

"Yes my lord."

Ulbert took in another deep breath before speaking and finally opening his eyes.

"Perfect, let them come."