
Overlord: The Transmigrated Noble

Key_23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 9: Aiden's Conversation with Ainz

Aiden's heart raced as he stood before Ainz, the Sorcerer King himself. The atmosphere in the room was heavy with anticipation and an underlying sense of power. Aiden's nerves threatened to overwhelm him, but he gathered his courage and cleared his throat, ready to address the enigmatic ruler.

"Your Majesty, Ainz Ooal Gown," Aiden began, his voice steady but laced with a hint of awe. "I stand before you today as a humble representative of the Re-Estize Kingdom, seeking an audience to discuss matters of utmost importance."

Ainz's crimson eyes fixated on Aiden, his expression unreadable. "Speak, noble Aiden," he replied in a deep, resonant voice that sent a shiver down Aiden's spine.

Aiden took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "Your Majesty, I come to you not as an adversary, but as someone who recognizes the power and influence of the Sorcerer Kingdom. I believe that a cooperative alliance between our kingdoms could bring about great prosperity and security for both our lands."

Ainz leaned back in his throne, his skeletal fingers interlaced. "An alliance, you say? And what do you bring to the table, noble Aiden? What can the Re-Estize Kingdom offer the Sorcerer Kingdom?"

Aiden's gaze met Ainz's unwavering stare. "Your Majesty, our kingdom possesses valuable resources, skilled craftsmen, and a strategic position that could benefit the Sorcerer Kingdom's ambitions. We offer our loyalty and our willingness to aid you in your endeavors."

Ainz's gaze softened slightly, his eyes seemingly assessing Aiden's sincerity. "And what assurance do I have that your loyalty is genuine? That you won't betray me and my kingdom?"

Aiden's voice quivered, but he maintained his composure. "Your Majesty, I understand your skepticism, but I swear upon my family's honor and the well-being of the Re-Estize Kingdom that I am sincere in my intentions. I am here to bridge the gap between our kingdoms, to foster understanding and cooperation."

Ainz remained silent for a moment, his gaze penetrating Aiden's very soul. Finally, he spoke in a measured tone. "Noble Aiden, I appreciate your boldness and your desire for an alliance. However, trust must be earned, and I cannot simply grant it based on words alone."

Aiden's heart sank, but he refused to give up. "Your Majesty, I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn your trust. I am here to serve, to prove my loyalty through actions rather than mere promises."

Ainz's expression softened, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes. "Very well, noble Aiden. I shall grant you the opportunity to demonstrate your loyalty. But remember, any betrayal will be met with swift and severe consequences."

Aiden bowed deeply, gratitude and determination coursing through his veins. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am prepared to prove myself and show you that our alliance can be a powerful force for both our kingdoms."

As Aiden left the chamber, a mix of anticipation and responsibility weighed heavily upon him. He knew that his journey had just begun, and the path ahead would be filled with challenges and sacrifices. But he was ready to face them, for the sake of his kingdom and the newfound alliance he hoped to forge with the Sorcerer Kingdom