
Overlord: The Transmigrated Noble

Key_23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 8: Ainz's Perspective

As Aiden exited the grand chamber, a silence fell over the room, interrupted only by the echo of his footsteps. Ainz, the Skeleton King, sat upon his throne, deep in thought. His mind processed the encounter with the human noble, evaluating the potential benefits and risks of entertaining his proposal.

Albedo and Demiurge stood by his side, their expressions a mix of annoyance and disbelief. The tension in the room was palpable as they exchanged glances, waiting for Ainz to break the silence.

Ainz's hollow sockets turned to Albedo, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Albedo, Demiurge, what are your thoughts on this human noble's proposal?"

Albedo's gaze hardened as she spoke, her voice dripping with disdain. "My Lord, this human is a mere speck in the grand scheme of your plans. His audacity to believe he can be of any use to the Sorcerer King is laughable."

Demiurge chimed in, his voice laced with skepticism. "Indeed, Ainz-sama. This human noble's intentions reek of self-interest and manipulation. He seeks to exploit the power of the Sorcerer Kingdom for his own gains."

Ainz listened to their words, his mind contemplating the possible outcomes. He understood their concerns, for he was all too familiar with the treachery of humanity. However, something about Aiden's earnest plea resonated within him. The desire to save his kingdom from impending doom struck a chord deep within Ainz's cold heart.

"Albedo, Demiurge," Ainz's voice was measured, his tone contemplative. "While I understand your reservations, we must consider all possibilities. This human noble has offered his loyalty and service. Perhaps there is more to him than meets the eye."

Albedo's eyes widened in surprise, her expression a mix of disbelief and frustration. "My Lord, you cannot be serious! Are you truly considering entertaining this human's proposal?"

Ainz's voice remained steady, his decision firm. "Yes, Albedo. I believe it is worth exploring. This noble claims to seek an alliance for the greater good. We must not dismiss potential allies without proper consideration."

Demiurge's eyebrows furrowed, his skepticism evident. "But, Ainz-sama, we possess the power to conquer his kingdom effortlessly. Why should we waste our time on feeble peace talks?"

Ainz leaned back in his throne, his skeletal fingers steepled before him. "Strength lies not only in the ability to conquer, but also in the ability to forge alliances. Unity can lead to a stronger, more stable kingdom. Besides, I am curious to see what this noble has to offer."

Albedo's frustration was palpable, her voice tinged with resignation. "As you wish, my Lord. I shall arrange for the meeting. But I implore you to proceed with caution."

Ainz nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze fixed on the distance. "Thank you, Albedo. I understand your concerns. Let us see what this human noble has to say. We shall proceed with caution, but also with an open mind."

As Albedo and Demiurge left the chamber to make the necessary arrangements, Ainz remained seated upon his throne, lost in thought. The fate of the peace talks with the human noble weighed heavily on his mind, for it had the potential to alter the course of not only his kingdom but also the destiny of this new world he found himself in