
Overlord: The Transmigrated Noble

Key_23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 6: Doom that came

The kingdom of Re-Estize stood on the precipice of doom as the news of Ainz Ooal Gown and his monstrous kingdom spread like wildfire. Fear and uncertainty gripped the hearts of its people, and whispers of despair echoed through the streets. Aiden, fully aware of the impending danger, sought to gauge the kingdom's reaction and rally them against the looming threat.

In the grand hall of the royal palace, Aiden found himself surrounded by a gathering of nobles, military advisors, and concerned citizens. The atmosphere was heavy with apprehension, and the tension in the air was palpable. Aiden stepped forward, his voice steady and commanding.

"Friends and fellow countrymen, I stand before you today not only as a noble but as a guardian of our beloved kingdom. We find ourselves facing a crisis unlike any we have encountered before. Ainz Ooal Gown and his monstrous kingdom pose a threat that cannot be ignored."

Murmurs of agreement and unease spread among the crowd, confirming Aiden's words struck a chord. He continued, his gaze sweeping across the room.

"Our enemy is formidable, their power seemingly boundless. But I implore you, let not fear consume us. It is in times of adversity that we must rise united, with unwavering resolve and a determination to protect what is ours. We must not allow ourselves to be paralyzed by dread."

An older noble stepped forward, his voice tinged with skepticism. "But Aiden, what hope do we have against such overwhelming power? It is said that Ainz Ooal Gown can destroy entire armies with a single spell. How can we stand against such a force?"

Aiden met the noble's gaze, his expression resolute. "I do not deny the might of our adversary. However, let us not forget the strength that lies within our kingdom—the strength of our people, our loyalty, and our indomitable spirit. We must harness that strength, combining our resources, intelligence, and courage to face this threat head-on."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, hope flickering in their eyes. Aiden's words began to instill a renewed sense of determination within them. Another noble spoke up, his voice filled with urgency.

"But what of our allies, Aiden? Can we seek aid from neighboring kingdoms? Surely, in our time of need, they would not abandon us."

Aiden nodded, acknowledging the concern. "Our alliances are crucial, and we shall explore all avenues of assistance. However, we must also be cautious. Ainz Ooal Gown's influence extends far, and we cannot risk jeopardizing our allies by drawing them into this dangerous web. We must prove our resilience and ability to stand on our own."

Aiden's words resonated with the gathering, their resolve strengthening. The room filled with a renewed determination, a collective understanding that the fate of their kingdom rested in their hands.

"We face a daunting future, my friends," Aiden declared, his voice carrying the weight of their shared burdens. "But let us face it together, united as one. We shall not bow down in the face of tyranny, nor shall we allow our kingdom to be swallowed by darkness. Our fight begins now, and with each step we take, we shall defy the doom that waits."

Cheers of determination filled the hall as the people of Re-Estize found solace and courage in Aiden's words. They were no longer merely subjects of a kingdom; they were warriors, and protectors of their homeland. The battle against the encroaching darkness had begun, and united, they stood, ready to face the peril that lay ahead.