
Overlord: The Transmigrated Noble

Key_23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 4: The Game of Manipulation

Aiden entered the grand chamber, where Zanac awaited him with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. The young noble's gaze was filled with a mixture of fear and determination, reflecting the turmoil that had consumed the kingdom.

"Aiden, what brings you here today?" Zanac inquired, his voice laced with caution.

Aiden approached, carefully choosing his words. "Your Highness, I come before you with a proposition that could potentially turn the tide against the Sorcerer King."

Zanac raised an eyebrow, intrigued yet wary. "Speak, Aiden. What plan do you propose?"

Aiden took a deep breath, his eyes focused. "Your Highness, we must not underestimate the power of fear that Ainz Ooal Gown wields. His ability to annihilate our soldiers with a single spell has left the kingdom in a state of terror. But fear can be a double-edged sword, and we can use it to our advantage."

Zanac's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of interest shining through. "How do you suggest we do that? Ainz's power seems overwhelming."

Aiden smiled, a cunning glint in his eyes. "Your Highness, while Ainz possesses tremendous power, he also has limited resources. His spells, as devastating as they may be, come at a cost. By carefully analyzing his tactics and observing the aftermath of his battles, we can identify the strain it places on him. We must exploit his weaknesses and create scenarios that push him to expend his energy."

Zanac leaned forward, his expression growing more contemplative. "But how can we orchestrate such scenarios without putting ourselves at risk?"

Aiden's voice lowered, his tone filled with calculated confidence. "Your Highness, we have an opportunity to manipulate the political landscape. By sowing seeds of discord and conflict among Ainz's allies, we can divert his attention and resources. Divide and conquer, as they say. If we can turn his own forces against each other, it will weaken his hold on the kingdom."

Zanac's eyes widened, a glimmer of excitement mixing with caution. "You propose playing the game of politics, using our knowledge of Ainz's weaknesses to pit his followers against one another?"

Aiden nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Indeed, Your Highness. We must exploit the fractures within Ainz's ranks, leveraging their ambitions, rivalries, and hidden agendas to create chaos. In doing so, we will force him to divert his attention internally, giving us an opportunity to strike at the heart of his power."

Zanac's expression hardened, his resolve taking shape. "Aiden, what you suggest is not without risk, but if successful, it could pave the way for our victory. We must tread carefully and ensure that our actions remain hidden, for Ainz is a cunning adversary."

Aiden met Zanac's gaze, his voice filled with determination. "Your Highness, together we possess the knowledge and the cunning to challenge Ainz's rule. We must build a network of loyal allies, gather information, and strike opportunistically. With the people's support and a well-executed plan, we can restore peace and sovereignty to our kingdom."

Zanac's eyes gleamed with newfound resolve. "Very well, Aiden. Let us forge this alliance of manipulation and strategy. Together, we shall expose Ainz Ooal Gown's weaknesses and end his tyrannical reign."

And so, in that grand chamber, a pact was forged—an alliance built on the shared desire to reclaim their homeland and challenge the reign of fear that had enveloped them. Aiden and Zanac, united in purpose, embarked on a path of manipulation and strategy, determined to turn the tables on the Sorcerer King.