
Overlord: The Transmigrated Noble

Key_23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 12: The Secret Alliance

Aiden, aware of the Slane Theocracy's efforts to rebrainwash Shalltear Bloodfallen, saw an opportunity to forge an alliance. He believed that combining their resources and knowledge would greatly increase their chances of taking down the Sorcerer King and his NPC followers. With this in mind, he approached the leaders of the Slane Theocracy to discuss a potential alliance.

Entering the hidden chamber, Aiden stood before High Priest Zephyr, Cardinal Elara, and Archbishop Lucius. He spoke with conviction, "Esteemed leaders of the Slane Theocracy, I come to you today with a proposition. Our goals align, as we all seek to undermine the influence of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown. I believe that by joining forces, we can increase our chances of success."

High Priest Zephyr regarded Aiden with a scrutinizing gaze. "You speak of an alliance, noble Aiden. What guarantees can you offer us? How do we know that you are not simply trying to manipulate us for your own gain?"

Aiden maintained a composed demeanor, his voice steady and unwavering. "I understand your concerns, High Priest Zephyr. Allow me to assure you that my intentions are genuine. The Sorcerer King's rule threatens not only your theocracy but also the stability of the entire realm. By working together, we can pool our knowledge, resources, and strategies to effectively dismantle his reign."

Cardinal Elara leaned forward, her expression contemplative. "Noble Aiden, while we share a common enemy, it is crucial that we understand each other's strengths and weaknesses. What can the Re-Estize Kingdom offer in this alliance?"

Aiden's gaze met Cardinal Elara's, his tone filled with resolve. "Cardinal Elara, the Re-Estize Kingdom possesses a formidable army and skilled warriors. Our military might, combined with your strategic brilliance and mastery of forbidden magic, would create a formidable force against the Sorcerer King. Additionally, our knowledge of the Great Tomb of Nazarick and its guardians can prove invaluable in planning our actions."

Archbishop Lucius, known for his cautious nature, spoke up. "This alliance must be built on trust and shared objectives. A single crack in our unity could be exploited by the Sorcerer King. How do we ensure that our interests remain aligned throughout this endeavor?"

Aiden nodded in agreement, acknowledging the Archbishop's concerns. "Archbishop Lucius, I propose a formal agreement that outlines our shared goals, the division of resources, and a system for regular communication and coordination. This will serve as the foundation of our alliance and ensure that we remain focused on our common objective."

The leaders of the Slane Theocracy exchanged glances, silently deliberating the proposition before them. After contemplating, High Priest Zephyr spoke with a measured tone. "Noble Aiden, we are cautious but open to the possibility of this alliance. We shall draft our agreement's terms and present them to you for review. If it meets your expectations, we can continue our combined efforts to bring down the Sorcerer King."

Aiden bowed respectfully, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "I am grateful for your consideration, esteemed leaders. I believe we can overcome the Sorcerer King's dominance and restore peace and stability to our realm."

And so, in the hidden chamber of the Slane Theocracy, the seeds of an alliance were sown. Aiden's determination to unite their forces against Ainz Ooal Gown resonated with the leaders. Now, they would work together, combining their strengths and strategies to face the overwhelming might of the Sorcerer King.