
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


We sat about talking and drinking the high class booze of YGGDRASIL. Word got around Nazarick that I was back and my maid of the day showed up. 'Well at least the crazy will be entertaining.'

When the brown haired woman walked into the bar she looked at me with psychotic eyes. She hiked up her already short maid skirt and walked over to where we were sitting ignoring the other women that were present. "Carol, you are being impolite." Bella said casually to the crazy woman.

"YOU'RE NOT MY SUPERVISOR! And its Cheryl, Mr. Quake can I get you anything?" The psychotic secretary asks me.

"Ask Monica to whip up some snacks for us Cheryl." I quickly reply then ignore the woman based on the Archer TV show. 'My love of crazy women strikes again.'

Conversation continues and snacks arrive and are eaten. I decide to take us on a tour of the scenic areas of the tomb. We transport to the floor of the Coliseum and the natives marvel at the sent of cinnamon rolls in the air. Ainz did a fantastic job programming the effects for this floor as did BluePlanet.

We walk around the lake and the twins join us on our tour. Mare would hold my hand shyly and Aura would look jealous. Each took some time settling to organized sharing until we made it to the city floor. Rubedo was there as we arrived and Bella gave up my left side to the most powerful NPC in Nazarick. The mayor of my city looked quite similar to cannon with minor tweaks. She looked like Artoria from the fate series, the king Arthur knockoff was obsessed with ruling my city and me.

"My Emperor, it is good to see you. I hope your humble servant has kept your capital to your liking." She says while pressing her near flat chest against my arm.

"You have done an excellent job my dear. Let me introduce you to Queen Draudillon of the Dragon Kingdom and Enri Emmot Chief of Carne. Ladies this is Rubedo, mayor of the jewel of my kingdom, Nazarick's capital, Camelot." I say introducing the God slaying ascended angel.

The two queens courtsy and the chief follows a moment behind. "It is a pleasure to meet someone so highly trusted by our Emperor. Perhaps you may give me some tips to help with my own kingdom at some point." Says Drau the royal baring not lost while making inroads with my people.

"It is nice to meet you your highness. I don't believe I could manage such a scale but any advice you could give for Carne village would be appreciated." Says the polite but in over her head chief.

"For the betterment of my lord's vassels I would be happy to advise you." She replies with a nod. "My Emperor may I lead the tour?"

"Of course my dear." I answer then proceed to be nearly dragged along through the park and we walk the inner circuit of the city. Rubedo describes each of the sectors and a little about the design aspects as we make it to each part. The oohs and aahs of the natives match the sheer dumbfounded looks of seeing buildings over 100 stories tall. The different themes of the city making them believe a multitude of cultures all bent to my will.

We are joined by Scarlett and tailed by her spiders that try to stay out of sight on rooftops. I am happy to see she is not pregnant from my near slip in draconic form. I will eventually breed any or all of them but that will wait until this world is fully under my control.

Shalltear joins the procession wearing her dog collar proudly. The blush on Enri's face at the tag that says [Emperor's Bitch] makes me smile. The harem of beauties are joined by my right hand and mommy fetish Albedo. The contrast between the flat angel on my left and the voluptuous demon on my right is perfect. The two sisters are rivals and supporters at the same time. Albedo feeling she has already won because we fornicate daily has no problem helping her virgin sister.

It is mid tour that we are interrupted. Receiving a message from one of my Hanzos, I break off from the party. 'Looks like they didn't learn their lesson.' "War room now." I say to the gathered group. Shalltear opens a gate to the room and we all go in. "Call all guardians Sebas as well it seems the Theocracy didn't learn its lesson the first 2 times. We will be pushing straight through to the elven kingdom as well. Enri and Drau if you two don't want to see this you may return home."

"I am with you my Emperor!" Comes the surprising voice of Enri. "Should I gather the village for battle? Their are many that owe you their lives there." My subordinates look pleased with the zeal of the chief.

"I will stay if you allow me." Says the queen politely knowing any forces she has are still recovering.

"Thank you Enri but your and the queen's domains are still recovering." My other leaders finish gathering and Demiurge pushes his glasses up. "Demiurge you will be capturing the leadership." I say pointing to the capital on the map in front of us. "I want every one of those cardinals snatched up and with Neuronist. They are sending their last hope straight at me. I want them to be able to witness their failure so they will get a small break to enjoy my smack down. Cocytus you and Rubedo will be leading our main forces south from the Katze plains. Rely on each other for strategy and division of labor." I say and they nod moving back allowing others to move forward to receive orders.

"Natasha you are on the duty of spreading uprisings in the cities the army hasn't reached yet. Put those lockpicks to work freeing my children. Sebas you have the job of saving children and innocents. No racial supremacy will remain to join in my Empire." They nod and step back.

"Shalltear you will take Nigredo and Gargantua to the southern border. There he will use his terrain shift to build a massive wall that your household will patrol. You are to capture not kill at this border Sebas will judge them when he is able. Chiron you are to focus on troop support with potions and magic items. Pandora you, Mare, Aura, and her beasts will go to the border with the elven kingdom and hold the line. I will personally take out the elven king, if he shows up before me you may kill him with my face on." The nazi salute is a bit too much but I'm the only one who knows what it means here... probably. Who knows what these monsters like to read for fun.

"Albedo and Bell will be by my side. Lets use mostly angel troops I feel it will be a great demoralizing blow to this false religion's fanatics. Rubedo and I will summon a few archangels who will use their choirs to bulk up the army's numbers. Everyone else may stay here and coordinate with each other Rubedo with me I'll put my summons under your orders." I say leaving the room to the throne room.

In short order I am looking at two androgynous divine beings. "Archangel Metatron, Archangel Uriel. The Voice and The Knowledge. There is a kingdom led by heretics would you follow my cause and help me punish the wicked there and follow the orders of my Rubedo?"

"Deus vult we will happily crusade for you my lord!" Says The Voice and Uriel nods consent to the speaker.

"Excellent." I say standing from my throne. "Operations begin in one hour I will be waiting to intercept their confused trump card on the lake between the two kingdoms." With the preperations for the war set I gather Albedo and Bella at the front of the tomb.

Handing over my ring, I will the All Black to form my spear in my hand. I cast gate to arrive at the draconic kingdom. A quick spell gives Bella and I the ability to fly, Albedo already possessing it. The three of us fly out over the lake and wait to intercept the half elven girl obsessed with strength. Albedo in her full black armor and Bella with her green dress and silver crown.

"Make us an Island in this lake Bella." I tell her and she holds her wand out as an enormus spell circle glows from the tip. [Control Earth] the higher tier of shape earth spell being used to create a wide square island in the middle of the lake in just moments. "Good work Bella they thought she would get the drop on me if they casted fly on her and sent her over the lake."

"The audacity of this bitch." Albedo says angry and I can see the fire in her eyes under her helm.

"The girl herself is being misguided and controled by power hungry idiots. We will see if we can get her to come to our side. My intel says she just wants to kill her father so I can make that happen." I say as we stay in the air so we don't miss her flying by. "There she is stay up here I will land and talk to her."

I decend to the ground that was made in the center of the lake and look at the half elven girl with white and black hair. 'Cruella and her kinda match.' "Are you the Red Emperor?"

"I am." I say as she lands across from me in her white and gold plate armor and wielding a sythe. "Your eyes are saying you want to fuck but your body language is all fight. Really mixed signals girl."

"I want to fight and if you win I want to fuck." She says plainly rubbing her belly as if imagining herself pregnant.

"Sounds like a win win for you how about if I win you renounce your false old gods and worship me." I say and she smirks.

"I never cared for the faith I just want my father dead." She says spinning her sythe.

"Oh the elf king that was already on the schedule for me after this little match. I just think killing him will be letting him go to easy." I say spinning my spear copying her but faster.

"You are serious?" I nod and she sets into a combat stance. "If you think you can beat my father you should be able to beat me."

She chants several martial arts and blasts forward then. With my stats making me surpass level 100 limits I block every strike she makes. I am familiar with the sythe fighting style from the game and her moves are not as refined as those. She has probably just overwhelmed whomever she fought with stats not skill. I start countering and a few moves later I am holding my spear tip to her throat. She knocks it away and tries again this time I would have speared her in the stomach as my shield blocks her counterstrike.

"Are you done or can you not tell how outclassed you are here?" I say as she backs up and eyes me more. She comes in again and I simply catch her weapon after a quick dodge and Abby absorbs it as I rip it from her hands. 'She is maybe level 80 but I am clear over 100 and perfectly set to break her.'

"How are you so strong?" She asks me looking like she wants me to plow her right here. She falls onto her ass with her world view rocked as I made quick work of her.

"Your false gods... I used to kill them in droves like your sythe going through wheat." I say not really answering her question. I wave down my queens and they land behind on either side of me. "I forgot to give those cardinals a show... It seems you will have an audiance when you worship my cock for the first time." I say thinking of them being broken mentaly as she pleasures me. 'Actually that is not a standard thought I would have either they really pissed me off or my non human side is coming out.'

"I see the conversation went well daddy." Said Bella from my side looking at the defeated horny woman.

"Will she be going with us to the elf kingdom Lord Quake?" Albedo asks looking at the girl like trash.

"Sure You wanted to see your dad die right?" I ask.

"Yes!" She says moving into a begging position.

"She will have to be taught some manners my lord. I hear Neruonist has made Clementine learn how to properly praise your name." Albedo says cruely.

"Really? I almost forgot about her I will have to check up on her soon." 'And spend some time on Shego's body.' "Let Demiurge know that we wont be giving the cardinals a break any more." I say to Albedo then turn to Bella. "Tell P.A. to continue to hold the border they are deployed to and I will jump straight to the final castle with you three."

I recieve affirmation from the two and pull out my mirror of remote viewing. With some gestures I move the screen to see the elf kingdom and its capital. I cast some anti detection spells and improved scrying spells with the help of my grimoires and then see that giant elf in his house. "He isn't even wearing an anti divination item... This guy is trash does he at least have a world item?"

"He does have a world item. It is why the cardnials could not simply catch him with downfall of castle and country." Says the oreo still on the ground.

"Do you know its name or what it does?"

"It is called the belt of hercules and makes his strength unbeatable."

"Hahaha this is going to be too damn easy. You all watch from here I don't want that letcher to see you and say something to piss me off." 'Since he has a world item I wont mess around and just kill him with the first strike. If I want him to suffer later I can loot him and resurect him.'

Prepping my spear and covering it with abby I prime my god killing weapon for combat. I give a nod to Albedo and she casts [Gate] the micro seconds it takes to open give me the running start I need. As I blast into the room and shove my spear through the back of the elf's head, before he has time to react and pull out of the woman he is humping.

Abby coats the body and stores it in her sub space a function that was unavilable in the game. The women of the room don't scream but rather look incredibly relieved about the death. "After noon ladies I will be taking over your kingdom now. If you could run a long and send any loyalists to your previous king in to kill me I would appreciate it." I say and shoo them out of the room to do just that. A handful of brainwashed idiots that have enjoyed the king's way of might makes right come in and are quickly dispatched.

After I wave them to come in the girls step through to the elf kingdom and Antilene Heran Fouche tries to dive on to me. Albedo smacks her away and she crashes through a wall into the next room. "To try to put your hands on the Emperor with out his permission do you want me to put you down trash?!"

Bella's giggling made it hard for me to take the situation seriously. That and the bewildered loopy face of the half elf as she clambered out of the wall. "Okay Albedo, why don't you relax right here on my lap. You can teach the new girl manners when we go back to Nazarick. I was trying to decide who should run this country for us but seeing that Mare has graduated why not put him in charge here."

"That seems like a good idea to me daddy! He will likely need a lot of help but Aura isn't done with her classes yet." Bella says excitedly.

"Chiron could help him govern and teach Aura if you station all three of them her my lord. We have plenty of other summonable staff who can help protect and take over this kingdom." Albedo says with her armored butt on my lap. "That is not counting the rumored masses of items you personally carry."

"You know about my dragon hoard?" I ask the armored demon.

"I simply heard rumors my lord from the passing other supreme beings. Lord Tabula had commented that you were practicaly obsesed with owning at least one of everything. My lord he did not mean it in a negative way! I am sure he was very appreciative of how you had no problems with sharing loot."

"Lord Tabula said you were the whale that kept the world running once." Bella helpfuly adds to throw further fire on the demoness.

"Hahaha. Jealousy is certainly a thing I have gotten used to over the years." I say as Antilene stands awkwardly off to the side further away from me then she wants to be after being glared at by the Succubus. "Okay Albedo make the appropriate calls to get things rolling for the elven kingdom and Bella keep track of the theocracy's progress. Let me know if something needs my attention I will be using some of my hoard to summon helpers."

A few hours later I was looking at the data crystal as I shoved it into the head of the small green dragon. I had summoned a plethora of Dryads and forest monsters to run the day to day operations here but had found myself in an experiment of sorts with a green dragon. In the game if you tried to enhance a creature with a data crystal the game would let you add more to the details page of their character sheet. Here something different was happening and I knew just how to take advantage of it. I quickly transformed into my dragon from and looked at the crystalized world magic as it merged with the baby dragon in my hand.

'I can program it... Give it a backstory just like creating a NPC. I just can't give it levels.' The dragon became a loyal hyper inteligent minister for the kingdom. She would serve as an advisor for Mare when he arrives and would be able to do everything a dragon normaly would in this world. She was currently a super wise cat sized dragon thats first loyalty was to me above all others. Finishing up I had the flabergasted half elf girl who now saw me as a literal god, guard the dragon as it starts to research how to put the kingdom into better shape.

I transform back into my main form and let the mental strain of wild magic go. "Daddy you know you just made another zealot right?" I glance at her and she explains further. "The mass summoning of the permanent dryads was one thing but to forge a dragon right before her eyes..."

'I guess it would look that way.' "Well nothing to be done about it now. How goes the Theocracy?"

"Things are on schedule my emperor with 2 cities down. The second city falling much faster than the first aparently the angels have whipped up the citizens into a mob and have joined our armies. There has been suprisingly little bloodshed all things considered. The zealots of the 6 players are dying like flies especially when they see the higher tier angels take command of any lower tier they try to summon." Tink says in business mode.

I nod and wave forward a dryad that was tasked with reciving reports from the others and relaying them to me. "Supreme one, the vault has been found and is being guarded at the moment. The rest of the building has been secured and all staff have been told to go home and await news. The dead have been collected and are awaiting storage for your experiments. There is the issue of the women who had been kidnapped and have homes further then the capital."

"Hmm tell them they can stay at a local inn or something for the moment. We will arrange transport for them once Mare is incharge. Are the Treants guarding the compound?"

"They are my lord no one has tried to start something with them. Apparently the previous king was an acomplished summoner and the elves are somewhat used to monster races doing his bidding." He explains.

"Alright good work and continue with your research into the previous management of this nation. Olive the green dragon will be working on the same so find her if you would like to work together." The dryad bows and leafs the throne room we moved to earlier when I was summoning the larger monsters.

"I am curious about the loot this bastard had but lets start with Abby." Saying her name I mentaly summon her out and she deposits the corpse onto the ground minus a belt and with some cloth around his waist. She oozes up to me and the world item he was wearing. "The belt of Hercules." I say examining the item as I pull out my artificers monicle.

It looked like a WWE championship belt and reading the item discription with my monicle I was disapointed. [Sets strength at max cap for level 100. Compatable with any weapon slot when the weapon is equiped from the belt the holder instantly becomes proficent with it and can summon the weapon back after thowing it.]

"This would be great for a pure caster but to me it is worse than useless." I say knowing I can break the max cap of strength without issue and All Black can grab my weapons and store them. My weapons master class gives me massive bonuses far beyond being 'proficent'. "I would give this to you Bella but it will ruin your whole look." I say handing it to her and watching it not change style due to being unisex.

"It is one less world item not in Nazarick hands my lord." Albedo says trying to cheer me up. "We could also have the trash resurected. Demiurge could control him to empty his magical storage if he has one."

"Good idea take care of that for me would you Albedo?" I ask her.

"Of course I live to serve you my lord." She says excitedly. "I can tell you are bored here my lord if you want to return to Nazarick we can take over here."

"Sure don't break the Zesshi girl trying to teach her manners." I say opening a gate to tomb front.

"My lord I wasn't expecting you back would you verify?" Asks Nabe as I walk out of the gate.

"Ask away Nabe."

"Sorry my lord Albedo just messaged the tomb that you left you are clear. Here is your ring." She says apologeticly.

"No worries dear I am glad to see the 8 edge assassins had already had me surrounded." I say with a smile watching as the invisable spider monsters move back. I take my ring and head straight to the 9th floor. Abby surrounds and cleans me putting me in a business suit as I walk to my room where Cheryl is sitting. "Get Monica and Rachel to the kitchens I want a few pasta dishes." I say as I walk up to her and she stands.

"Yes sir Mr Quake!" She replies and tapps her bracelet. I stand near her as she is clearly mentaly communicating and reach up to her throat. Reading her mind I feel her masochistic lust go crazy as I measure her neck with my hand. I put a bit of pressure on her throat and a small shuddering orgasam rocks her. I increase my grip just a bit to where she is struggling but her mind is feeling so turned on it is almost scary.

"You wouldn't mind if this killed you would you?" I ask with a whisper into her ear.

She cums again and chokes out a reply. "D-do i-it."

"You still have work to do today and its a waste of resources to resurect you." I say dismissively letting her go and walking to the kitchens. 'Mila's list is really coming in handy.' I head to the dinning area and see Rachel on stand by as Cheryl is trying to get herself together and follow me.

"Good evening Mr. Quake what can I get you tonight?" Rachel says sweetly with her 90's hair.

"Invite my guests to join me for dinner and I will take a whiskey neat." She nods tapping her coms and heading to the bar area. I take a seat at the head of the table made for around 50 people.

Rachel returns with my drink and looks aprehensive. "Mr. Quake, your guests are helping with managing the war efforts and have asked to be allowed to continue."

"I see thats fine then make sure they are treated to some food in the war room. Have Shihoutu make it so they get some good buffs." I say to the blonde as Monica comes out of the kitchens with an appatizer of calimari. "This is why I hate war it takes time away from us enjoying ourselves. Now I have 4 new kingdoms to run. How would you two ladies like to spend some time with me at the lounge after dinner?"

The excited looks on their faces and positive answers buoy my mood. I enjoy a nice Italian dinner and walk arm in arm with the Friends to the lounge. Sous makes me an old fashioned and some drinks for the girls as we sit and talk and I ignore the war that is happening. Taking them back to my room we enjoy eachother's bodies until they run out of steam. I put on some music and lay back in bed with a woman on each side of me.

In the morning I get up and am greeted by a new maid. Azula princess of the fire nation and girl with an intense daddy fetish is my maid of the day. "Good morning Emperor." She says with a deep bow to me.

"Good morning Azula, I am going to hit the baths let Albedo know I would like an update soon." I say looking at the teen.

This is my most up-to-date chapter before I started posting this. I only write what I want at my own pace so don't expect updates.

VatOfRedundancycreators' thoughts