
Overlord Quake

Don't comment unless its a meme. I do not want to see your opinions about the story nor do I want powerstones. I wrote this for myself not you read it or don't. It's overlord so you know what the story will be about.

VatOfRedundancy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs


In the morning I went through my routine and went to Tomb front. Giving Nabe my ring and a long kiss I sent a gate to where I had seen camp set for my retinue. Walking through I was greeted by a fairy hug and kisses covering my face. "My love I missed you so much daddy. Do we have time right now before we break camp?" The thirsty fairy begged.

"Of course let me see my son off first." I say to the girl. "Pandora I have some gifts for you waiting in the treasury. Let me know if you find anything interesting my son." I say giving a copy of my self a manly hug.

"Thank you my lord I did miss the treasures. Though I enjoyed playing your part." P.A. said and ran through the gate.

"Swords it seems we need another hour or so to break camp please forgive me and enjoy a nice breakfast." I say pulling out platters and handing them out. "While they eat that I'm going to eat you." I say to my adorable fairy.

An hour and some change later a satisfied fairy was sitting in my hair huffing my sent. I sat on Boo and was riding along the group as we talked about whatever struck our fancy. "So I said, that was your mother? I thought she was your sister!"

The laughter started to die down when we saw an entire Royal procession at the border of the country. "Bella get tall behind me."  She zips back and went full size peaking her head around my frame. I pull her around to ride in front and say. "Peter go announce us to this group find out what they are about." He nods and rides ahead.

A few moments later he returns saying it is a royal procession ordered to meet me here by Queen Draudillon Oriculus. I nod and we mosey into the group. A sycophant starts to try to butter me up for the queen. "Listen on the day and a half journey we will stop in a village or town. You and your entire group will stay outside the town and will make no contact with anyone within. I will hear what they have to say about your kingdom, your queen, your laws and whatever else they have to say. If any toady tries to interfere with my assessment I will turn my group around. Then you will be explaining to your queen why instead of an Imperial visit with a possibility of military aid she gets nothing."

"YES YOUR EMINENCE!" The arse-licker says. Before riding off to inform the group of their new marching orders.

Bella leaned back into my chest and says. "Oh thank the 42 I thought he would never shut up. My queen this, her majesty that. I mean hell it was like he was trying to get us to not like her."

"If they knew anything about us that might have been their plan. I think they are too desperate to try and push us away." I say to the girl.

"I agree that human was annoying." Boo said.

"Holy shit Boo I forgot you could talk. Wait... you didn't even laugh at my joke!" I say with a laugh.

"It made me sad Emperor I want to mate with a strong male." She says killing my jovial atmosphere.

"Well damn Boo. Tell you what." I bend down and whisper into her ear. "If by the end of our travels we don't find another of your kind. I'll turn myself into your species and impregnate you my self."

"What!? You can do that?" She asks joyful.

Bella responds for me. "Oh yeah he can. All that masculine power holding you down you would love it."

"My Emperor we don't have to wait! I am ready when ever you want." She practically begs.

"Relax you two only if we don't find another." I say shaking my head at the wild conversation.

We carry on and when night starts to hit we leave the group outside a village. When we go in we find a inn and I search all the minds in the area. Seeing how the guy listened to my threat and didn't send anyone to prep we got rooms and a beer. I pulled out my guitar and strummed a few licks.

"Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo

Here comes the Sun and I say

It's all right

Little darling

It's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling

It feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the Sun, doo-doo-doo-doo

Here comes the Sun and I say

It's all right"

I play a Beatles classic and some clapping comes to me from the guests. "We are travelers hoping to hear about your country to make more songs. Whats it like here?" I ask the nearest patron.

"Well up here in the north its a lot safer. The further south you go the more likely that you will get caught in a beast nation attack." I had already gathered enough info from their minds. I spent the rest of our time here getting rumors. I had someone tell me about that creep Cerabrate. I had them tell me about what they thought of the queen. Most things were positive, she was doing her best but the situation was tough. Policies were not harsh on the peasants and people were working together to stop the attacks.

In the morning we left the village. I made sure no one tried to question them as we left. About mid day we had made it to the capital Brightness city. Really creative naming yourself after the founder of your bloodline but likely a good political move. As we approach the palace we are witness to a large staff of maids and butlers who bow and try to help with things. It is kinda funny and awkward when they realize that the royals only have one magic bag between them and they won't give it up. They end up helping the swords with their gear and horses and try to help Boo.

She stands up and says. "I will follow my Emperor inside thank you very much."

"Oh yeah, Boo was once known as the wise king of the forest. Now she is my mount. I would prefer she be treated as a guest rather then a common horse." The head butler's wide eyes then calm acceptance made me impressed.

We are led inside and announced before the throne room. "His eminence Emperor Quake Ooal Gown of the Nazarick Empire. Her majesty Tinker Bell the Fairy Queen, The former Wise King Of The Forest her majesty Boo." The add on at the end and the preening Hamster made me walk in with a wide smile. On the throne sat the loli Queen. When I came in she broke decorum and stood for my entry.

Her green scale dress matching her green hair. She looked regal if underage. I saw the audience eye me like a piece of meat as I walked over to a servant getting two glasses of white wine. Handing one to Bella I raised a glass. "To Queen Draudillon Oriculus whose people even in small villages had nothing but praise for her even in these trying times." I raise my glass and nod to the queen. Taking a sip I savor it for a moment as others follow my movement.

"Quite an unorthodox move father." Bella says as conversation erupts in the hall.

"Never give them what they expect. They won't feel in control now but I have still eased tensions." A minister comes up to me and Bella after this.

"Your eminence, your majesty, Queen Draudillon would like to make your acquaintance if you would follow me." He says quietly and respectfully.

"Sure my good man. Boo stay here ask for someone to bring you some fruits or something." I say to the hamster that was several steps behind.

"Yes my Emperor." She says sitting on her butt and leaning against the wall waving over a server.

"Please excuse her manners its quite hard to go from wilderness high society to civilization high society." I laugh. "Just look at me I still can't break some common man habits."

"Think nothing of it your eminence." He says and we follow him away. We are lead to the head of the table. Then past it to the throne the tiny queen is on. "Your majesty I present to you his eminence Emperor Quake Ooal Gown..."

I cut him off as he was about to keep going. "She heard when we came in my good man no need to carry on with titles and what-not I am Quake and this is Bella. I'd say its nice to meet you but this isn't your normal form is it?" My aspect of change senses were tingling. I reached out my hand to the queen. She nervously accepted it and I subtlety undid the shrinking on her. She grew into a bombastic sexy dragon queen. "There much better."

"I'd say so." Says Bella licking her lips.

The queen was about to speak when a shout crossed the room. "HEY! TURN BACK!" Said some sword wearing duche who thought he was in charge of shit. "If the queen isn't a loli I won't save this kingdom like always." Cerabrate says haughty.

"You must be Cerabrate." I say. "Now I heard about you as well." I say walking towards the knight wannabe who has his hand on his sword. "I heard you attacked little girls and do terrible things to them."

"You say a lot with that girl with you." He says trying to act smug.

"That girl you just talked down to is hundreds of years old and a queen of her people boy." I say in his swords reach now.

Behind me queen Draudillon is about to say something when Bella tells her not to.

"Stop don't come any closer I am an adamantite adventurer." He says trying to sound threatening.

"You threatening an Emperor boy you haven't even apologized to my queen. Nor have you denied the claims I have heard against you. Draw steel boy and see what happens no matter what metal is tied to your neck." I say and instead of being smart he does it.

[Fierce Flash] He says drawing his weapon in slow motion to my eyes. I grab his wrist as soon as his blade leaves its scabbard. For a second the whole room is paused as I keep him from doing what must have seemed like a killing blow. Then in one smooth movement I break his wrist catch his sword and shove it up from between his legs. His own sword passes through his entire body and pierces his brain.

Letting go of the sword and watching him fall I look to his adventuring party. "Were you complicit in his crimes or just unwilling to do anything about it?" Their fear filled eyes could have told the story on its own but I read their minds anyway. "Just too weak willed to stop him from attacking children. Leave and atone for the crimes you have in your heart."

"Now Queen Draudillon I seem to have taken an important asset from you, but have no fear I will replace it." Bella tosses over my bag. I reach in and grab my conjuration book. [Summon Death Knight] I say turning the corpse into an asset again. "There we are better then the whole lot of them. Death Knight you will follow all commands of Queen Draudillon. You will not harm her citizens."

Storing my book again I dust my hands. "Draudil, give him a test drive go on."

The pure silence in the room makes me think I went deaf or something. "Uh kneel death knight." She says and it does.

"Go on I'm not covered in its protection have it attack me." I say to the queen encouragingly.

"I can't do that your eminence!" She shouts.

"Oh right well take my word for it he would if you asked. Now I think that is a fair trade don't you? An insubordinate rapist for a never tiring permanent defender of your borders. Unless his attack on me was not against your wishes." I say and the hurricane follow up of denials made me sure that wasn't the case.

20 minutes later myself and the queens were sitting together. "Death Knight go stand in the corner." She says and it marches away. "Death Knight sit." She says and it does exactly. "This is incredible, God's I hated that man but look at him now I'd say this is a vast improvement."

"I'm glad the replacement is adequate." I laugh. "He also has a force multiplying feature. He will turn the beastmen he kills into zombies that also fight for you."

"Wow and that looked like no effort at all for you." She says awed.

Bella speaks up. "It was nothing for my lord. While we visited E-Rantel some dumb cult tried to create an undead city. My lord ended it before more than a handful of people were injured."

"Truly? I am impressed Emperor Quake you look built to be a warrior but also possess powerful magic items like that book you used." The mature Queen praises me.

"If you live as long as I do you learn some things." I say sipping some wine. Most of the hangers on had started to excuse themselves after the violence. Now it was just the three of us, her top minister a napping hamster and an undead.

"Are you quite old Emperor?" Asks the queen.

"Aye, I used to have a friend who only went by the name Ancient One. I was 2 to 3 times older than him when we met long ago. He was quite embarrassed after finding that out." I laugh and smile.

"What about yourself its said you have dragon blood? You must surely be long lived like us." Bella asks transforming into her fairy form.

The minister's mind is doing cartwheels trying to understand the implications of me having a queen of different race. But outside the guy has no tells at all its impressive. Like a complete separation of mind and body.

"Oh your title is literal you are a fairy and queen. Hahaha I feel foolish I thought it was because you are so cute." The queen laughs.

"Well you're looking good yourself." Says Bella to her transforming back and sipping her wine.

The queen blushes and looks to me about what she just said. "What? I agree." I say with a shrug.

The minister speaks up rescuing his queen from the real dragons here. "Emperor Quake forgive me but I am quiet curious about how your empire is organized."

"Nothing to forgive my friend. Your name sir?" I ask the man him having gotten respect in my eyes from keeping cool.

"Primo your Eminence." He responds.

"Well Primo, really the ones who run the place are my queens and children. For example similar to a prime minister position that you have my queen Albedo. She is in oversight of almost everything. I have different heads of state that report to myself or her for example my son Demiurge is in charge of defense. Now I don't want you to think that only beautiful women and nepotism run Supreme in my realm. Each one are the best of the best with many years of experience at this point. They all work together to see my vision made whole. They are constantly gathering more brilliant minds to make a empire I can be proud of." I say sipping my drink.

"Fascinating and so because they are so long lived they may train heavily becoming extremely specialized. Then when they hold the position who else could be a better fit." He says nodding and his mind is wishing to meet Albedo and gather a bit of her experience.

"Well that and my father ending the practice of nobility and education to the masses. The meritocracy he has built is very self sustaining." Bella says.

Draudillon looks confused for a moment. "Father? I thought you were lovers."

"One of the Emperor's many titles is the All Father. Its not just because of his many adopted children and promiscuous ways but because he views all his empire as his children. But yes I am one of his lovers." Bella explains.

"That is exceptionally impressive Emperor Quake. It sounds like the land across the sea is a wonderful place." Draudillon says her breasts heaving in a sigh.

"It didn't happen over night and we have had our challenges but I am proud of my home. So far from what I've heard your Queendom and the Baharuth Empire seem the most on track for lasting growth. After the mess with the Beastmen Kingdom gets sorted I'm sure you will flourish." I say waving off their biggest national security threat.

"Would it be that easy to sort out for you?" Primo asks.

"Naturally, the beastmen follow the strong. Your only real issue with them is the leader sees your nation as a larder. If I go in there kill the king in single combat they would become my citizens in a day." I explain my view.

"If you did this for us we would offer to join you as citizens too. I only seek peace for my people my throne means nothing if my citizens suffer." Queen Draudillon says in a begging tone as she gets on her knees. "Please Emperor end this threat to my people so we may be your people."

"Very well, Boo get up." I say regaly.

"Yes my Emperor!" She hops too looking around for a threat.

"Get ready we have a long ride and two kingdoms to save." I say standing. I grab my helmet from my hip and set it on my head.

"Wait you will? Your going now?" The queen and Primo say almost in unison.

"If I delay more of my children will be hurt so I won't dally. Bella stay here and hash out the details with the queen. Call Albedo if you need. I expect that the secrets of my empire will stay secret." [Gate] A portal appears leading to the border of her kingdom. "Death Knight go through the portal and defend the border until told otherwise. Boo let's go." I say walking through the portal.