
3. Rival Friends

Day 1 after the Transfer.

Albedo 2


It was a soft shimmer that pierced through the crystal-framed doors long opened wide, a lax gale tailing its herald. A none too harsh dawn, it was. Not that nature's spite would find anchorage on their skies with its authority infringed upon by the refined arcane of magi.

Albedo's vista was a forest of long trees climbing up the mountain range with a blanket of green and spots of grey cliffs along with it. Flocks of birds passed through in rare moments, to and from the southern falls for their morning quench…

A flock of songweavers was the current batch, flapping through with echoes of their harmonics carrying far. They were a wonder-sight, in her humble admittance, more so with their enchanting plumes of rainbow spread wide against the sun's shimmer.

…in even rarer moments this would be a site for unique creatures who made home upon the twin mountains on which Velena Palace was built between. 

"I never thought I'd bear witness to your blatant fancy of the little warblers." So came a voice high in pitch and refine, ever so eager to unsettle her wonderment and placidity in freer moments. "Then again, I ought to have expected such from a birder."

Beside her was sat Shalltear Bloodfallen, whose petite form was clad in a red long dress with chiffon sleeves and ruffled cuffs. A black neck-tied short cape covered her shoulders and chest, and a black bow edged with red tied her platinum blonde hair in a spiralling ponytail.

A fork that radiated with the forge of lesser mystics was held daintily in her hand, patience its state as it was halfway to her lips with a slice of toast paired with a strawberry stained white with cream and red syrup stabbed on it.

"You've grown bold with your words, have you not?" Albedo's tone bore a calm lull, the offence of such a likeness to a common creature lost upon her nerves. "Yet, I would appreciate a decrease in such brutish analogies, lest rumors take flight."

Less a request and more a demand. Yet it would go unheeded as was the Blood Countess's wont…at least not when there was no one close to see their banter spread.

From the birds' spectacle, her gaze turned to the retreating backs of her beloved and the younger of the twin-elves. It was equal parts relief and disappointment that her husband was not in range to hear such slander made of her appearance, yet she did lament his departure as his company was one she enjoyed greatly.

Yet the queen was a benign heart, as she knew this enjoyment was one prevalent throughout many who held her beloved in such high esteem. No, she would allow Mare to busk in it still, a permissiveness reinforced by her husband's desire to have private words with the young elf before the day's court.

And, mayhaps alone, her heart would find the courage to deliver his expectations to young Mare now that safe vastness was upon them. A rather dreaded affair for the king who had become taken with the presence of the twins despite the absence of blood relations.

It was rather unfortunate, but fair duty was a constant foe to they of nobility, least of all high ones. And the dark elves had long matured into their majorities, thus the need for them to take charge of their ancient house and its numerous affairs.

Besides, her beloved's worry was something that ought to be reserved for his own progeny, something the queen sought to make an inevitability posthaste…or at least within a moon's pass.

So absorbed was she in her fantasy that it was the blood wench's bitter words that reminded Albedo of her improper display. "I know not if you've been alerted of this, but that smile of yours is something frighteningly close to haunting."

The queen's patience for proper decorum finally waned at the wench's annoying japes, though rather than her desired expression, she feigned a scowl in its stead. "Have you remained behind to hurl childish insults at me?" She asked, bringing a tea cup to her lips painted fuchsia, "If so then I must admit my disappointment."

"What care I for the disappointment of a woman so petty?" Shalltear snorted, a napkin on her lips to stain away the remains of the sugary toast. "I wasn't ignorant of your meddling proxied by the maids, after all."

Albedo allowed herself a moment of blatant impropriety, rolling her gold touched eyes in mild scorn. It was an obvious ploy, after all. Though it did find her suitable obedience in that blue eyed maid, not that her deceit would have earned much punishment.

Still, it was rather brutish of the Blood Countess to disregard the arrangements.

"You really ought to show some respect to me," she said with a shake of her head, placing the cup on its saucer. "Mhmm, now that we gotten the usual insults out of the way, I hope you can tell me what is it you wanted to talk about."

Shalltear's expression turned gentler at her words, a slow nod the gestured acquiescence to her request. "Nothing important, I admit. It's more curiosity if anything." She took a nibble of a berry coated dark in culfay, the act seeing a few moments pass before her words resumed. "Busy times loom ahead of us, thus I'd like to take every opportunity I can to oversate the longing I'd no doubt feel in due time."

The queen herself felt a smile form upon her lips, though she was not an obvious theatric as her midget friend. It was true that there would be heavy demand for her attention soon, her more so than the other two.

That brought a thought to her, "Will you also make a visit to Irisviel? I doubt she would be appreciative as it's her mood as of late."

It was no frequent occurrence for Demiurge to lament the absence of his boisterous friend. Albedo almost suspected vile sorcery to have been behind the soft mannered Einzbern who had turn draconic at such a prosaic development.

'Truly, must she be this possessive and scarce?' A wonder the queen had long indulged whenever the absence of her friend became apparent, 'Is such the fate that awaits all women that would be with child?'

Yet still, this had not soured her excitement and eagerness to bear her husband children.

"Ah, you are simply disheartened because you were not the first among us to conceive. It is important that you understand Irisviel has become deeply concerned that, in your wounded pride, you might wish harm upon her pregnancy."

This ghastly revelation ceased her thoughts and mind alike, an eloquent "Eh?!" becoming  her only reply.

Shalltear turned to her with a raised brow, but that soon turned into amusement as mirth filled her scarlet orbs. "By the Nine! Have you truly been unaware of this? To be fair, her pregnancy is likely responsible for her impaired judgment and erratic mood swings. But then again, you have been rather sullen as of late."

The ease with which Albedo reclaimed her calm was boastless, and aside from the mild glare she shot at the Red Valkyrie, she assigned most of her mental faculties to rationalizing her pregnant friend's behavior…and misconstrued notions.

The midget was not incorrect in pointing that most of the Einzbern's fears were fuelled by her pregnancy, though these fears were not ones entirely born of fantasy. The queen knew that she enjoyed no perfection, and more often than not, she would fail to tame her mild envy and rancour.

Yet as the old minds had said, "Self awareness is the first step to self improvement." And thus Albedo would never be seen acting on her dark impulses.

Besides, she had never once entertained harming any of her friends, less so Irisviel. After all, pregnancy was a tender process, and the queen would not see her friend stumble through it.

But more importantly, such vile and untrue views would see her candidacy for godmother wounded, a pass the queen would not see flourished.

"Very well," she exclaimed after a brief silence. "I admit I was…somewhat unenthusiastic about Irisviel's pregnancy. And I might—though do understand this is a strong might—bear some envy towards her condition. However, I would never wish harm or misfortune upon her and her unborn child, a fact I will ensure she not only understands but accepts before the day's end."


She halted the midget's words with a raised finger, not yet finished. "However, should our dearest friend select you as her child's godmother, I do reserve the right to bash your skull in."

"What? Why?!" The Red Valkyrie spluttered. Outraged.

"I would not put it past you to have whispered poison into our dearest Irisviel." The queen reasoned, ending the sentence with a huff that saw her chest quivering in a manner her beloved would be more than pleased to see.

Naturally, she was only jesting. Such vile acts of deceit ranked a bit beyond the Blood Countess, whom despite vicious claims, was still tormented by the shackles of morality.

…Reclaiming her calm and feeling a bit childish, Shalltear settled on making a face at her. An act that saw them both erupt into joyous giggles that strayed far from the proper presentations of noble ladies.

The ruckus joy held for over a minute, and when it settled, there was a lighter mood between them.

Her friend was right, Albedo decided, they would definitely starve for such pleasant moments in due time. Yet it was a fancy she would not see altered as its disappearance did herald forth opportunities devoid of crippling worries.

…such were the terrible curses rich within Vanaheimr.

A genuine smile settled upon the queen's face, her breast full of naught but bright expectations  for days beyond tomorrow. No longer would the couples of Elgroth be fearful of completely indulging in the activities of lovers, the fright for siring curse-babes now a gone reality.

And no longer would Elgroth be confined into a single space, these unclaimed lands providing more than enough terrain to see their empire rebuilt twice as great.

And that brought her to a fair scandal. A matter she had long wanted to address.

"Say, Shalltear, have you yet decided on which lands you would settle your fiefdom?" The question was rather abrupt, yet it was one with prior planning on her part. Though, Albedo was casual with its ask, her eyes flickering to the dining table still laden with much food and drinks and more still untouched.

…not that the range of choices was unappreciated, only that it was an unentertained thought to her who had known little more besides.

Yet old gossips did tell tales of the common folks only experiencing a small range of options in their feasts, and often times without prior specifications to their meals.

It sounded all too barbaric to her.

"Not quite." Shalltear admitted, still ignorant of her manipulation. "I had yet to see the maps from your sister's department, I'm afraid."

Albedo feigned a frown, "That's odd." She turned her head upward, a slight tilt to it, with her right hand coming up her chin in exaggerated confusion, "I'm sure I had a copy sent to your quarters before the sun's rise."

The midget choked, and the queen found the sight above added to the moment's fun…

The ceiling was a reflective gleam of polished mana-crafted ceramic. Pendant lights dotted the outer edges of the downward square design, with a crystal chandelier of rectangular black amethysts spreading the glow through out.

…she caught her mirror image on the ceramic surface. Her reflection adorned in a red shoulder-bare gown with sprawls of gold and layers of black chiffon mimicked into flower shapes stared back at her, high cheeks blushed with rose puff. Her hair was bundled back and secure with a barrette made from chaos stones and etched with runes of [Hvítaglæs] and [Vegdhrún].

She had been quite eager for her love's reaction at this charming fashion so similar to his. Sadly he had been more taken by her chest than the raw glory of the woven wear…


…nevertheless, she was pleased, if for little else than the fact that it was always her he saw even when his eyes roamed towards places undesired.

Beside her, she noticed that Shalltear was endlessly trying to concoct excuses, her ruby eyes dotting here and there. Albedo would give praise where it was due, it took little time for her friend to catch on.

Yet still the queen was miffed. Did the midget truly think she would be ignorant of her scandalous acts while they took place under her own household? The idiocy to even expect that to be a possibility was beyond her…

The countess did eventually realise the futility of her attempts, slumping in resignation with a long suffered sigh leaving her lips. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

"I don't know, you can at least feign it." Albedo teased, a growing smile on her lips, "Perhaps an injection of incredulity and outrage to add to its believability."

"What difference would that make?" The valkyrie was not quite grumbling, but the bitterness was there. 

A bit of schadenfreude for the midget calling her a bird.

The queen turned back to her tea, amused still. "Hmm, it would make me laugh. You seldom do that for me, at least not intentionally."

The valkyrie crossed her arms with a huff and shot her a glare, "When did you realise?"

"The correct question is how could I not have realized." She drew the cup to her lips and took a sip. "It was rather brazen of you to think you could use my castle as a love nest without my knowledge. Not that your flimsy excuses and the guard commander's actions made uncovering the truth a harrowing affair."

She stole a look at Shalltear and found her rose in the cheeks, her eyes widening with each word.

Unfortunately, the queen was much too delighted by this.

"Though even without such obvious instances, you two are not as discreet as you imagine yourselves to be, given that the entire castle can hear your moans, groans, and squeals night after night."


The cup within Albedo's hand trembled, her amusement boiling, "I jest. I jest."

Shalltear's assault was a barrage of lacklustre punches, her face aflame with embarrassment so cherry in shade.

They were like that for a while, her laughing and her friend red from exposure. It was not quite the sight of graceful behaviour, but the joy was real and genuine. Their calm came after a few seconds had passed, lapsing into a digestive silence.

Albedo took that as an opportunity to have the missive retrieved from her friend's ill-used quarters.

The servant bell chimed silent with [Call].

It was Narberal who showed in answer, her adorable countenance fixed in her ever serious expression with a uniform so immaculate and proper.

She quite liked Narberal. She would even go as far as to say the witch-maid was her most favourite maid within the castle.

It also did not hurt that the elementalist was her tutor in that bunny allure spell.

"You've summoned for me, your majesty?"

She nodded, "Would you be so kind as to retrieve a red folder from Lady Bloodfallen's quarters for me? It should not be difficult to locate." 

"By your will." Was the elementalist's acquiescence. Delivered with a beautiful curtsy.

'If only Rubedo was as diligent.'

Such was the queen's thoughts as she watched Narberal leave with a small smile on her face before turning to regard her platinum-haired friend whose appetite seemed to have fled her whole.

"You ought to have said something sooner," the countess's voice was low, yet a smidgen of shame echoed through it. Deranging. "You must have found the affair amusing, no. For a countess such as myself to be sneaking around with a man not sworn."

It appeared shame was beginning to root within Shalltear's heart. Left to linger, such a thing would build doubt and resentment within her friend's heart, destroying the beauty of something so incredible. Albedo would soon die than see that come to pass.

Fortunately, she had an appropriate response ready, and one genuine in nature.

"Well, you're not wrong." It was an easy admittance that. "It was somewhat amusing, for a time. Then it was sweet and foolish, as love tends to be." The raven-haired woman gazed at the sight outside the castle now empty of melodies and miraculous creatures.

Honestly, there was little to make fun of. Shalltear was genuinely happy with Henrik thus it could not be called desperation.

Yet emotions were a queer thing, and judgement was always something feared.

"In truth, I find there's little warrant for me to judge your relationship with the Head Guard. He's a rather handsome man with a good head on his shoulders." Her thoughts brushed against the instances the man had acted as her guard and found the memories were abundant, "Diligent to a fault, thus he shouldn't leave you wanting, and great in stature."

"Hey, I heard that!" Her friend's outrage was faux.

Albedo's lips pulled into a quirk on the right side of her mouth, teasing. "'tis a remarkable match, is it not? Moreover, the two of you have shown an uncanny compatibility."

Even with the subtraction of their personal feelings, the match was still in the valkyrie's favour. At least in a sense of her legacy. After all, there was little doubt they would inherit both their parents' charm, gene-structure, potentials, and minds…

That was to say, perfect noble kids and playmates for her own progeny.

…though the two's shared love did help.

Shalltear harrumphed, her small hands producing a purple fan to hide her smile and fluster. "Are you and King Arathron not equally compatible, if not more so?"

A true statement, though at the very least her and her beloved had the excuse of long history and fostered love to explain their maddening bond.

"At least the three of us will all share the responsibility of birthing two heirs to our respectable houses." The queen exclaimed, just now realising. Though she had the mind to keep her voice low.

The valkyrie gave her a bemused look, "You have lost me, I'm afraid."

She smiled, "Don't tell me you actually thought my love would let free his loyal head guard without ennobling him." It was not condescension that coloured Albedo's tone, but she did enjoy the schadenfreude derived from the petite woman's expression at the realisation that she would be handling two households similar to herself and Irisviel.

…misery truly did love company.

"Oh," Shalltear exclaimed, her face tender. Then it suddenly turned guilt-stricken, "So Henrik is to leave the Royal Guard then."

"You need not worry too much about it; I already have a handle on those matters." Albedo had long been aware that the Head Guard had been agonizing over a way to deliver his resignation to her beloved. "You also need not worry about your house's reputation; I have long since spread rumors of your long betrothal to counteract any slander."

To her credit, Shalltear hardly even flinched at her audacious proclamation. "Does the king know about all of this?"

"He should, I did…inform him of it last— ah?" Her eyes widened, realisation setting in. A tint of rose suddenly washed across her face, but the queen was quick to suppress the worst of it.

She cleared her throat and gave her friend a very severe look. "A word of advice, my dearest midget. Never discuss important matters with a man while he's deep in your sex."

Shalltear glared at her at the sobriquet.

Albedo paid little heed to it. She had to revisit last night's topic with her husband, and hopefully without him being dazed with pleasure this time around.

Though just in case...

Her red choker cloak, which had been shrouding the skin of her full bosom from view, suddenly absorbed into the emerald gem at its center, leaving behind a sautoir that subsequently half-sunk into her cleavage.

Not finished, she gave her dress a small downward tug, bringing the weight of her bosom dangerously close to spilling over the corset that helped with their perk and accentuation while in-dress.

There was a flash of envy in the valkyrie's ruby eyes before she suppressed it with a scoff. "Already off to whore yourself?"

Albedo shot her a lopsided grin, her ring glowing blue with[Anchored Teleportation]. "You owe me for this, blood wench."

Let it not be said that the Queen of Elgroth was one to leave her beloved wanting.


Information [Magics]

1. Hvítaglæs: This is a Þarstadir rune (Attention) etched with the goal of light attraction and beauty.

2. Vegdhrún: This is a Þarstadir rune (Attention) etched with the goal of interest attraction.

3. [Call]: A low-tier enchantment charm woven within a small, silent bell. A similar alert charm woven into the clothing of the desired recipient emits a chime when the bell is shaken. It has an effective range of one kilometer, with a preference for vertical direction.

4. [Anchor Teleportation]: A mid-tier teleportation enchantment charm that enables two non-stationary targets to teleport within each other's vicinity. It has an effective range of five kilometers.

The Saint: I’m obviously ignoring the thing about Runecraft being only a product of the New World. What kind of Yggdrasil wouldn’t have rune. I have an in-story explanation for it and an in-game theory about it (I can share if you ask). So don’t throw canon facts at me ‘cause I’ll dismantle them real quick.

BoombaTheSaintcreators' thoughts