
Overlord: Conquest of Despair

Visions of the future plague the dreams of a young Antilene, someone who would one day don the epithet of Certain Death, the extra seat of the Black Scripture. This is the journey in which this half-elf embarks on to prevent the horrid reality that would one day prevail. To challenge those who sought to bring about ruin in this world, monsters from whom's perspective we once observed. The greatest guild of heteromorphs, Ainz Ooal Gown. AN: I created this to practice my writing and to just tell a story, so if you have any criticism just comment it. If you want to support this work, you can find me on patreon under the name AprilsMay. Though everything isn't finished with my account, you can still check it out.

AprilsMay · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 5

I stood in front of the six Cardinals with a backdrop of light shining through artful stained glass, coloring the cathedral in a myriad of hues. The glass depicts the glory of the six Great Gods, their mercy and their judgment, the demonstration of their prestige.

They stayed silent, staring at me for a few brief moments before one of them spoke up:

"You have been given the task of raising Faine's child and have performed admirably. She is now eight years old, and is demanding proper instruction, as well as a proper teacher. However, Faine has adamantly refused and doesn't want anyone interfering." It was Dialmun, the Cardinal of Wind who spoke up, as he stated the reason why they rejected Antilene's demand.

I was already aware of this information, having been given this piece of knowledge from the Cardinals themselves.

"We are indebted to Faine, it is due to our negligence that she was captured, so we will acquiesce to her wishes concerning her daughter. We also cannot afford to alienate her in the current state of affairs, with the war with elves and the instability of the surrounding nations." The Cardinal of Earth, Vralda, continued on with the dialogue, and she paused as if to collect her thoughts before saying:

"Nazaire, do you have anything to add, or to report concerning Antilene?"

I knew this question was coming, it always did.

"As usual, your Excellencies, she has worked herself to the bone, and outside of her sessions with Lady Faine, is at all times, whenever possible, training. 

She has forced herself into an extraordinarily strict schedule, and has never once deviated from it for the last four years. Outside of certain visits of course. I am afraid that, mentally, she will one day fall apart.

So I implore you, please let her rest. Leave Lady Faine out of her life, or at the very least, reduce the time she has to spend with her." I knew the request would be rejected without a second thought before even speaking it, as it is each and every time. 

But I have to try, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't give it my all. How could I, when a child who has only been on this planet for eight measly years, is forced to go through such agony?

The Cardinals shared a glance between each other.

"I'm afraid we cannot allow this to pass, for all the reasons stated. If that is all, you are dismissed." This time it was the Cardinal of Life, Herus who spoke up.

I bowed to them, before departing, heading towards Antilene and my living space, deep within the earth, hidden from all. Not having the chance to see the sun in her lifetime.

After a while, I arrived at her personal training, where I heard grunts of effort.

Antilene has always been a cold girl, only speaking when wanting something, always so distant and for someone so young to devolve into such a person, it is tragic beyond words.

In all my years of caring for her, I have never once seen her genuinely smile, and my heart breaks into a million shards for the fact that I couldn't provide the love and comfort to melt her frozen soul.

Even so, as I watch this young child swing her sword for the ten thousandth time today, through her quiet stoicism and behind her stonelike exterior, therein lies a passion that could outshine the Sun.

Hours later, after Antilene finished what seemed to be her final swing and set down her blade, she turned her eyes towards me and walked in my direction.

"Nazaire, I need to speak with Crais." Her demand was short and concise, as she swiped a hand through her monochrome hair, damp with sweat, a testament to her labor. 

"Asking for additional teaching again? Your relentlessness truly knows no end. I'll see what I can do." I responded, seeing her desire for progress, a bizarre, incessant need for strength. Antilene nodded, and left without saying another word. Nowadays, her aloofness hardly affects me, having gotten used to it years ago. 

I just knew that, simply, apart from herself, no one else exists within her world.


Pov: Antilene

"So, when am I going to get real instructors?" The Cardinal of Fire barely had time to sit down before I questioned him, stunning him for a split second, probably due to my bluntness. I stared straight into his eyes, waiting for a response.

"Huh, you get more abrasive every time we meet." He responded with a slight smile, his beard and hair neatly groomed to perfection. Along with being a large muscular physical specimen that would intimidate most. 

"Stop dodging the question." 

"I guess I haven't been as clever as I thought." He isn't even trying to be subtle. Not showing any surprise that I called him out, evidently not attempting to hide the fact that he can't give me the answer I want.

"But it seems like you're in luck, because we've reached a collective decision to allow you to receive a more complete training regimen." Crais continues.

I became silent in bewilderment, astonished at the fact that my desire was finally answered.

"Why now, after all the times I've asked before? And don't act as if you weren't waiting for the opportunity to turn me into a weapon to replace my mother." I pointed out, it is quite strange after all.

"Well, you've seen through me, you sure are perceptive for someone so young." He remarks with a smirk, ignoring my question.

"Additionally you won't be seeing your mother for a while, Faine will be pretty busy for some time. Although, I'm sure you won't mind." 

I sneered, dismissing what he said, it doesn't really matter to me if he disregards my inquisition. I quickly departed, the only thoughts in my mind being ways to get stronger.

It's been a few months since I discovered my Talent, and I have reverse engineered several Martial Arts, so I could use them at will. However there just aren't enough weapons that have a previous owner who was skilled.

Regardless, it's back to work.