
Overlord: Conquest of Despair

Visions of the future plague the dreams of a young Antilene, someone who would one day don the epithet of Certain Death, the extra seat of the Black Scripture. This is the journey in which this half-elf embarks on to prevent the horrid reality that would one day prevail. To challenge those who sought to bring about ruin in this world, monsters from whom's perspective we once observed. The greatest guild of heteromorphs, Ainz Ooal Gown. AN: I created this to practice my writing and to just tell a story, so if you have any criticism just comment it. If you want to support this work, you can find me on patreon under the name AprilsMay. Though everything isn't finished with my account, you can still check it out.

AprilsMay · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

Chapter 22

After completing the forms necessary for signing up as an adventurer, I received an Iron plate, despite joining an Adamantite team, I had to start from the bottom and build up my own accomplishments. 

Though it wasn't implicitly stated out right, the implication for me was that I was on the fastrack for promotion, it would most likely won't be too long before I would either obtain the Orichalcum or Adamantite rank.

 "Well, now all that's left is to get you settled in. Come on, we'll show you where you'll start living from now on." My leader stated as he grabbed my hand, leading me out of the building, I could see many eyes still following us, our party's fame being the reason.

But there was also my performance against Braulk, which had surprised basically everybody, which made people respect me a bit more, though I'm sure there were still many that doubted me.

The other two followed us, I looked back to back that Bastien had a soft look in his eyes, slightly smiling, and Verica's eye was twitching in probable annoyance.

Moving along the road, I observed the surrounding building, analyzing its architecture, since it was the first time I had the time to properly look around. We were in the business district, and while the people walking around didn't have the look of luxury, no one were in rags, or were looking to be living in poverty.

Everyone seemed to have some sort of comfortable lifestyle, and I could see the occasional person dressed like a noble. 

After a few minutes of striding through the city, the environments started to change, the amount of people started to diminish, instead of guild halls, blacksmiths, magic stores, and different vendors of all kinds, there seemed to have more individual residences.

Mansions with their own quarantined area, large buildings that seemed to house multiple households, and various different lodgings.

Later on, following our march, we arrived before a metal fence gate, Wrai pulled out a key, and we all walked in, it wasn't the largest mansion I had seen today amongst all the other ones we had passed by. It didn't have a garden or any thing extra, it was a simple residence, though bigger than normal.

We entered through the double doors, and what greeted us wasn't what I had expected, instead of a shining example of opulence and high living, it was just a simple hall, there was no chandelier, no golden stairwell, just a corridor that lead to several different doors.

My surprise must have shown on my face because Verica commented on it.

"What? Not what you were expecting? I mean you were probably some noble child, though I'm not sure why they allowed you to train like you did. Perhaps your talent forced their hands.

Well, I wanted to go for a larger residence, as well as some decorations befitting our status, but Wrai insisted upon something more moderate." At this, the head of our party just smiled sheepishly, evidently having had many discussions regarding this topic. 

Though I guess, in the end, the leader prevailed and they settled for this.

"I just wouldn't feel comfortable living like that, not to mention the upkeep. We still needed the funds to acquire quite a bit of equipment, and various consumables. 

And it's not like we have much status anyways, we're adventures, the only reason nobles even slightly appreciate us, is because of the fact we are of the Adamantite rank." He explained.

"I definitely agree, it would be a total waste." Bastien also added, nodding his head to show that he validated that opinion.

"That's not the point! The reason I advocated for a more expensive housing choice was that the wealthier clients would appreciate it more, allowing for more opportunity.

Anyways, we already discussed this, there isn't any need to bring it back up. We get enough traffic as is, we don't even need any more work." Verica brought before dismissing the issue entirely, surprising me a bit, since from the little I've seen of her, she was more stubborn than that.

"Ha. Come on, you were still arguing about this a week ago, did you not want to show your bad side to our junior member here?" Teased Wrai, as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh, shut up! Don't act as if you're innocent in all this! You keep gloating about getting one up on me!"

I pulled away as they just continued shouting at each, as Bastien joined me in observing the chaos. Somehow during it he got a cup of coffee during the commotion, he just sipped the drink and let out a small sigh of satisfaction.

After a while, we left to do other things, such as giving me a tour of the place, as they carried on with driving each insane.

An hour or two later, the shouting finally calmed down, and I could see them sitting across from each other, sipping some sort of beverage, tea or coffee, I couldn't tell.

It was so calm, it was as if nothing had ever even happened between each other.

They both had their eyes closed, in absolute serenity.

'So fake.'

 I thought to myself, chuckling, thinking of how childish they could be. I then interrupted the quiet by asking a question.

"So, what's next?"


"Shit, shit, shit, shit,shitshitshit." I muttered to myself, as the world shook with the roar of an enormous dragon, I nearly stumbled due to the shockwaves.

The others were running alongside me, in our mage's case, flying.

We were all desperately avoiding it.

Suddenly, I felt the entire tunnel we were in heat up, I looked behind us to find that the beast had stopped running and brilliant red was building up in its chest. 


Normally this wouldn't be too much of an issue, but therein lies the problem.

"Why are we always underground?!"