
Overlord: Ancient one

I welcome you homies, Who searching for a Fan-fic to calm your nerves. Then you stumped upon the right place to relax. This is your typical story where MC is reincarnated in the overlord world and is transported to the new world (like in canon). but due to a dimensional outbreak, the world is restarted once again (like the DXD world). I know this is confusing but be patient and the story will be at a slow pace. There will be a harem. well MC is transported to DXD world so harem is a must. Smut:That is obvious, but smut only starts after MC arrives at the new world. MC is OP, this is also an overlord fanfiction so what do you expect? NOTE: None of the characters in this fanfiction is mine. expect the OC. And for my hard work—do some charity by giving your pitiful Power stone, doing so you not only support me but you are also giving me the inspiration to continue writing this Fan-fic. For misers who refused to do some charity—For them, I have nothing to say. ~~~ First time writing guys, so don't expect too much from me but I will improve my writing as the chapter increases. I also did take some ideas from some fanfiction, hope you will enjoy it. Have a good day. Thank you. ~~~ I posted 15+ advanced chapters along with its NSFW on Patreon, If you want to support me, check it out. You only need 3$ to become my Patreon. Support me in Patreon: patreon.com/Clockwork439 ~~~

Clockwork_055 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
109 Chs

Chapter 60: Re-Estize Kingdom

The Fortress Kingdom of Re-Estize stood at the intersection of two borders those of the Slaine Theocracy and the Wasteland. It was so named because it was defended by a Great Wall which almost covered all the borders of Wasteland and protected the human territory from Demi-humans.

Even if is said to guard the borders of the Wasteland, outside of the Great Wall can be said to be grassland and only at the end of the Grassland is where the Wasteland starts.

But no construction other than a guard post and Archer Tower can be seen in the grasslands of Re-Estize.

The Capital city of Re-Estize enclosed by each concentric circle of the walls was distinctly different from each other.

The outermost district was sometimes used to billet the troops from the Royal Army, and so it was fully furnished with barracks and other military facilities. And because the ambush from Demi-humans are common the outermost region is guarded 24×7.

The innermost district was the administrative area of the city. In addition, the kingdoms also contained storehouses for combat rations. Thus, it was heavily guarded.

Between these two areas was the residential district, where the people of Re-Estize made their homes. This place best fits the image that came to mind when one thought of a city.

There were several plazas here, and the largest of them was called the Central Plaza. It was filled with stalls selling vegetables, spices, and other such commercial products.

After the innermost district is the core region, where the nobles of the country are located. This area is restricted for commoners and is guarded by armed Knights. This area of the district has many mansions that look spectacular to the viewers.

Ro-Lente Castle was the heart of the Re-Estize Kingdom. It was called this as it housed the Valencia Palace which was the centre of important news and information in the Kingdom and the home of the royal family.

Ro-Lente Castle can be said to be a fortress that defended the royal family of the Re-Estize Kingdom from the Demi-humans for over a century.

The current King of Re-Estize, Ramposa III, is the one who controls Ro-Lente, the Fortress castle of the Re-Estize Kingdom.


A meeting was convened within the Valencia Palace of the Re-Estize Kingdom. Gazef Stronoff had been standing motionless beside King Ranpossa III, who was seated on his throne.

Gazef Stronoff was a muscular man of around thirty years old. He appeared to have a sunbathed dark face with noticeable wrinkles, short, trimmed, black hair, and black eyes that were as sharp as a sword.

He was the Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom and King Ramposa III's personal bodyguard. While he doesn't have the same power as the people present here, he still has a position that is envious.

Gazef surveyed the serried ranks of nobles before him, and his eyes widened slightly as he picked out the forms of the Six Great Nobles among them.

The six of them gathered together was a rare occurrence indeed.

The heads of these six families controlled almost as much land as the King, and between them, their military power surpassed that of the King himself. Because of this, they frequently found reasons to excuse themselves from the King's summons. This was especially true for the leader of the anti-royalty faction—the Noble faction—Marquis Bowlorobe, who did not even bother to hide his disdain for the King. And the only reason why civil war didn't happen was because of the fear of God's fury, who oversees this land.

Next, Gazef's eyes went to the King's three children.

The most eye-catching of them all was the King's third daughter, the "Golden Princess", Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself.

Renner is a young girl with long golden hair, silky smooth and supple as it drapes over the back of her neck. She has vibrant, dark blue eyes that shine like sapphires, filled with warmth. She wears a fashionable white dress, which further strengthens her image of purity. Around her neck hangs a golden necklace, appearing to symbolize a noble soul.

Renner is the only one among the current royal family, who is recognised by the Great Gods.

After that was his second son, the Second Prince, Zanack Valurean Igana Ryle Vaiself. During the one of Demi-humans disturbances, he earned much praise when he followed the King in deploying for the sake of the people.

Prince Zanac was a short and portly individual with short blond hair. There was a rumour about him being a power-hungry man, jealous of his brother and sister. But this was not something he would as a Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom would consider.

Last was the eldest son, the First Prince Barbro Andreanleld Ryle Vaiself. He had a strong body and a neatly trimmed haircut, and he was the man whom Marquis Bowlorobe was trying to place on the throne. Presumably. Bowlorobe was in attendance for this court session at Barbro's own request.

Any meeting attended by All Great Nobles of the Noble Faction was sure to be an intense one. Due to their possessing higher military might than the royalty, oftentimes they don't respond to the king's summon.

But the current royal family or maybe any royal family, which is under Great God's protection don't have to fear rebellion presumably because it is the Gods who select the royal family to rule the human Kingdoms.

The reason for the sudden meeting was because of the news about Theocracy's Envoys coming to Re-Estize for their annual inspection and to select the new heir for the Thorne.

Until recently, Gazef had no opinion on who should become the next King. But now, his heart was leaning toward Zanack. Either that, or Princess Renner as a dark horse, but the Kingdom, in all its long history, had never been ruled by a queen, so that was probably out of the question.

"Now then, let us begin."

The King's tone seemed slightly different than usual. Those with sensitive ears might have guessed the reason for today's gathering and showed it with curious suspicion.

Ramposa III was an emaciated old man. His head was already scattered with pale white hair. His limbs were little more than just twigs.

"As you know, today we are here to decide our course of action regarding the Envoy from the Slane Theocracy."

All the nobles present here perk their ears closely listening to what the king is saying.

Even though some of the Nobles from the Noble Faction hate the current King if it's about Theocracy or the gods they worship they will band together. Even then politics was not something they could forget.

"I say, Princess Renner can be the one who receives the Envoy from the land of Gods. As she is the one who is blessed by the Gods it is only right to make her the anchor for the upcoming festival." Said Count Ritton.

He was a man whose appearance called to mind the image of a fox, and also one of the lower-ranked members of the Six Nobles. As such, he resorted to ways and means to raise his status. However, his personality of not caring about others' suffering if it meant he could expand his power was not well received by other nobles. Allying himself to Marquis Bowlorobe must have been a strategic move to escape his enemies.

The reason why Count Ritton dragged Princess Renner to this conversation was to give Prince Barbro the upper hand in succession.

Normally it should be Princess Renner, who should have the upper hand because of this proposal but due to her pure nature, who can't even hurt a fly, it is unlike for her to take advantage of this situation.

And another reason is to get her married to one of the Envoy, that is if one of the people from Slane Theocracy takes a liking towards her.

But Count Ritton proposal was rejected immediately by the eldest among the Six Nobles, Margrave Urovarna. His hair was white, and so little of it remained that there might as well have not been any at all. Though his body and limbs looked like gnarled wood. he still retained the gravitas expected of an elder.

Urovarna was the most persuasive of the Great Nobles.

"I heard that, the Demi-humans are planning to attack our country on that day. So it is unwise to make Princess Renner the lead figure. So this role is perfect for Prince Brabro. As he is a warrior it should be obvious that he should be the one, who should be taking a commander role and protecting Envoys from Theocracy. " Behind that old facial was a cunning politician, who was able to twist his words accordingly.

Count Ritton was about to resort but Urovarna continued.

"Or are you saying a woman should lead an army and all the men should hide behind her like cowards?"


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