
Overlord: Administrator's Vacation

What if one of the supposed "Shitty Devs", one who dedicated his entire life, sacrificing himself to the work of developing YGGDRASIL is sent to the new world, waking up as his special avatar? What will he do? Will his existence have an impact in the New World? Well, yes obviously. He wouldn't be the only one to arrive in this world, however.... A tale of redemption and discovery under mere vacation begins now....

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20 Chs

So This Is My Village Now!

A few tens of minutes had passed since they have eaten their meals, and deciding to go their separate ways, Ragna walked out of the mansion while Ninya returned to where her sister was.

When asked, she replied that she was not too used to being in those clothing and that her sister had to be attended for a few hours while he is away.

So he let her do whatever she wanted.

"Right, the villagers. They're not that convinced that I, somebody who just appeared in this village should rule. But that's fine, I'll convince them either way."

It was by far, quite natural for them to be like that. But proving to them that he is a good man that they would trust is not really a bad thing.

He did, however expect them to believe him very, very easily considering the maltreatment Staffan gave to them. Nothing interesting may happen aside from that by now, yet he should at least use strategies early 21st century humans from Earth done to gain trust from them.

His knowledge from the Internet is actually going to be pretty useful this time around! How cool was that!

Anyway, as he approached a group of people that gathered around to have a little chat, some of them had noticed him and sooner enough all their attention was on him.

Their expressions were half-filled with fear, and also filled with expectancy, it wasn't surprising to Ragna.

"If you have any concerns with your living, tell me. I'll be sure to be of help now that under the assistance of the Knight Commander Stronoff, Staffan Havish is about to be executed in Re-Estize." He assured them with a smile he kept for the whole time.

At first, none had the courage to even try to tell him about anything.

With a sigh, he decided, a speech should rouse their spirits.

"I am Ragna Askr Drasil, the Wisest and Greatest Sage of the Far West beyond this continent! And here I see pitiful people tortured beyond measure by some scum, sitting right in front of my like geese waiting for death!"

His voice was clear enough, and spread far and wide, not across the village, but just enough for a large majority of people to hear.

This made several villagers, including guards decide to try listening to him silently.

"You who have been alive for as long as before this Staffan had ruled this village have sacrificed just to live! Now, as I am a kind and just man, your worries will be relieved, your lives will be lighter, and I promise you that this village will become a city rivaling Re-Estize!"

He wasn't done at all, as he realized he should finish it with an almost dramatic gesture, pointing at each of them in such a serious manner that

"You, you, and you, and you, and all of you will be given privilege. Under a few conditions: One, you all shall join hands, being that you help each other at times of need, and two, all of you shall work hard to obtain such privilege. And three, you don't need taxes but you should do your best."

"Am I clear!?"

At this point, Ragna had roused their spirits enough.

Or so he thought.

He saw silence at first, then the villagers started to talk to each other, however they weren't stupid enough to ignore him.

Soon, the villagers yelled out loud, agreeing to be led by him. In fact, they really didn't mind having a leader who would promise them a nice life under a condition that they will only gain privilege under working hard.

This will soon be engraved into their minds, thinking he might be a great leader for them. If not, then they may, once again fall down to the ground in despair.

They questioned him, and their questions were answered with a gleeful smile, not one of mockery.

And Great Sage? What kind of title was that? Is he some kind of powerful sorcerer?

Curious as they were, they wanted him to prove that he really was a Sage without voicing their concerns.

"First, this is an order. I need you to tell me about small places in this village that feel very unnecessarily placed by a very egoistic fatass." He lightly demanded, and soon enough he was told of and led to places of his description.

First was a piece of land filled with statues and large, beautiful gardens, at least, to certain people's minds. It was located west of the village, closer to the mansion.

"Wow, this looks like a mess."

But truthfully, it looks like a mess. Ruined, uncleaned bushes, broken statues, even flowers that have wilted.... It's as if Staffan didn't care about it and that it may be occasionally cleaned.

Even the villagers couldn't help but agree with him.

"Let me fix this, right now."

He had decided that it was the time to honestly use his [World Edit] Admin Code for the first time, bringing his focus on the field in front of him.

In the eyes of the villagers, nothing happened in the first few seconds. And suddenly, it was turned into a plain almost reaching out to several homes of the village.

However, due to Ragna not being done, he decided to put a pristine pillar that would be seen in the Town of Beginnings and several different towns, cities and certain temples back in the game.

This certain pillar is capable of simply making sure no PVPs happen around the specified town, and in cases of story mode events or a group of player attempting to destroy a town intentionally (which does allow a player to begin their path to become a world enemy if successful), it gives out Tier 7 buffs to all NPCs and defending players, making sure this task is insanely hard to do.

Problem was, he had to modify and program it a little bit, lest it just becomes a mere prop. Not just that, he applied the "indestructible" affix on it before it was truly placed.

Naturally it took him a few seconds just to do, and because he wasn't done yet, he decided to create a large park around it.

Filling it with stone paths, iron rustproof benches, and trees, along with a fountain, and traces of life in the form of birds originating from YGGDRASIL.

All of this, done with mere waves of his hands and pure force of will, it's as if he's been doing this for years.

Second, he began to immediately reform the village, along with not hastily making a few laws public so that they could get used to it more easily.

Educating the villagers and teaching them some of the things he knew could be properly used is also useful for the growth of the village, even if it does take a week to a month for them to fully learn whatever they needed.

Some places that have been deemed unnecessary were either remade or turned into open places that had paths of stone that connected to the village.

Lampposts were created and placed on a long line in paths of stone Ragna had made, and he made sure to have nobody be around the pathways he was replacing, it would be his fault if somebody accidentaly vanished out of existence while he "edited" the village to fit his image.

With all that work done, the village now looked more like a town. And sights of awe, surprise and other emotions were all around the villagers.

Not once did they doubt him now, he was like a god! Maybe he really is a god....

Well, more of it is in a positive light, therefore you should think of what had happened between and during these events.

With the village set for a future that may benefit it soon enough, Ragna felt like he'd done some good in this world. Even if it was little, he was still in a bit of trouble to decide something in the future.

Whatever could that be.

Meanwhile, the moment he had returned to his from lightly mentally exhausting tasks, nothing more. He had decided to rest after consulting Tsuare, who tried to convince him to stay with her for a while.

"My Lord, are you testing my faith?" Tsuare asked, staring right towards Ragna's eyes.

Confused, Ragna was now at a chin scratching position.

'Urgh.... why did I even play the act of a sham deity... Even though my powers definitely are not mere sham...'

Yet it was too late for regrets, and decidedly he opened his mouth.

"Is it obvious?" He spoke, raising his hands to grasp her hands. "I could heal you now, if you want."

Maybe starting now, he should embrace the duty of a deity since his powers are straight up godlike, or literally divine.

However, his small statement was met with some denial.

"No, this is fine, My Lord. I shall.... prove myself to you.... in due time!" Tsuare had so much conviction in her voice that, Ragna couldn't help but feel very surprised, really. Despite her pain, she was trying her best to live, for him?

Most probably.

"Doesn't matter, you have proven it enough." He rebuked, before immediately casting a 7th Tier healing spell, causing Tsuare to suddenly feel very relieved.

Her bodily pains, numbness and discomfort suddenly vanished, replaced with relieving coolness as her body had been completely recovered in a mere instant. It's as if she was never tormented in the first place.

Her voice had returned, and she spoke her thanks towards him, and not minding it, he decided to spend his time being with her for a long time.

Until the next day where Ninya is going to leave the village to go to E-Rantel, where her allies most possibly were.

[ ~ TO • BE • CONTINUED ~ ]