
Overlord - The Fallen One

A 17 years old who got reincarnated into the world of Overlord. -- This novel is the continuation of my other one entitled "Overlord - The Conqueror". DISCLAIMERS: I do not own the anime, manga, light novel,or web novel of overlord. It's owned by Kugane Maruyama.

Phan2m_Ghost · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 14

Pandora's Actor reached the dense, shadowy edge of the forest and stepped off his wagon. The forest greeted him with a gust of wind that carried a chilling hint of blood, a sharp contrast to the earthy scents of the woods. He looked around, taking in the details of the darkening environment. As he did so, [Dark Vision] kicked in, allowing him to see through the dimness as easily as if it were day. The darkness of the forest interior became as clear as daylight to him, revealing thick trunks and a tangle of undergrowth.

He then focused his magic and a dagger-like sword appeared in his hand with a shape perfect for close combat. Then using his skill, he copied the abilities of undoubtedly the strongest warrior of Ainz Ooal Gown --not including his creator's true form-- 'Touch Me', and prepared himself for any threats. This warrior form was practical for his solo mission, providing the best defense without the backup of a team.

Pandora's Actor advanced into the depths of the forest, crossing the invisible boundary that villagers dared not pass. With each step, the pungent odor of decay intensified, a cocktail of death that spoke of the forest's lethal inhabitants. This was the 'Great Forest of Tob', as Biller-san had told him, a place notorious for its powerful monsters that even the Kingdom's forces preferred to avoid.

The further he ventured, the clearer it became why Carne Village was isolated from the rest of the world. The dangerous reputation of the forest and the deadly monsters lurking in its shadows kept the village hidden and disconnected.

His goal right now is to track down the 'rulers' of this forest. Legends spoke of three fearsome monsters, each reigning supreme within their own territory. There was the 'Wise King of the Forest', the 'Giant of the East', and the 'Demon Snake of the West', all rumored to wield unmatched might. Given that Carne Village lay to the eastern side, his first target was the 'Giant of the East'. Once he gathered the necessary intelligence on this formidable creature, he planned to return to Nazarick and deliver his initial findings.

With another step, Pandora's Actor 'unintentionally' crushed a tree branch underfoot. The sharp crack seemed to summon the forest's guardians; three massive green figures lunged toward him. Each spanned an imposing length of over three meters. With arms as thick as a human's torso, they loomed large with their gaping mouths dripping saliva. Clutched in their grasp, each held a huge club, ready to defend their territory from any intruders.

Despite their intimidating presence and the abrupt assault, Pandora's Actor didn't break stride as he continued to advance toward the green giants. Then, in an instant, 12 arcs of white light sliced through the darkness. The massive limbs of the attackers were severed, dropping to the ground in a cascade of thuds, followed closely by their torsos and heads, which remained grotesquely connected even in their dismembered state.

Shock etched their faces with a mix of confusion and agony as they groaned, "Urgg!"

But in a moment that defied expectation, the fallen creatures began to rise, their severed limbs miraculously regenerating. "Get him!!" shouted one of the figures, the command fueling their renewed assault. With their limbs fully restored, they charged once more, this time aiming for Pandora's Actor's back with a ferocity undiminished by their recent dismemberment.

Glancing back, Pandora's Actor murmured to himself, "Interesting, a troll, huh. They seem to possess quite incredible regenerative abilities just like in Yggdrasil. However, they are very weak. Maybe around level 15 or so." With a swift and precise motion, he readied his weapon and executed another series of cuts. His movements were so fast that only the afterimages lingered in the air.

With a flourish befitting a performer on stage, Pandora's Actor raised his right arm across his abdomen and executed an elaborate, deep bow. "Good evening gentlemen... or women... whatever you may be," he intoned with a touch of drama. His head rose as his eyes locked onto the trolls whose expressions had shifted to fear. "I initially intended to leave you be, to avoid complications for myself. However, you seem far stronger than the humans I've encountered, which suggests to me that you might have knowledge of the 'Giant of the East' as someone who holds such might. Your assistance in locating this entity would be most beneficial to my quest."

Pandora's Actor didn't wait for their reply. The trolls, paralyzed with dread, could only watch as his figure loomed larger with each step he took toward them. In a desperate gesture, one troll hoisted his arm, as if to erect a shield against the embodiment of his terror. "S-stop!! W-wait!! I-I will tell you! I will tell you!!"

The troll's voice, edged with panic, seemed to wobble in the air as Pandora's Actor ceased his advance, his silhouette casting a long shadow that mingled with the fading moonlight. "Oh, glad you understand!" His response, lively and clear, cut through the heavy air, a stark contrast to the hushed terror around him.

The troll, his eyes wide orbs reflecting both his fear and the last glimmers of day, extended an unsteady hand in the direction of their fearsome leader's lair. "Y-you can find him inside the big cave on the foot of the mountain," he managed to utter, his finger quivering as if it bore the weight of their fates.

The second troll, anxious to dispel the tension that clung to the air, hastily interjected, "T-that's right. Just go straight and you will see a clearing there."

The final troll, his voice laced with the same quiver of fear that had gripped his companions, added a crucial detail, "Y-you should be able to recognize him immediately since he's the only one who wields a sword."

As the trolls spilled their secrets, Pandora's Actor absorbed their guidance with a series of deliberate nods. "Thank you, gentlemen." He punctuated his appreciation with yet another dramatic bow and without another word, he turned on his heel and stride with purpose toward the mountain.

Realizing he couldn't spend any more time here as his master was waiting for him, Pandora's Actor quickly wrapped up the conversation. He had no time to waste on further questions, so he decided to reserve his spell and inquiries for the monster leader instead.

Once out of the trolls' view, Pandora's Actor wasted no time transforming his appearance. His stature grew until he towered over three meters tall, his sword now a massive club to match his new guise. Utilizing the World Item, he deftly adjusted his stats to ensure his disguise was convincing. Aware of the unknown strengths he might face, particularly the formidable 'Giant of the East', he opted for the appearance of one of the Giant's underlings, troll, to avoid drawing suspicion.

For an added measure of security, Pandora's Actor carried a Cash Item—a safeguard that would allow him to teleport to safety should the need arise. With his preparations complete, he moved towards the cave.

Arriving quickly at the cave, Pandora's Actor found the massive entrance, just as you'd expect for a giant's dwelling. The rocky opening was wide and tall, with uneven walls and a ceiling that disappeared into darkness. Stalactites dotted the ceiling, and the ground was worn from use. It was a simple, imposing gateway into the depths where the giants lived.

Stepping into the cave, Pandora's Actor immediately noticed trolls hunched over their meal—goblins, by the looks of them. These goblins were smaller than the humans he'd encountered, with green skin, and pointed features like ears and teeth that gave them a feral appearance. Despite their intimidating look to a human, in this setting, they were clearly just a food source for the trolls, who were casually consuming them as snacks.

After entering, Pandora's Actor quickly assessed the situation. He counted 11 trolls and 24 goblins within the cave. The trolls paid no attention to him; they were preoccupied with their meal, devouring the goblins with ravenous indifference.

Moving deeper into the cave, he reached a dead end, but to his left, there was an artificial opening. It looked like the trolls had made it themselves, perhaps as an extension of the cave or an entrance to another chamber within their dwelling.

Pandora's Actor cautiously moved through the man-made opening and was confronted with a disgusting sight. A massive troll with no clothes, towering over 4 meters tall with a greatsword strapped to its back and even coarser features than the others, was on all fours. Its movements were crude as its hips swayed back and forth, with foul sweat and saliva flying around. Beneath this troll lay another, sprawled on its back, its tongue lolling out of its mouth in a manner that suggested it was either unconscious or worse.

Pandora's Actor observed the trolls, noting that they all bore a striking resemblance to each other, making it difficult to discern any gender differences among them. The scene before him was indeed disturbing, regardless of what exactly was transpiring.

Thankfully, his skills [Life Essence] and [Mana Essence] still had time before they expired. Considering the 'Metamagic' enhancement he had applied earlier, which halved their duration, he calculated that there was still a little over 5 minutes remaining. This meant he had a small window of opportunity to act before these abilities would enter their cooldown phase.

Pandora's Actor took a moment to study the trolls, particularly the one with the greatsword. They seemed completely oblivious to his presence. He made a quick mental assessment, noting the [HP - 23] and [MP - 11]. 'If I take into account its other stats,' he thought to himself, 'it's probably around level 26-32.'

Raising his huge left fist to his face, Pandora's Actor subtly cleared his throat to announce his presence, "Ahem, Ahem!" The trolls, taken aback by the sudden interruption, turned their attention towards him, their expressions twisted into snarls of anger.

Unfazed by their reaction, Pandora's Actor confidently addressed them, "Now then, let's begin shall we." In the next instant, he closed the distance between himself and the 'Giant of the East' with remarkable speed. Grasping the troll's head by the neck, he lifted its gaze to meet his own and casted his spell.

//Flashback End//
