
Overgeared : Magic Monarch

Max, who has the power to travel worlds now goes to world of Overgeared, a world where technology have developed to such extent that a virtual reality game is made, Max enters that game Satisfy and begins his Rule.

Boring_World · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


Words of what happened soon reached the Emperor's ears, and Ash, along with all the witnesses, were called to the Imperial Palace.

"Sigh," Ash sighed as he walked with the others.

"What happened?" Lorex asked.

"I don't think anyone will believe me, given my current strength," Ash said bitterly. His level was only 191 after defeating Dark Bus, while even the lowest-ranked Red Knight was at an initial level of 300.

"It's okay; we will explain what happened for you," Mercedes reassured him, gently caressing his hand.

Soon, they reached the throne room door, and the guards standing there, announced their arrival.

"The Red Knights and the wandering warrior Ash have arrived," they declared as they opened the door.

Ash walked calmly inside, unfazed by the stares he was receiving. The Throne room was very big, There were 30 pillars on each side in intervals of four meters. He looked ahead and saw many nobles and the Emperor seated on the elevated throne. On the Right of the Emperor stood the Five Pillars of the Empire, and on his left stood the Seven Dukes of the Empire.

The Red Knights kneeled and saluted the Emperor, and Ash followed suit, though his lack of professionalism was evident to all.

Fortunately, none of them seemed to mind.

"Look at them, sitting all high and mighty. During my time, all of them used to shake in my mere presence. If not for that Grandmaster, this Empire would have long perished," Madra spoke mentally, and Ash struggled to maintain his poker face.

Fortunately no one saw his face as he was kneeling.

"Rise" Emperor said and various notifications flashed in front of him.

[The bloodline that Dominates the continent looks at you]

[all stats reduced by 50%]

[you have resisted]

[You feel fear, reducing your attack power by 30% and attack speed by 50%]

[You have resisted]

Ash raised his brows upon hearing this and looked at the Emperor, a middle-aged man whose presence was as heavy as a mountain.

Unlike other middle aged man's dull hair, his silver hairs are shiny and glossy. He Is Emperor Juander, the strongest Npc on the surface.

"I heard of what happened," the Emperor began. "To think the 4th Knight was a Demon all along."

"all of you have done great work"

"It was our Duty your majesty" Mercedes and other Red Knights said.

"haah, I understand about you but why is he here too?" Drunk Duke Diworth suddenly said pointing at Ash.

"it was him who defeated that Demon, but he has to use forbidden power causing him to lose strength" Mercedes defended Ash and others witness nodded too.

 As Diworth was going to say, Emperor raised his hands and stopped him.

"I see, I will reward you properly" Emperor said and then..

"But... there are rumors of Empress Marie being involved in this," he continued calmly, but the weight of his words was overwhelming.

"Speak, or I will have all of you executed for tarnishing my Mother's name!" Prince Edan suddenly stood up and spoke.

Ash sighed at the sight of everyone releasing their bloodline pressure. How could others even speak under such pressure? Eventually, Ash stood up and said, "Those rumors are from me."

As he spoke, Prince Edan looked at him coldly. "So, you are the one who spread lies," he accused, aiming to eliminate him swiftly.

Mercedes gritted her teeth, fighting against the pressure as she tried to stop him. The Pillars watched, and then one of them moved and vanished from his spot.

'I can't let Mother die, or how will I become Emperor?' Prince Edan's thoughts betrayed his self-interest.

But just as he was about to strike, a lightning materialized in front of Ash and kicked him away.

It was Kyle, the youngest Pillar of the Saharan Empire. "The interrogation is still ongoing," he said coldly before returning to his seat.

No one questioned him, as he was favored by the Emperor himself, even if he kicked a Imperial prince.

Prince Edan after stabilizing himself was about to yell when Emperor stopped him.

"Return to your place," a voice reached out and stopped Prince Edan, prompting him to lower his head and return to his seat.

"You, speak. If your words were without proof, you will be imprisoned for eternity," the Emperor commanded, and Ash gulped, realizing that he might not be able to play Satisfy anymore if his answer didn't satisfy the Emperor.

"I have proof," Ash declared, confidence was in his voice, Duke Limit narrowed his eyes seeing this.

"Empress Marie first killed Empress Aria by joining hands with the Yatan Church," Ash continued, braving the dramatically increasing pressure.

It was as expected, as the Emperor had loved Empress Aria, and her poisoning and death had remained unsolved.

"You have five seconds to show proof," the Emperor stated, and Ash nodded, presenting a paper. "This is the transaction between Empress Marie and the Yatan Church," he explained.

"I obtained it by defeating a Yatan Servant who had been controlling Asmophel as a puppet on Empress Marie's orders," he added, displaying the corpse of Dark Bus. 

After defeating him he searched Asmophel mansion and found this documents in Dark Bus room who is disguising as Dive.

Once again, Kyle stood up and presented the paper to the Emperor, while he himself inspected Dark Bus's body.

The Emperor read the paper, and his anger surged. Clenching the paper, he commanded, "Drag that woman here!"

Kyle nodded and then vanished, reappearing with Empress Marie soon, whom he held by her hair. She is a beautiful woman, worthy of being an Empress but now she is nothing more than a criminal. "Release me, you imbecile! I am the Empress!" she shouted, but Kyle yanked her head, silencing her.

"Shut up, or I will cut off your tongue," Kyle warned, causing Empress Marie to fall silent. She then looked around and saw everyone watching her coldly. Finally, she turned to the Emperor and asked, "What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?"

"Speak. Did you kill Empress Aria?" the Emperor asked, piercing Empress Marie with his gaze. Yet, she retorted, "They are just lies. Someone is framing me."

"Someone else poisoned her, not me!" she yelled, refusing to admit her guilt.

"When I said she was poisoned?," the Emperor said, and everyone shook their heads. It was clear from the evidence that she was guilty, but in her haste, she had exposed herself.

Duke Limit clenched his fist and then in swift motion he cut the tongue of Marie, stopping her from spilling anything else.

"it's best to drag her to prison, lest she spouts more lies and tarnish the Imperial family" Duke Limit said coldly, Empress marie pointed at him as if he betrayed her, but Duke Limit unfazed by her gaze returns to his seat.

It was clear to Ash Duke Limit is hiding something but since, he don't have any proof, he stopped himself.

To the world, Empress Aria had died due to an unknown disease, while only the Emperor and his closest aides knew the true reason for her death, and Empress Marie wasn't one of them.

"Imprison her," the Emperor said coldly, then turned his gaze to the 4th prince. "Him too, until his innocence is proved."

The Imperial knights nodded and escorted the mother and son pair out of the throne room.

The Emperor then looked at Ash and said, "Thank you." Everyone exclaimed at this gesture, but one of the seven Dukes knew it was the true self that he had buried after his beloved's death.

"its okay" Ash waved his hand and said.

"His Majesty if I may?" Mercedes then asked.

"Speak" Emperor said and then Mercedes told how Astaroth framed previous red Knights.

Emperor sighed and felt a tinge of pain in his chest, 'My friend' he thought of Piaro as he heard Mercedes.

he was the one who was most hurt when he learned of Piaro treason, Piaro was his best friend, but after seeing the evidence his anger surged causing him to be blinded by anger and ordering the execution of his family.

And the irony of the situation he can't even blame himself, nor cry for the only best friend whose family he himself order to be executed and have their heads hanged as display of consequences for betraying the Empire.

he wants to cry but he can't...That is the Duty of Emperor who rules over a vast territory.

His face remained poker face, as a Emperor he knows, he can't show any weakness, he said after Mercedes finished explaining " It was indeed a grave mistake, but what done is done,"