

God among men

Mathias_Ikpesa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


It has been another six months making it a year they are inside the cave training, by this time Mu Shali and his sister have advanced to the mid stage of the Body Refinement. All thanks to the rigorous sparring section with Wu Chan, they have become faster and stronger.

They are currently in the sparring section again, Mu Shali and Mu Joli are standing face off to their opponent Wu Chan both holding a spear and sword respectively.

She dash towards him with her sword backward, she is fast to the normal eyes but to Wu Chan she is still slow. She get closer but instead of striking she dance her way around him intending to strike from behind but he had predicted this and flip over her.

Again she swing her left hand revealing the knife she is holding but Wu Chan knows he is fighting an assassin type so he quickly step forward right to her face. She quickly reverse the edge of the knife aiming at his back but being very skillful he bent down and hold her knife pointing at her.

Mu Shali shout for her to retreat by this time he has fill the sky with over three hundred spears and launch it towards our protagonist. He bring out his staff and begin deflecting the spears but of them rush to attack him but he skillfully block their attacks and jump backward.

Now it is my turn to attack, the siblings gets more serious as they know what's coming.

He dash towards Mu Joli but at the point of impact he switch his attack to Mu Shali who isn't mentally prepared for it. It takes him by surprise and when he try to block the strike he is send flying backward. Wu Chan didn't give him time to breath and quickly catches up with him still falling backward this time he went behind him and kick his butt sending him flying upward, again he just so high and grab the screaming Mu Shali legs and swing him around falling into the river.

Mu Joli who saw all this begin shaking but she quickly regain her composure and get more serious. From a distance he strench his rod and it length increase drastically but she manage to dodge and run to him as she has more disadvantage in a long range combact.

Wu Chan shorten the rod again, this time Mu Joli throw her knife to his face while she attack from below. He catch the knife with his left hand and block her sword with his rod and just like that she lost again with her knife pointing at her again.

Mu Shali gets out of the water all drenched. Gosh..... my head hurts from all the spinning.

We have lost another fight. Continue his sister.

You guys are getting better compared to before, your teamwork is great but in a real fight you would have lose her long ago before finishing your attack. Team work is to minimise casualty so you don't have to wait for your team mate to be cornered before you step in. You did well Mu Joli, I wasn't really expecting your fighting strategy, you are becoming a real assassin.

Thank you for your lessons, she praised him.

How come you know so many things, Mu Shali ask him

Aunt Mei taught me everything. Let's not waste this opportunity to meditate as it benefits after a sparring section. They all agreed and begin meditating.

Sometime later while they were meditating Wu Chan came out of the house with four bowls containing portion he had made.

Why does it smell so awfully? Mu Shali complain

Because it contained the blood of mystic beast (a mystic beast is ranked above God Levels of cultivation)

How did you get the blood? Mu Shali ask surprise

Aunt Mei gave it to me before leaving and said we might need it to improve. Like I said it contained the blood of mystic beast and spiritual herbs, I will tell you it is quite powerful. This portion will cleanse any impurities in your blood and strengthen your bones, you will feel excruciating pain but you will have to bear it.

He pass them each a bolw and ask them to seat distance from each other. Now everyone holding a bolw he signal for them to drink it at once, after drinking the portion t hey began to feel pain all over their body. Their bodies gave a cracking sound like their bones are broken, they felt severe pain and blood was linking out of their eyes, nose and mouth.

After some time the pain begin to reduce and they felt calm, then power began surging out of their bodies and they broke through from the Mid stage of Body Refinement to the mid stage of Soul Refinement. It is the power of the portion they had taken, Duoli was not left out as he continue to emanate strong spiritual energy. He transform to it huge side and pair of wings grew from his back, his color also has changed to red. The only person that remained unchanged is our protagonist still in the Body foundation but he becomes even more power.

They were all smelling badly due to the impurities that left their body so he advises them to take a bath and return afterward to discuss their change.

Soon after Wu Chan and Duoli came up to their training ground with Mu and and Mu Joli already waiting for him holding their technique book.

How do you guys feel now?

My body feels lighter and stronger, Mu Joli answer him

I can't believe we broke all through the way to Soul Refinement. The effect of the portion is too outstanding, can we take it more often? Mu Shali ask him cunningly.

Aunt Mei said it can only be taken ones every every five years, if you try to take it more than once your body cannot take the pressure and you will tear up.

Ewwww.... that's terrifying.

Thanks to your help we have accomplished the task master gave to us.

You don't need to be so polite, be are bound brothers and sister. Perform your techniques let's see your improvements.

The first to take the stage is Mu Shali, he gave his book to Wu Chan and activated his technique. This time he summoned up to a thousand spears and was surprise by his own success. He performed other moves and discovered how fast and strong he has become.

Why he is doing all that Wu Chan was looking at his technique and called out to him.

Your technique is called Ten thousand technique, I just thought of something.

He step forward and activated the ten thousand technique, instantly the whole sky is covered with the sword he is holding. This of course shocked the siblings and Duoli, with the swords still in the sky he continue.

What about you compress all the sword into one, again all the swords merge together to form one huge sword there again scaring his observers.

It will be more proficient if the number of swords you summoned are compressed to the number of opponents you face, in that way the strength of the swords will multiply. Now instead of "ten thousand technique" you can call this "ten thousand in one"

They were all astonished by this revelation. Oh my God you are a once in a lifetime genius. Mu Shali exclaimed

Now it is mu turn, Mu Joli states as he takes the center stage.

She called out to her brother to spar with her which he agreed to. They begin the fight and they are much faster now compare to before, they exchange strikes countering each other. Soon she manoeuvre her way around him confusing him when she will strike. While he is trying to create a distance between them she took the opportunity to kick his leg as he jump backward. He flip instantly but before he could land she is behind him with her dagger winning the fight.

Wu Chan congratulate her for winning this time. You underestimated her forgetting she is an assassin who is much better with close combat. Your advantage should be from a distance because your weapon is a spear. Mu Joli when striking your opponent aim for their weak spots, assassins finished their opponents in seconds and precise. They use they slightest opportunity they get to finish their opponent and they can use anything as weapons.

Thank you for your lessons, they thanked him. Deep down he is wondering if it is okay to train them to this extent.

Now you will practise what I just taught you, we still have about a year before we leave here so I will teach you how to tame beast and connect to your inner world.

Is it okay for you teaching us all these things? Mu Shali ask concern

What do you mean? reply Wu Chan

Don't get me wrong, you have done so much for us and we have not repay you in any way. Sometimes I feel unworthy for your kindness.

I don't know what you are talking about, we are brother and it is my duty to make you stronger and to repay me don't worry am not going anywhere you will get your chance.

Mu Shali knelt down, Our lives are forever grateful to you.

You are embarrassing yourself, he said laughing loud.

Duoli let's see your new power.

Duoli transform, his presence alone is terrifying, releasing strong energy. He now has wings and flew upward, in a matter of seconds he covered a long distance. He has gotten a lot stronger and faster levelling up too.

Wow.... you are cool Duoli, Mu Joli praised him.

I hate his red color, Wu Chan uttered

Duoli glared at him angrily and transform to it small size jumping to Mu Joli hands.

I think you look more cute, she said as she held him tight.