

God among men

Mathias_Ikpesa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


The next morning everyone is set for the vacation, no one is as happy as Wu Chan. Finally he will get some time for fun now as from his earliest childhood all he does is training and hunt. His face is beaming with so much smile.

Aunt Mei summoned her red dragon and ask them to climb on, when they are off the ground she flick her hand and the entire court yard disappeared into her inner world.

Hold on tight, she caution them as the dragon fly into the sky.

The kids are mesmerise by the beautiful landscape below, up in the sky they get to see how beautiful the mountain really is.

Wow.... Aunt Mei can we go on Vacation more often

Whatever you say darling but I will advice you to wait until we reach our destination then you can decide if you want to go more often.

He is trying to comprehend what she was saying but he is so positive and choose to let the thought slide. They travelled for hours until they finally reach their destination, and it shock them when there is no one on sight. All they see is a dense forest, trees and rocks are all they could see.

Out of curiosity Wu Chan ask, Are we taking a break here?

Oh we have arrived darling, follow me and I will show you inside. She led them forward and when they got to the entrance of a cave she open the seal and went in as they follow. They walk in for a bit and soon come across a large field, it is another world of it own. There are spiritual herbs everywhere, flowing river and the spiritual energy there is thick.

Ohh..... this place is beautiful, remark Mu Joli

Aunt Mei place a small house close to the river, although small it is beautiful and there are three beds, a table with three chairs in the middle of the room and it still have a kitchen.

come on kids, she called the out as they have rush into the house to inspect it.

Have you heard of the Ghost Forest?

Hmm... yes Master, answer Mu Shali.

I have heard people from the village talk about it that, they say it is very dangerous and many fear to step in.

You are right, it is called Ghost Forest because of the number of life it has take. There are countless king beast here, the lowest is at level five, this Forest too is the hideout of the demon cult. Those who enter this forest below the transformation Stage will have a hard time leaving.

Aunt Mei you have used the word here more than twice are we...

Yes, she cut him off. We are currently at the end of the Ghost Forest.

The children ran behind her upon her confirmation.

Few months back while looking for herbs I came across this cave, for hundreds of years no one has come here and the cave is hidden from clear sight, a formation was covering it but it was not hard for. There were king beasts guiding the spiritual herbs and I clean them all off for your special training.

Training.... this is suppose to be a vacation Aunt Mei....

Look at all the spiritual herbs and the spiritual energy flowing around. Many will sacrifice their lives to be here so darling this is a vacation.

Listen carefully, there are three levels of techniques, which are earth, heaven and supreme heavenly and for the time you will be here you will practise supreme techniques. She brought out a technique books and gives it to Mu Joli.

This technique is called The Heavenly Dance, as a girl you need to appear delicate as a flower but strong as a rock. as the name imply you appear to be dancing while slicing deadly cuts to your enemies unknown to them. You can apply this technique to any weapon be it fan, Sword, blade, knives or spear.

I will perform it to you once so watch closely, she begin dancing so beautifully that it made the boys eyes melt. she does the tradition Chinese dance around them and stop.

The two boys started clapping furiously but stopped when Aunt Mei open her hand and release peices of their hair. While you are distracted because of my dance I slice your hair without you knowing. Highly trained assassins use this technique alot.

Thank you master I will practice very hard, Mu Joli affirm her.

Mu Shali this technique is called Ten thousand technique, she hands him the technique. It's a supreme technique too and you can apply it also to any weapon including your fist but it consume lots of spiritual energy. She raises her fan and the sky is filled with countless fans, I am able to summone five thousand weapons because of my spiritual energy.

With this technique you can face hundred of enemies alone but the numbers you can summon depends on your spiritual energy and understanding. If you can understand up to ten percent you will invincible among your peers.

These techniques are Supreme and they consume enery and there are lots of spiritual energy here which is suitable for your training. Looking at Wu Chan she gave him a book, this is called the Formless Destruction. This technique does not consume spiritual energy as you can use the energy around you, however to understand this technique you must first understand the true meaning of Tao, the true meaning of life, in summary you must understand this world.

How am I suppose to do that?

Give me a demonstration

I can't but I do not understand tao, if you master this you will be able to use the air, water and grasses as weapon.

There was a time you gave me a cut by just swinging your hand, what was that?

I channelled my energy into the air and struck it with you but when you master the art of Formless Destruction you become an extensive part of nature itself.

Can you teach me that instead?

No, you will have to figure ways learn it but you will need it for your second test. she brought out a huge and tall pillar.

Legend has it that a treasure is hidden inside this pillar, millions have tried to break it using all kinds of weapons but the result is the same, only the ones who truly understand tao can break it. Your father gave you this test to prove yourself and I believe in you.

Seeing a new challenge he is eager to learn it. I will learn this and master it.

You have two years to break it, that goes for you too master these techniques in two years.

One more thing, she brought out bracelets

Wear these on your hands and feet, after they did she enchant them and it becomes very heavy for them to lift their hands and feet.

I have enchanted them according to your strength and you will have to wear them for the two years of your practice, after the two years they will fall off. Don't even think about breaking the enchantment because I will know, looking at Wu Chan.

Now listen to my instructions. In the morning you will exercise as usual and practice at noon then meditate in the evening. And my task for you all is this practice with all diligent for the two years, I am leaving you to the capital city. Come find me in the Joha Academy, make sure you become core disciples but if you cannot master the techniques don't bother coming and if you cannot pass the second test don't even find me.

You will have to leave this mountain on your own, that means you will fight beast and if you are unlucky the demon cult will make it hard for you. I will seal the entrance so no one can come in but the seal will automatically destroy after two years from today. If I don't see you I will mourn for you and assume you are all dead, there are food and pills for your cultivation. See you after two years and good luck, she flick her finger and disappear from their presence.

The children were sad of her leaving but no time to waste as they must complete their task in two years.