

God among men

Mathias_Ikpesa · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs



Gideon wakes up at the constant reminder of the alarm wondering why he fell asleep in the first place. According to his memory he is in a jet on a mission for his country.

Arrh.... my head hurts

Then we are introduced to the life of Gideon, he is a mercenary by the nickname Silent Dragon. He had accomplished impossible missions alone that hundreds of soldiers cannot combine together, therefore the mention of his name will kill a faint hearted person.

Apparently the President of his country had sent him on a suicide mission because he is afraid of the immense power he possess. Now that Gideon had eliminated all his enemies it was time to get rid of his biggest enemy which is Silent dragon himself.

Not understanding the situation he rush to the pilot and found him gone and the control buttons destroyed. Then it dawn on him he has been drugged to fall asleep, just then the President call come in.

Still standing there wondering what to do the President begin

The country thanks you for your services and will forever remember your sacrifice, however we must get rid of you our greatest enemy

You say country but it is just you I see, he interrupt the president, you are afraid of me.

Don't take it the wrong way, I appreciate your efforts but you know too many secrets, and now the world is coming to the era of peace you cannot be let to live.

Gosh my head hurts

Ignoring the President talking, from the monitor he sees the missiles fast approaching with the warning still going on.


He hurry to the back, seems to be looking for something.

wow..... he played me well, no parachute.

With no determination to survive in his eyes he walk back to his seat, hang up on the president and he could see all the past events of his life playing before his eyes.

He remembered how he always get in fights to protect his siblings a girl and a boy because his parent died from a blast, how he vowed to put an end to the war so his family can live in peace and so far he had accomplished that.

His last word to himself is "I have no regrets" As the missile come in contact with the jet engulfing him in fire.

Gideon open his eyes to the sounds of battle going on outside while he sees the face of a worried man in godly robe looking at him and a woman smiling down on him with tears rolling down her check.

My baby you must become strong, she said kissing his face.

Mommy loves you.

Still trying to read meaning to the situation, minutes ago he was in a plane clash now he is here. He try to move his body but could not and when he try to talk all he could voice out is "waaahhh"

He look at his arm, without any doubt he confirmed he had been reborn to another world and those where his parent.

"It is time" his father said as his mother calm him down with a kisses. His father took him and draw a pattern on his chest then giving him to a maid he said "do as you are told."

The maid took the baby and the man open a portal "hurry in" he said.

Let me hold him one last time before he goes, cry his mother.

Time is against us, the man hold his wife by the hands comforting her. Our son is strong and he will surely come back to us, he gave the maid signal to go into the portal and close it behind her.

His father comes out flying majestically into the air to confront the enemies.


he sent down lightening disbursing the enemies below while he face countless others above. The warriors of the opponents are twice the numbers of his own thereby leaving many of his men injured but will not let the enemies into the mansion. With him in the battle the numbers are even.

Do you think you can come into my territory to destroy my clan? He asked two elderly men

It is very unfortunate that your son is born with the supreme God Soul, therefore we cannot sit idle waiting to be slaves of the Wu zie clan. Said Le sha

What about you Duma Wu? we have lived in peace for thousands of years, Why did you side with the Le Sha Clan?

To bring back the balance, you are in the expert level of the Supreme realm and now having a son with the supreme realm soul. It is only a matter of time before we become your slaves.

Blame your bad luck not my son, let's get over with it, he rush over to the enemies with thunderstorm and lightening covering the battlefeild.

This world is divided into six realms, they are earth, king, emperor, God, supreme God and Deity God Realm. The King's realm is the lowest among all, while few make it to the emperor's realm very few cultivates to the God's realm. Only a handful have been able to cultivate to the Supreme God's realm. The Deity God's realm is the hardest and for thousands of years no one has been able to cultivate to that level.

All the clans have spent fortunes cultivating and training their genius hoping to achieve the deity cultivation but none have succeeded, the best they have produced so far is the God's realm until our protagonist was born with the soul of a Supreme God's realm which means he will surely achieve deity cultivation within few years thereby ruling over the other realms. A truth they cannot accept which has lead to this war to eliminate the child.

There are three clan in the Supreme God's realm, the Wu zie clan, Le sha clan and Duma wu clan. Since the birth of the protagonist will shift the balance of the Supreme God's realm the other clan have wage war on the Wu Zie clan.

We are fast forward to five years later with little Wu Chan our protagonist doing basic exercise. He runs up and down the mountain and the maid who he calls Aunt Mei is seating under a tree drinking tea. After the running he starts doing push ups, jumps and lifting a huge stone, when he is done he sits by his aunt feet complaining.

Why do I have to do all this exercises everyday Aunt Mei?

You are building your foundation for cultivation, you have succeeded to cultivate to be an expert in the foundation building. However you must obtain the Golden dragon body indestructible to any weapon.

Looking at his chest and touching the mark he ask, why work so hard when my cultivation is seal in the foundation building?

That is why you need to work harder to break the seal, you are five now and your first goal is to complete the first task. All this hard work is to prepare you to when the seal will be broken. I have taught you many things, formation, spell casting, alchemy and pill refining. You have mastered all of them which is why today I will teach you how to connect to the inner world.

With excitement to learn something new and delight in his eyes he ask, what is the inner world?

Taking the meditation pose she order him to close his eyes and feel the spiritual energy around him.

Some called it sub-concious mind but we call it the inner world, she continue her teaching. Wu Chan still had his eyes close feeling the spiritual energy from the surroundings.

I want you to empty your thought and feel the spiritual energy flowing from your heart into your head.

Wu Chan follow the instructions he was shown in his inner world. First it was a small lake, then it expand into a mighty ocean. He is soon zooming out as the ocean become smaller, there came lands soon he is out of the world and found himself in the universe. Then he is suck out of the universe and a huge gate appear before him but as he walk to open it he is trapped by a formation but all his efforts was futile.

Opening his eyes he ask Aunt Mei, what does the inner world looks like?

It differ in the cultivation and soul power of cultivators. For some their inner world is a field of grass, lake or a city, a supreme god cultivator can have a whole country in their inner world. They can bring things from their inner world to the outer world, to bring living things into your inner world they will have to sign a soul contract with them.

What is the size of your inner world, Wu Chan ask out of curiosity?

Mine is a small village with land and lake, capable of keeping one hundred people. She summoned a red dragon, the dragon roar flying into the sky and the villagers down the mountain can be seen running fearing for their lives.

Cool..... exclaimed Wu Chan

This is my contract beast, pating it head. You cannot contract with a soul higher than yours or else there will be a backlash and you lose all your cultivation. Enough explanation what is your inner world like?

Am not sure if it is my inner world, first I saw a lake, ocean and soon I see the whole universe. Then I dragged out and a huge gate stood before me, but as soon as I approached it I was locked in a formation I could not break.

All this while Aunt Mei was looking at him with total disbelief missed with surprise.

Why was I locked in a formation?

That's the seal placed by your father and to break it you will have to defeat me.

How can I defeat you a Beginner Emperor Cultivator?

he started counting with his hands the stages of cultivation before the emperor Realm.

There are seven stages of cultivation in the King's Realm and each stage have three levels, beginner, mid and expert. The stages are foundation building, body refinement, soul refinement, innate Soul refinement, transformation, divine and king.

Wu Chan gave up counting in frustration screaming

"oooooooh....." how can I defeat you when my cultivation is seal?

Smiling at Aunt Mei he ask, why don't you just admit defeat so the seal will be broken?

Aunt Mei stands up and drew a line on the ground, she took five steps back and said. If you can cross the line I will admit defeat.

Seeing it as easy challenge he stood up in excitement running to cross the line. Aunt Mei release a pressure that sent him flying meters away, the pressure was so strong uprooting smaller trees. Wu Chan release his aura, try walking forward but the pressure is still pushing him backward.

Aunt Mei stop, disappear and appear before him in an instant. You cannot withstand ten percent of my power, it shows you are still too weak. Your first goal now is to complete the first task and as a punishment your training will be double.

Wu Chan just sat in the ground sad as Aunt Mei walks away.