
Outside is Apocalypse But I am Safe inside My Dungeon

That day when the apocalypse fell, was a normal day without any big events. like any other, people are busy in their lives and work, some enjoying their lives some are struggling to live. Life was going in a usual routine until changes in the earth started to show up on the surface. while they were living a normal life, the earth was undergone a massive transformation without being noticed. Mysterious energy started to leak from the underground and living or non-living beings that were exposed to this energy began to evolve. Zombie and mutant beasts are roaming in the City. Due to large numbers and sudden appearance, armies from all over the world fail to withstand their attack. Big cities became a playground for savage beasts. Following those events, another catastrophe came that forced humanity to its knees. The environment of Earth has turned into a mess, green lands have turned into deserts and heavy rainfall causes river overflow. the length of winters increased and it has become very harsh for a normal human to survive. Food and shelter became scarce objects that very few people could afford. Instead of fighting mutant beasts and zombies, humans started to kill each other for easy resources. In this world, a piece of bread is more precious than a human life. This is where the story begins, in this horrible world, Sam is the only person who has a safe place with warm meals and every need that people could only imagine. Sam's life was always not that good, at a young age he lost his parents and the people he trusted most betrayed him. He fell into a debt trap that was impossible to escape. But Everything changed after he received his ability as a dungeon lord. At a young age, he faced many hardships and spent all his time working which is why Sam decided to lead a relaxed and enjoyable life even in the apocalypse.

Bidas5924 · Fantasia
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37 Chs

Zombie Rush

After Realizing that I could gain an extra advantage if I attacked fast I didn't waste time and started to approach them silently.

I take cover of the cars and move towards them. My first target is the nearest one and the one who has a well-shaped body then I will go for the skinny one.

I sneakily go behind to give a critical hit


I slash its throat with all of my strength. That slash causes its head to separate from its body fist its head drops to the ground and rolls to my legs then its body falls.

I swiftly go to the second one and strike it with the handle of the knife, when it collapses I strike straight to its head. I push the knife with my hands to take the knife out through the skull.

I took a deep breath since I was holding my breath during the battle "Ha! ha! I was nervous unnecessarily It's even easier than I thought."

My power just now is awesome I feel like I become a superhuman. Oh! I forgot now I am a superhuman. I stretched my hand and said in a confident tone "l suppose I can handle if a hundred of them come together "

I hear a sound very unpleasant as I bend to take the cores from the zombies. I look up curiously and see a few more zombies rushing toward me with a look of desire it seems like they are attracted by the sound of the clash earlier.

Honestly, I want to take a rest as my first fight is over but I already said greatly so I can't take it back on top of that I can't run just because of a few zombies, it will hurt a man's pride and It doesn't matter I took two of them without much effort what could a few zombies can do they are just a free core supply.

With determination, I too headed for the free courses they desperately wanted to give. slowly I picked up speed, placing my left leg on top of the car's outer hood giving a hard push over it and took a jump to gain the extra advantage of height and force for my first strike.

That first strike was powerful enough to finish a zombie in one blow so I just ignored it and quickly went for the others. I lead my eyes to their vital spots and with flexible and impressive moves deliver the slashes however attacks aren't able to finish them off.

I can easily catch their every movement with the help of my impressive attributes as a superhuman but still, I can't change the fact that I am a novice and don't have any experience in fighting.

Even though I strick all of them few of them successfully hit the target and it was not enough. I had to land a few more slashes to completely quit them.

I was gasping, that fight drained all of my energy but it's good to see that l have obtained numerous cores.

Just when I was thinking it was all over I heard a familiar sound. "This sounds seems like there is another rush coming."

But soon the tensionless expression on my face changed completely as I heard that sound carefully.

"Why is this word still growing? don't tell me this time a horde of zombies."

Are they also attracted by the sound, I should have taken care of things silently. There is no point in regretting it now I have to focus on what is front.

I already begin to see the movement that is coming from the corner, they are running towards me and their number is endless, my eyes aren't able to find the end line. Some of them fell on the street trying to take a turning over.

They couldn't stop others from approaching they just trampled over and went ahead.

This is really bad news for me. My situation is not good I am very tired from the fight earlier and even though I suppose my condition is good, I don't stand a chance against these numbers of zombies.

After seeing no other way I opened the portal and asked for Coffee to help. She was ready for that She made her surprising debut through the jump over me as I opened the portal but it was too late they already come close to me and Coffee also couldn't take all of them in an instant so I gave a hand to her.

I kick hardly one zombie that zombie crashes with others behind It helps me to reduce their speed then I run far from the chaos area.

I take zombies one by one and keep my distance avoiding being surrounded by them, it's not like I have to defeat all of them it is the work of Coffee, the powerful one and as a weak one, my primary goal is to just defend myself and wait for Coffee, to defeat them.

When I see no other zombies chasing me I turn my head and take a glance at Coffee if she needs my help but it was unnecessary. She is playing with them just like a kid playing with her toys, tossing them with her paws and tearing them apart as if they were paper.

"So adorable " I don't know why but I can still see her innocence in the middle of an outrageous scene.

In the blink of an eye, a massive number of zombies are annihilated and even a large number flee away but still, the road has become a graveyard for zombies If Coffee arrived a little late then it couldn't be mine instead of zombies.

This time I was too careless, my biggest mistake was underestimating those zombies. I thought they were weak and powerless, what could be possible they do to me but how could I forget the fact they were the ones who killed most of the humans, not any powerful mutant others mutant creatures.

Even after knowing all of that I still make the same beginning mistake a deadly mistake that killed a large amount of superhumans. Just like me newly awakened also felt this amazing power and got excited over it however, this power unknowingly made them make this deadly mistake.

Zombies are weak but they fulfil this disadvantage with their massive number. It would be very dangerous if caught the attention of a hoard because they would come in endless numbers and eventually lead you to a hopeless situation where you are out of energy and you keep feeling that accepting death might be better but it will be a very painful death by hundreds of biting.