
Outside is Apocalypse But I am Safe inside My Dungeon

That day when the apocalypse fell, was a normal day without any big events. like any other, people are busy in their lives and work, some enjoying their lives some are struggling to live. Life was going in a usual routine until changes in the earth started to show up on the surface. while they were living a normal life, the earth was undergone a massive transformation without being noticed. Mysterious energy started to leak from the underground and living or non-living beings that were exposed to this energy began to evolve. Zombie and mutant beasts are roaming in the City. Due to large numbers and sudden appearance, armies from all over the world fail to withstand their attack. Big cities became a playground for savage beasts. Following those events, another catastrophe came that forced humanity to its knees. The environment of Earth has turned into a mess, green lands have turned into deserts and heavy rainfall causes river overflow. the length of winters increased and it has become very harsh for a normal human to survive. Food and shelter became scarce objects that very few people could afford. Instead of fighting mutant beasts and zombies, humans started to kill each other for easy resources. In this world, a piece of bread is more precious than a human life. This is where the story begins, in this horrible world, Sam is the only person who has a safe place with warm meals and every need that people could only imagine. Sam's life was always not that good, at a young age he lost his parents and the people he trusted most betrayed him. He fell into a debt trap that was impossible to escape. But Everything changed after he received his ability as a dungeon lord. At a young age, he faced many hardships and spent all his time working which is why Sam decided to lead a relaxed and enjoyable life even in the apocalypse.

Bidas5924 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Storage Room

The rakes are full of food and items, the way they are staring at me as if they have been waiting for decades just to be picked up by me.

I can't let them down, I will empty this entire space I would not leave a signal piece of grain.

I go to the rack, put the items in the boxes and start to carry them into the dungeon.

When my shift is at the endpoint and few are left I suddenly stop for a moment.

"Should I leave some for others"?

No! No! What I am thinking, taking pity on others doesn't suit my character. I have to become selfish if I want to lead a happy life moreover, I also don't know how much time is needed for my vegetables to grow up the more I collect ingredients the better is.

"Good! All things are shifted in the dungeon but..."

I lift my head and glance at the mountains of things. " Where I can store all of these things? it's not like I can't leave them here openly. Should I create a storage space "?

I close my eyes and focus on one point, in no time a tiny pebble appears out of thin air. Instead of considering quiet, I continued to maintain my focus. Shortly I started seeing results.

The pebble was not a permanent state, the invisible energy surrounding it began to take the form of particles and absorbed by the smaller pebbles. That small pebble has now turned into a big rock.

"Haa! Finally, I did it now I can create the rocks."

I take a step ahead and try to shape the stone in blocks.

However, even after trying many times I still didn't manage to shape it.

"It seems like this level is not enough to be able to shape as I anticipate."

What a letdown, I thought I could make a storage area with the stone. IS also hoping to create a house but for now, it would not be possible.

"Whatever I also have another concept in mind."

I moved the view towards the ground and put forward one hand to get a better focus point.

I start to shift the dirt from my marked site.

As time passes I realise this work is not as easy as others.

"My hands are feeling very heavy as if someone put extra weight on them, it is too tight to be moved freely "

I sense the pressure increasing on my hand as I intend for a deeper. At a certain point, I couldn't keep my hands from getting shaken badly.

"I can't keep my hands under control "I firmly grasped it with my other hand to support it as much as possible. After enduring for a while I successfully made a way that goes underground of the dungeon.

I lowered my head a little and adjusted my body to pass through the narrow passage.

As I enter I touch the wall beside the passage

"The way is not accurate and smooth, it's not a big problem I can improve over time. but here under is dark, I don't even see the end."

I take out the torch, turn it on and flash it towards the dark area of ​​the path. I continued to crawl straight until I reached the end point of the passage.

I feel like I have come deep enough. This place is suitable, now I can start my main work.

I started to expand the space near me.

Gradually the limits of the empty area increase and start to take the shape of a chamber.

Since I can't create storage On the surface the following option is just to create it to the underground. Unlike above there is a large amount of unused area, so I can create a big storage room and bedroom for myself. I have various type options here and I can also save the area that is used for the place. if I developed things underground instead of the surface of the dungeon then I could have extra space for cultivation.

"Just I wanted to avoid this option, I don't have a way to light up the room yet. I have to quickly find a way to get electricity in the dungeon. "

Electricity is one of the basic but important needs that are required in life. If I had stayed outside, I wouldn't have cared about these things, perhaps I would have been satisfied just for staying alive however, things would be different if I had this ability moreover I am aiming for a peak life.

"What a hassle..."

I don't know how much time has passed since I came down but my today quarter is almost done. I will create other rooms later, This space is sufficient for now.

I should stop here for today and rest, I don't think my body would bear it anymore.

I am also worried about, Coffee is she alright? normally she follows me everywhere but I don't see her recently.

" What is the interesting thing she is doing above that she forgot about me"?