

'She was a savage, a fucking brute. Not afraid to fight for what she wanted, brave enough to go to war for what she deserved.' Luka Giovanni, Billionaire playboy, finds himself married to the heiress of a fallen empire, Larissa Adia. That wasn't in his life plan at all and nothing was going to make him change his playboy ways even this preposterous marriage arrangement. Growing up watching his parents' pathetic excuse of a marriage made him lose all faith in binding yourself to someone for life. Larissa Adia, she was the life of the party and the brains behind their family empire. She goes abroad for a short period and comes back to find chaos. The empire she'd worked so hard to build was on the brink of collapse and she was engaged to the infamous Luka! When life gives you lemons what other option do you have but to make lemonade.

Chantal_Atieno · Urbano
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9 Chs


Paige came into the office reluctantly.

"Darwin," She acknowledged Darwin briefly, then turned to give me her full attention.

"Mrs Giovanni...." She started, then faltered.

"Miss secretary," I chimed, then leaned back in my seat and watched her demeanour..

She flushed slightly then bowed her head, avoiding eye contact. The little bravado she'd managed to gather had faltered.

"May I have a word?" she asked me politely.

I raised my brow, my interest peaked. I glanced at Darwin. She had decided to keep her hands busy with putting away her portfolios.

"Yea, sure."

"Outside," She pushed. I stared at her a bit longer, debating about whether or not to give her a hard time.

"Okay, sure." I muttered and stood taking my bag with me. "See you later Darwin." I threw it over my shoulder and added a wink.

Paige held the door open for me and I walked out. I thought we would be talking outside Darwin's office but she led us both to the parking lot.

She stopped right in front of my car.

"Mr. Giovanni sent me to accompany you to the mall to get you prepared for the gala. I know the right designers and the best salon to get your hair done..." She trailed off. I raised my brow, looking at her, trying to decipher her thought process.

"Why do I make you nervous?" I asked her, genuinely concerned. Most concubines are normally arrogant as hell. I closed the distance between us, towering over her. Her lip quivered a bit as she broke eye contact again.

"You know," I started softly, "I'm really worried. If you can't stand up to the boss's mere wife....how can you handle more menacing business partners?" I tucked in stray strands of hair behind her ear.

I gently took her chin and tilted it so that she was facing me.

"Look at me," I ordered her softly.

She reluctantly forced her eyes to meet mine. Colour rose in her cheeks. So I hadn't completely lost my game.

"You're very pretty," I told her honestly. "I'll have to decline your offer though." I dropped my hands to her waist and squeezed a bit. Not too hard. Just how we like it. I took my keys, unlocked my door and got in. She was still rooted to the spot.

"Anything else?" I asked her through the window. She hesitantly took the two steps to go and stand outside my door.

"I'm straight." She said at once and it came out a bit louder than she expected. I could tell from the way she slapped her hands on her mouth and looked around to see if anyone had heard.

I looked at her a bit then burst out laughing.

"Oh me too darling," I let out between my laughter. "Even if I wasn't, I wouldn't go for my husband's crumbs," I told her sweetly with a small smile on my face.

"Was that it?" I asked her as I strapped on my seatbelt and started the ignition.

She shook her head and stepped back. I took that as a cue and drove out.

I didn't feel like going to the house just yet. I drove around aimlessly and pulled into a fast food joint's drive-through.

I dialled my aunt's number and put her on speaker,

"She lives!" my aunt exclaimed immediately when she picked up.

"Hello to you too, Aunt Maggie."

"I was so excited calling you the other night but now I'm completely drained, so…what do I owe the honour?"

I rolled my eyes at her drama. "Two large fries and a large vanilla choc chip shake please," I told the attendant as I handed him my card.

"No chicken today?" she piped up with a trace of humour in her voice.

"Shut up!" I told her playfully. "Anyway, Aunt Maggie," I keyed in my pin, waited a bit, took my receipt and card and proceeded to the next window. I was surprised to see the same guy with a sheepish grin adorning his face. I took my fries and shake, placed them carefully on the co-driver's seat.

"Do you feel like going shopping with me?"

"Did I ever tell you you're my favourite?" she shot back. I chuckled lightly.

"No? Well you are," She continued.

"I'm your only niece. I can come pick you up at your place-"

"Actually, no," she let out in a rushed voice, cutting me off. She must have realized it because she cleared her throat and continued in a more levelled tone, "just tell me where you are and I'll come to you."

She sounded suspicious; I just decided to ignore it. I'd grill her later when we meet.

"Okay, lemme send you a pin. I'm not sure where to. My darling husband is taking me to a gala." My ring just then caught my eye and I couldn't help the awe that oozed from my voice.

"Hmmm,….someone sounds…dreamy, but oh well. Okay." She immediately hung up. That wasn't like my aunt at all. I just shrugged and continued my drive.

My phone started vibrating again beside me. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Luka. I ignored it and continued my drive. I already knew the mall I was going to. The one with an Alarie Couture branch. Skler Mall. It wasn't so far from where I was. Alarie Couture was Ash's family's designer brand. In this particular branch, they showcased mostly Ash's designs and I was in love with his designs. Plus, he was my best friend, it only made sense that my inventory would be full of his designs.

My phone began vibrating again. I rolled my eyes and glanced at my scree. Luka. Can't he take a hint? One missed call was more than enough. Had he missed that lesson?

And then he called again! I picked up, exasperated.

"What?!" I was practically shouting into the earpiece.

"Don't ignore my calls, Larissa." I could hear the warning in his voice.

"Bold assumptions you're making there, Giovanni."

"Why isn't Paige with you?"

Skler mall was right up ahead.

"Oh? Didn't she tell you?" I asked sarcastically as I pulled into the parking lot and relaxed into my seat and grabbed the first packet of fries.

"Larissa," he let out in an exasperated sigh, I could already picture him rubbing his temples and that ticked me off for some reason. I wasn't a little country bumpkin child. "You don't seem to understand how important this gala is." He continued oblivious, "You need to look the best and Paige-"

"Then take her." I shot at him, cutting him off mid-sentence and hung up.

"Piece of shit," I mumbled angrily as I kept munching on my fries. I sent my aunt the pin which she replied to almost instantly with a thumbs-up emoji.

I put my phone down, turned up the music, then grabbed my shake, sucking on it angrily. Nonetheless allowing it's chocolate deliciousness to cool me down. My phone dinged beside me.

I'm sorry. Be ready by 7.

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