

It takes one crown to become the persona of death. It takes two to be the destroyer of worlds. One mission. A series of deaths. A discovery of secrets. One end. In a world where power is symbolized by crowns, an individual can transcend mortality and become the embodiment of death itself with just one crown. But for those who seek to wield the might to shatter worlds and realms, two crowns are imperative. Amidst this dominion of dual crowns, unfolds a singular quest — a relentless pursuit punctuated by a string of enigmatic demises, an unearthing of arcane truths, and an ultimate reckoning. Orphaned at an early age, Kiera finds refuge under the wing of the enigmatic Dr. Roberts. Under his tutelage, she is initiated into the harrowing game of survival, where danger lurks at every turn. Yet, Kiera is no ordinary ward. Unbeknownst to her, she is a scion of light, a being known as "urion," with an identity intricately tied to cosmic forces. Fueled by an unquenchable thirst for justice in the face of her parents' baffling demise, Kiera resolves to infiltrate a clandestine order of specially anointed "crowned urions." Their sworn mission: to obliterate the "human-outcross," a nefarious faction blamed for extinguishing the radiance of her lineage. As Kiera plunges deeper into the labyrinthine enigmas surrounding her parents' tragedy, she begins to grasp the chilling intricacies of reality itself. Unveiling veiled secrets becomes her obsession, and with each revelation, the threads of an even vaster conspiracy unravel. A conspiracy that promises to unveil the truth she seeks — a truth that could shatter her very essence and sow seeds of doubt about the significance of her coveted status as one who is CROWNED. Embark on a spellbinding odyssey in this tale of high fantasy and ceaseless action. A realm where crowns harbor not just dominion, but untold mysteries and unimaginable power. Will Kiera's unrelenting determination lead her to the ultimate answers, or plunge her into an abyss of uncertainty, forever altering the course of her fate?

Ruru_Mont · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

The Eclipse

The burning sensation within my body intensified, transforming into an aggressive surge of acidic discomfort that coursed from my stomach through every vein. It felt like a wildfire merged with molten lava, gradually consuming my flesh. I began to sweat profusely in front of the piano, clutching its edges for support.

When the excruciating pain finally escaped my lips in the form of a low moan, I rushed out of the music hall, making a beeline for the back door. Panic surged within me. I needed assistance from Procyon, Achernar, and Betelgeuse. I stumbled through the backstage area, vaguely aware of Miss Pilorin's voice calling after me, but I paid her no heed.

What was happening was beyond ordinary. This was larger than life itself. Multiple solar eclipses were occurring, and the pain I was experiencing now far surpassed the discomfort of the lunar eclipse last night.

What was going on?

As I emerged from the music hall, I was met by the eerie sight of the moon resting upon the sun. The pillars were nowhere to be seen.

The agony within me intensified further. My knees grew weak, and I could barely move.

The sensation of being pulled by concrete enveloped me. Just as I was about to collapse, a warm hand grabbed my right arm. I recognized the scent of Roen. He prevented me from suffering a bone-breaking fall.

"Urgh!" he grunted as he effortlessly lifted me. "I thought I was getting stronger, but you're way heavier than I anticipated!"

"Way heavier?" Who else was with us?

My question was answered when I noticed Phelan hanging limply over Roen's opposite shoulder. It seemed that he had lost consciousness.

It had happened again. Phelan and I were both affected by the eclipse. What was our connection? Were we siblings? Why did he experience what I did every time the sun and the moon kissed?

"We're hybrids who once couldn't bear the moon and the sun having sex, right? When you wake up, the phase is complete. Either you become like them, or you become like us," Roen muttered as he carried both me and Phelan towards the parking area. Before I could comprehend our destination, my energy drained away, and darkness overtook me.

When I regained consciousness, we were en route. Roen had shared the connection between us. When I wake up, the phase is complete. I had to make a choice. Become like the pillars or become like Roen?

Who was Roen, after all?

Why did he possess such knowledge?

I squeezed Phelan's hand tightly as I struggled to regain control of myself. His touch was grounding, and it felt as though his warmth was pushing back the darkness that had enveloped me. His words echoed in my mind, "We're not outcross or urions anymore. We're not like them. We're hybrids, and we're special."

His presence and those words gave me a renewed sense of determination. I wasn't alone in this. We were facing this mysterious phase together. Despite the pain and confusion, there was a glimmer of hope. I wanted answers, and I wanted to overcome whatever challenge lay ahead.

As I held on to Phelan's hand, I focused on pushing back the overwhelming surge of energy and darkness that threatened to consume me. It was as if my very essence was in a struggle, torn between opposing forces. But with Phelan by my side, I felt stronger.

Phelan's grip tightened on my hand, and his warm energy seemed to intertwine with mine. It was as though our connection was forming a barrier against the turmoil within us. The pain didn't disappear, but it became more manageable, as if we were channeling the intensity into a collective strength.

The darkness that had clouded my vision began to recede, and I could see the room more clearly. Roen's voice seemed distant now, and I realized that he was no longer present. It was just Phelan and me, united against the forces that sought to consume us.

"Kiera," Phelan's voice cut through the chaos, his tone determined. "We need to fight this together. We can't let it take control of us. Remember who we are."

His words resonated within me, reminding me of our shared identity as hybrids. We weren't defined solely by our past or the secrets kept from us. We were something more, something unique. And we had the power to shape our own destinies.

With Phelan's encouragement, I channeled my focus into pushing back the energy that had been threatening to overwhelm me. It was a fierce internal battle, but as Phelan and I joined forces, the darkness began to retreat further. The burning sensations and the chaos started to subside, gradually replaced by a sense of clarity.

Time seemed to blur as we held onto each other, battling against the forces that sought to control us. Slowly but surely, the pain lessened, and the room began to brighten once more. The circular opening above cast its light upon us, a symbol of hope breaking through the darkness.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the turmoil ceased. The energy within me settled, and the burning sensations faded away. I took a deep breath, feeling a newfound sense of calm and empowerment.

Phelan and I shared a moment, our eyes locked in mutual understanding. We had faced something extraordinary, something that challenged our very existence, and we had come out stronger on the other side. We were no longer mere urions or outcross; we were hybrids, and that meant we were capable of transcending our limitations.

As the final moments of the solar eclipse passed and the light returned to the room, I felt a connection between Phelan and me that was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. We were linked by more than just our shared ordeal – we were connected by a bond that went beyond the surface.

With Phelan's hand still in mine, I slowly rose to my feet. The chains that had bound us were now nothing more than remnants of our struggle. We were free, not just from the physical restraints, but from the uncertainties that had plagued us. We were hybrids, and we were ready to uncover the truths that had been hidden from us.

Together, Phelan and I walked toward the circular opening, stepping into the light that symbolized a new beginning. We didn't know what lay ahead, but we faced it with newfound strength and unity.

And as we emerged from the underground chamber, we knew that the journey to discover our true identities had only just begun.