
Our Worlds End [HIATUS]

Raphaela never thought today was the day she died. A gate cleaner such as herself knew the risks of their job, but she wouldn't have ever guessed she would die so soon, as her life flashed before her eyes she starts to regret her life choices and not showing kindness to the people around her, given a second chance at life, she is determined to be a better person for her sake and others.

LadyManner · Fantasia
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9 Chs

New Goal

Raphaela looked at Ms. Summers in anticipation. She was deep in thought before she spoke.

"Raphaela look at the mirror next to you."

Raphaela looked to her left, there was a full length mirror. She looked at her self, brown skin, chubby or maybe big? Her clothes were soaked in blood, rips everywhere from when her bones were cracked and a short shaved head.

Raphaela hated taking care of her hair, it reminded her of her mother so she always cut it short. Ms. Summers went over to her, she had dark skin and long dread locks, skinny with glasses and a dark blue suite.

"When I feel like I'm losing myself I look in the mirror to keep my mind clear so that I can make somewhat rational thoughts." Ms. Summers stopped to look at herself then continued.

"It always helps, and while I'm looking at myself and clearing my mind I find myself thinking of how we can help our world. Can we save it? Can we survive?"

Raphaela didn't know what she was trying to say but she listened closely anyway. She felt as though Ms. Summers was saying something that meant a lot to her.

"And when you came along, cold and assertive I knew I got someone strong in my guild, and that strong person may change the world. I don't know how were going to do this but ill schedule a meeting so that we can tell the others too, this way we have more people to help out with the plan."

Raphaela was in daze, she was so happy she picked up Ms. Summers and gave her a big hug, smiling like a mad man and thanking her. Ms. Summers didn't mind this at all, she was smiling with her.

"I'll call you tomorrow when the time comes, but for now you and your companion should go and get some rest." Said Ms. Summers still smiling so hard, her cheeks started to hurt.

"AH!" Raphaela nearly forgot about Thor again, he was smaller now and was sleeping in the corner of the room.

She picked Them up and said her goodbye, Raphaela went home. humming as she washes some of her own blood off of Thor, shaking a little as she dose so, she made food for the both them. After that they both sit down on the couch and watch whatever was on. 

'I need to get stronger.' She thought.

Raphaela thought about how helpless she was then, even though it was an A ranked gate and she's a D rank seeker, it still made her mad that she couldn't fight back.

She started thinking even more about everything. How she almost died again, how painful it was when she was getting hit, the sound of her bones cracking her mushy body squelching. When she was able to restore herself she felt so relived but more terrified than ever.

 Raphaela only joined the guild on a whim after she became a seeker, she knew it would be hard, even so she still joined but her hard work meant nothing in the face of the strong. Raphaela brought her hands in font of herself, staring at the lines and creases in her palms.

'Why am I so weak? why did i do this? What will happen to me and Thor if I die for real next time? Would I come back again? Will Judeline be disappointed in me?'

She couldn't help but think of Judeline again and that dream. What did the dream mean? Who was that person she saw? What was she talking about? So long yet only seconds? What does it mean?

'Can an evil person like me even get everyone together? I can't even protect myself that well or anyone for that matter.' 

So many questions left unanswered and all o it made her frustrated, what is she to do with her feelings. Raphaela pet Thor who was on her thighs and closed the T.V, Her head was starting to ache, her eyelids became heavy and as she thought about how weak and confused she was she quickly fell asleep.


Raphaela woke up to the sound of her phone ringing at around six in the morning, she was still on the couch and Thor was curled up where her feet were. She picked up her phone from beside her and looked to see who was calling her, it was the boss Ms. Summers.

Raphaela answered with a groggy hello while Ms. Summers spoke with a loud and refreshed voice.

 "Raphaela! I already informed everyone of todays meeting we're starting in thirty minutes." 

She got herself and Thor ready, then they went to the guild. Waiting for them was Jason, who was walking back and forth behind the counter, when he heard them come in Jason took them to the training room which was turned into a conference room where the other members of the guild are.

Raphaela didn't recognize one person, a little kid with brown skin and a puff balls for hair. She couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl but they were dressed in a white button-up shirt and gray dress shorts. 

She was confused on why a kid was their until she laid eyes on Malcolm and that confusion was switched to anger. She charged at him, Malcom tried to use his ice ability but for some reason it wouldn't work so he tried to run only to be caught immediately by Raphaela.

"Why! Why did you do that! Because of you i almost died!" While Raphaela was screaming at Malcolm he was trying his best to signal the others to help, but they all looked away.

"L-listen I-I was j-just doing my job! T-those monsters were going to attack us first!" Malcolm tried but failed to get her to understand. Raphaela tightened her grip her anger rising.

"Then you left me to there to DIE!" She was breathing heavy and tears started to come down her face, Raphaela could still hear her own bones crack, she could still feel her own warm blood, it haunts her when she closes her eyes.

"I-I was going to get h-help!" Malcolm said but in actuality he was not getting help, he was trying save his own skin.

Raphaela was getting a headache, She looked into his eyes, she saw how terrified he was, and every now and then his eyes would shift to Ms. Summers. She sighed and let him go but not without slapping him first, The other got a laugh out of it and started the meeting.

"Alright everyone. I called you all here today because we have something very important to discuss." Ms. Summers pulled up the holographic video of Raphaela's deal with the Lespri and her almost dying, when the video was finished their was silence for a moment until Jessica spoke.

"S-so this plan it's seems to me that it would take a while to execute and not to mention that if their world can't come together then what what makes you think our world can?"

Jessica was right of course, with the constant fighting of humans there would be no way they would work with what they think is monsters. The world of the Lespri has many different countries with actual different races, this was a very tedious plan.

Raphaela took a moment to reply, to be honest she didn't know how to answer her, but she needed their help to make the transition easier for both worlds. 

"It wont be easy and we'll Definitely make enemies but it's either we try or we all die a horrible death from a war we could have stopped." 

"WAIT! You really think WE can do that? How the hell are we supposed to change the whole worlds mind about those monsters." Malcolm laughed at how stupid this idea was and looked at Ms. Summers for assurance but her expression stayed the same.

Malcolm frowned, there was no way that anyone would agree to do something this crazy and dangerous. He looked at Jessica next but even she looked concerned about this and then looked to Jason, he too didn't look happy about this ether. 

"Look! even those two don't think this is a good idea! WHY WOULD YOU LISTEN TO THIS CRIMINAL INSTEAD OF ME!" Malcolm pointed at Jessica and Jason while staring daggers at Raphaela and continued.

"I understand wanting to save everyone bu-" Malcolm started but was cutoff.

"You need to do it."

Everyone turned to look at the child sitting next to Jason. His eyes had changed from brown to gold, shining like the sun but endless like the dark.

"What?" Malcolm said in a stammering voice. The boy's eyes turned back to brown and the darkness left them.

"I-it's important that you do it." He started. His hands were shaking, it was like he saw something terrible in that zombie like state he was in. Jason grabbed his hands and encouraged him to go on. 

"I-if we don't start the plan now then it won't end well for us." He continued. 

"What do you mean by this Brim?" Jason asked.

"I just told you! we need to go with her plan." Brim got up from his set walking over to Raphaela. He looked into her eyes for a moment and frowned.

"You're not supposed to be in this time."

With those foreboding words, Brim sat down next to Jason and stayed quiet. Ms. Summers took a moment to think, then gave everyone an ultimatum.

"First, Raphaela this is Brim, Jason's son and he is a seeker. His ability is to see different ways our actions will affects us in the future." 

Brim waves his hand but still stays quiet. The atmosphere was dreadful and depressing, Ms. Summers serious expression didn't lightened the mood.

"Second, I'm going to give you a choice." She clasps her hands together and leaned closer to the group.

"One, You can leave now and save yourself the stressful events that will be our future soon, or you can stay and go down the disastrous road of trying to save not just our world but the other world as well."

Her words hung in the air, everyone was deep in thought thinking about all advantages and disadvantages. 

Raphaela waited for their answer, she herself doubted if this was a good idea or not, if what she was doing was going to get everyone killed. With the ability she has can she really help?

"I'll stay then." Said Jason.

"If Brim said so then it must be something more important than our own safety" He continued. Jessica stood up from her seat with a sad expression. 

"I'm sorry but i can't stay here if were going to make everyone our enemy. I thought it through and going along with this plan will put my family at risk, I'll see you around Priscilla."

Jessica gave a Ms. summers a little smile, in return Ms. summers shook Jessica's hand and everyone said their goodbyes.

"I can't stay here either! There's no way I'm taking orders from someone who committed a heinous crime." Malcolm looked around the room stopping to Ms. summers who was giving him a wide smile while Raphaela scoffed at him.

"Not as crazy as you leaving me to die?" Raphaela mocked. She glared at him and he glared back.

"Your a damn fucking psycho!" Malcolm spat at Raphaela then looked at Ms. Summers again who still had an innocent smile on her face.

"And your an even bigger one!" And with that he left the room only leaving four people left.

Ms. Summers heaved a big sigh, slumping in her seat she spoke.

"Well this isn't good, no good at all. most of my field seekers are gone now and all that's left is a support one."

"But Raphaela can hold her own can't she? In the video she looked like she took care of things." Jason Asked. 

"Even then she could barely hold her own, may have to remind you of the sounds her bones made before she had took someone else's ability to heal herself before she almost died and. Not to mention she just started training so she's still an amateur." Ms. summers answered.

"My job is only support so I'm a little limited on what i can do, I can acquire skills but not attributes and for me to keep my skill i need to train and use it everyday for three days so i can keep it." Raphaela still had to go after this and do more training just to keep the skills she had and just thinking about it made her fell tired.

Again there was silence, they all didn't know what to do until Thor spoke, they had been laying on the floor listening in on the meeting.

"Why not have Jason be a field seeker?" They asked.

Jason was shocked at the suggestion, as Ms. Summers's brain paused for a moment, she started to think about it more and more, to her this made perfect sense.

"JASON! that's a great idea and Raphaela here can accompany you as support as well!" 

"W-wait I can't do that! I have to take care of Brim, if I leave then who is going to take care of him while I'm not there!" Jason protested, he was getting pretty annoyed at Ms. Summers rushed to things.

"Well that's what's family is for! Brim would like to spend time here with your great aunt while your daddy saves the world~" Ms. Summers cooed. Brim nodded his head and gave his father a thumbs up.

Raphaela was siting silently in her seat, she didn't know what to think, he only has two skills but maybe those skills will be enough.

"WAI-" Jason started but was interrupted by his aunt again.

"You have been a member since the guild was made, and you've been training since then as well. The only reason why you're not out their is because of Brim and your own insecurities, but I know you'll be fine, trust in your own abilities and strength's like I trust in you Jason." Ms. Summers gave him some words of encouragement waiting for his answer.

Jason looked at his aunt and then at Brim who was playing with Thor on the floor. He turned his head to Raphaela and she gave him an approving nod.

"Alright! But you have to make sure to take good care of him while I'm gone."

Ms. Summers jumped with joy startling everyone, she went hugged her nephew and shook Raphaela's hand violently.

"For now it's good to start training together as team, when a gate opens you two are the only ones handling it so be ready when it happens." Ms. Summers finishes the meeting, while Raphaela is about to walk out she stops her. 

"Raphaela, I know you've been having some trouble with paying for your apartment, just know that you can stay here if anything happens."

Raphaela smiled at her kindness, she thanks Ms. Summers and leaves for the training room with Thor.