
Our stories can be changed

kaylaxxyyy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Laura's POV:

  The guilt is seriously eating me up. I am so dead if the Assembly finds out. The school was packed with security cameras and spies. I had to be really careful if I didn't want my secret to be blown.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that my grip on Ryan's arm was too tight. He winced as he pulled away but he put his arm around my shoulder reluctantly.

I think he feels that he's being watched especially, which makes no sense. Other than not loving or even liking me,so far he's played his character perfectly. I can tell he hates being Snow white's prince but no one sees it except me. All he has to do is get to know me and I'm sure he'll fall for me.

" So Ryan, what do you like to do during your free time" I said, trying to make a conversation.

" Football" he said with an expressionless face. He looked mad for some reason.

" Okay. I can't do this anymore. Ryan everything is already set in stone. We can't do anything, so we might as well get to know each other"I purposely blinked my bright blue eyes.

All of a sudden he burst out laughing leaving me startled." You think that trick will work on me. The whole I'm the perfect princess look. You gotta be kidding me."I was shocked, no one resists me. I have to admit I was intrigued by his behavior.

" Listen to me carefully Ryan. We're being watched every single second. One slip up and the Assembly will watch us like hawks. I don't think you realize how serious this is. Every where we go, our homes, shops, anywhere at anytime, they'll be watching if we mess this up and if the Assembly decides that we're not good enough, that's it we are goners"

Ryan just scoffed at what I said" C'mon there has been a lot of people who have tried to change their stories maybe one of them actually did it. Maybe there's someone here in this school,who has changed their story. "

My body immediately froze at his comment. I tried to walk away hoping Ryan didn't notice my current behavior. I yelped as he gripped my arm tightly.

" Laura, what do you know" he said calmly. I tried to release myself but he just held on tighter.

" Laura I said what do you know!"this  time he yelled which drew attention to us.

" Nothing. Please Ryan, people are looking" I pleaded. I glanced at the security cameras. Shit! We are so dead.

" If you know anything even just a tiny piece of information, just tell me. If not for me then for everyone else. Think about Kayla, she's fucking Malificent which makes no sense. We could help her. We could help so much people. We can save the chosen fairytale characters and even the next generation from a forced future." He looked at me with vulnerable eyes.

" I- I-" I was quickly cut off by the loud speaker.

"Ryan Hudgens and Laura King, please report to the Wisdom room." Whew saved by the bell..well technically the loud speaker.

I went ahead and waited for Ryan to catch up before entering. We entered only to see the Assembly sitting before us. I have never seen them up close before. They are the creepiest set of adults I've ever met. I don't even know what they are, whether a group of kids or beasts or a set of robots. Whatever they are, they are certainly creepy.

We stood there for awhile without them saying anything. My legs started to ache. Apparently so did Ryan's because he said

" Um can we sit down."

" No" the answer came out rather rude and harsh.

Ryan rolled his eyes and sat crossed legged right on the floor.

" Young man, that is an improper way for a future king to sit" one of them said. It was hard to tell who was talking because of their masked faces.

" Well what the hell do you expect me to do?  You've called us here for almost five minutes without so much as a word. You didn't offer a seat, so I might as well sit on floor."he exclaimed.

" Watch your tongue boy. Do you know who you're talking to" they said

" Yes obviously" Ryan muttered. I stood there awkwardly, listening to their back and forth.

" Do you know what we can do then?"that shut Ryan up. I don't get him. He acts all tough yet he knows the consequences but in the end he needs to be reminded of it to shut up.

" The reason we called you here was because we have come to realize both of you aren't nurturing your love. In fact I highly doubt you like each other that much than love each other. The only emotion between the two of you is anger." They purposely turned their heads to Ryan's direction. I don't blame them. It's only been a day and we've fought already. How are we supposed to pull through for the rest of lives.

" We have decided that in the next month if we don't see any kind of intimacy between you too, we'll be forced to use cupid to make you two fall in love whether you like it or not."

"What!" We both said in unison. Ryan stood up abruptly.

" You can't do this. Fuck! You people are really messed up in the head. I'm already going to marry her and now you're going to force me to love her." I could feel the anger build up in him.

" Ryan calm down. Remember all we have to do is love each other naturally, that's all." I tried to reach out to him. He took a step back.

" You people say the word love like it's something simple. You don't see people waking up in the morning and say hey I'm going to fall in love. You know why? Because it's not fucking normal."

Ryan left and slammed the door hard. I sighed and followed him.
