
Our Secret Lives

A simple sweet girl having a crush on the heartthrob of her school, couldn't gather the courage to talk to him, afraid of being rejected by him. A handsome guy who likes the geek of the school but isn't sure if he should talk to her; because she runs away from him always and so, doesn't talk to her. Regret is all both of them have once the school ends. But the destiny had something else planned for them. They meet once again after a long time and find themselves in an entirely different and unexpected situation. They are happy about the situation and love eachothers so much; but both of them are keeping a very important secret from the other. What is that ? Will they find out ? Will the secret affect their lives ? Let's find out.

Stroyteller_1 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

1. Tragedy of our lives

" Harry proposed me ! "

I told my best friend and she put her hand on her mouth gasping in surprise and happiness.

She started jumping with me.

"And Roger proposed me ! "

We then didn't stopped jumping for a long time.

We have been together since our childhood. Our parents were neighbors and so, we are family friends as well.

" When is the date ? "

She asked excited.

" No, you tell first ! "

I said.

" August 26th ! "

I was about to scream happily at her wedding date but stopped mid scream...

It's the same as my wedding date !

My face fell.

She put her hand over mine,

" What's wrong, Bella ? "

She asked concerned.

" Mine too ! "

I said sadly.

It was our dream to get eachothers ready on eachother's weddings. Now that dream had not even a slightest possibility of coming true !

" Are you out of your mind, Bella ? Why are you getting sad ?

We are gonna get married on the same day, aren't you happy ? "

She said getting excited.

" You need to go see the doctor Reah !

How could you be happy at that?

I won't be able to attend your wedding and you won't be able to attend mine !

We won't get to get ready eachothers on our wedding !

What's in it to be happy about ? "

I said and put my head on the table sadly.

" Do you think I would let our dream go to dust just like that ?"

Reah said.

" What do you mean by that ? "

I asked confused.

" I will talk to our parents and we will have our wedding at the same venue ! "

She beamed.

Is it really possible ?

Will our parents and our in-laws agree to this ?

She made me shut up and asked me not to ruin our perfect and happy day.

After a few days she came to our home and convinced my parents to book Saint Robert's Orphanage as our wedding venue.

According to her, it had two benefits.

One, we will become famous for our advanced thinking of spending time with the rejected ones and two the less the number of our relatives the more peaceful the event will be !

My Dad considered her proposal and went to talk to her Dad and apparently, she had convinced her Dad already for it !

So, it's decided, we will be getting married at the orphanage on the same day and our dream was gonna come true !

We were born when our parents were already neighbors and good friends.

We went to the same school.

Same college.

And loved the boys who were neighbors.

They proposed us the same day.

Our wedding date was the same.

And now, thanks to Reah, our venue too was same !

Doesn't it feels too good to be true ?

Even I had doubts about it till the day we got married.

We were neighbors before marriage and now even after marriage !

Our days were passing happily with our loving husbands and best friend the very next door !

It seems the coincidences in our life aren't ready to leave us yet !

My periods were late and so I took the pregnancy test using the kit.

And the result came positive !

Oh my god !

I am gonna be a mother.

I told Harry about it and he was on cloud nine !

Reah came running to me after sometime.

" Bella, Bella open the door got damit ! "

Reah sounded so excited. I opened the door and she hugged me tightly.

" Think of the devil !

I was just about to visit you.

Tell me what brings you here ? "

I asked.

She was searching my face for the happiness was flooding my face.

" Oh my god, Bella !

You are glowing ! "

She said holding my hands in her.

" I have something to tell you ! "

I shrieked in happiness.

" Tell me ! "

She matched my happiness.

" You...

You are going to be an aunt ! "

I said squeezing her hands.

" No ! "

She said with happiness and surprise.

" You too ! "

She said kissing my cheek.

" No way ! "

I kissed her back and pulled her in a hug.

" I am so happy Reah, we have experienced everything in our life at the same time.

And now, we are gonna experience the motherhood together as well ! "

" Yes, Bells. I am happy too.

And our children will also stay together forever !

If we have a boy and a girl, we will get them married !

And if, both of them are girls or boys, they can be friends forever or they can get married as well if they feel like it ! "

We had decided so many things to do when our babies come in this world, little did we knew it was not gonna come true.

Roger and Harry were working in the same company and they got promoted on the same day; but in different countries !

Bella had to go to Russia with Roger and I had to go to Italy with Harry.

We were so sad that our children won't be together from the moment they were born !

But there was nothing we could do about it.

We promised that no matter what, we will talk to eachothers daily for at least 1 hour.

And with that promise we left eachothers.

We were in contact with eachothers for few months and then, one day Harry and I got robbed and our mobile phones were lost !

Though we were in contact for forever now, I didn't learnt her contact number !

And even Harry didn't remember Roger's number.

In this stupidest way, we lost our contact; forever !

Using the mobile phones came with few disadvantages, we don't remember the contact numbers and it doesn't comes with the telephone directory !

I gave birth to a beautiful and lovely daughter.

I am missing Reah so much. She would have been very happy and I don't know what did she have.

A boy or a girl ?

What a bad and unfortunate incident was loosing our phones, it made us loose our dear friends !