
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

35: Unbearable Past

(Princess Ashti)

That was the sweetest thing he did to a child. That's how he love children. Gerhard is currently sound asleep to Haris' shoulder. I wonder how he could emit a mass amount of ravishing magics. Eventually he'll end up drowsy, but not. Everyone is looking as we traverse on the field of vagrants. Coming through the doors where Gerhard lives, Goyal assimilated us following the old man.

Inside their shelter, Goyal stood in front of Haris when the old man carries Gerhard with his arms, tearful. I feel ease with his unending saying of gratitude. Gradually, the vicinity, everyone is fading away except for the 3 of us, Goyal.

"Thank you for the kind heart you have." Her voice echoes and transfigured to an angelic beauty. A god.

"Whoa!!" We're at the very depths of brightness.

Feeling the breeze of the nature, a big purification occurred with the environment. As things get clear, we're standing in the middle of a city imbued with fine gardening. There are pedestrians here too, chitchatting, kids are playing freely, and vendors too. Everyone and everything seems peaceful as I turn my eyes around them all.

"This is the real city of Cardozen. The paradise."

"Then why did you took us here?" I asked.

"Those who enter my terrain is under a trial of competency, whether you're good or evil. And those people having the charity in you has the right to see and live here."

"Then those from the city of stench with rugged and gruesome being live are the wicked people?" I asked again.

"Yah that was obvious, a separation of the righteous from the wicked, simple as that," Haris said.

"That's easy to apprehend right? However, my people never heed. I am Goyal, the creator of this dimension. I just want a continuous serenity and justice for the innocent victims of squabble."

"Haris, why did you help the boy?" a formal question from Goyal.

He face down. "Because he's at the bottom of the grievous abyss." She lean her arms to her knees to stoop and see Haris' face.

"You're such a kind guy. Is there something you wanted to wish for?" He shook his head.

"We must revert. There's still something we have to take accountability. And our friends are still there."

"I know your fullest desire. You know Holland right?" he nodded. "We made a memorable camaraderie before, and we have the same status and realm-style. It's nice to make acquaintance with his apprentice."

"You know me that way?" She simply smile at him.

"Also, to the most supportive princess, Ashti. It's perfect to meet the daughter of the god of dominion. Witnessing the prophecy like this with the two prominent personages."

"Wait, what?" I comment.

"Only the ancient and older generation knew about the two of you. And that chain."

"Really?! Can you unlock us?!"

"No one can break it, only the curse itself." I scowl. What kind of curse should we follow? The glimpse of hope I have vanished.

"Haris, those who are weary shall be comforted, those who knock shall the door be opened, those who needed shall receive, those who seek shall find..."

"What do you want me to do with those words?"


Suddenly we came back to where we were before. Inside the house. Goyal is gone. Even the old man and Gerhard.

"Those who sick shall... fine...? You know what it means?"

"No." He lead the way and I follow him, going outside the house or back to the bar. I observed something weird here, not even a single soul can be seen here excluding us. Here on the squatter, and even in the city. The quiet breeze surrounds my ears. This is like a secluded or abandoned place.

"Haris, we're back, right? Where are the people?"

He didn't speak. I found a luscious looking meat on a stick on the stall, no one is here. And I'm hungry. I run with excitement like a kid and pick two sticks, one for Haris.

"That was stealing."

"It's okay! No one can see us. I bet you're hungry." I tease him until he ate it. There are more street foods around, and we took the advantage to eat all we can until we're full. However, he seem so down.

Here in front of this eradicated bar we stand. He barely raise his hand then the fallen bricks of the walls and the roof levitated and came back to usual.

"Whoa. Haris how could you perform unlimited magics today?"

He look at me and fold his arms

"Still remember the last time I hug you?"

"The last time? That was when I lost temper with you."

"Right. That colossal power you have, simply touching you boosted my energy. You can provide strength to others. That's a very remedial gift."

"Aahh... really...? Thanks." I give my attention to the bar, "Hey Haris, why would you even accept Davih's challenge? What lures you to do that?"

"More the ales the better to Princess Jexica, simple as that."

I nod. That's just how important Jexica to him ah?

"You're childhood friends right? Just asking."


"Well you know, during my vision of reviewing the past, I saw her merry for giving someone a flower. I believe it was you."

"And that Goyal, she's like a mighty being I've read in fairy tales! You know, you do kind deeds one of your wish will be granted. Whoa, our world is full of fantasy~"

He answered in hum. A kid bump on me. A little girl, maybe 5 years old, she has messy and long hair and dirty white dress. She hug me and cry. I kneel down to hug her, patting her head.

"What's wrong little lady?" She grip my clothes. Wailing.

"There you are!!" an old fat man is coming. He's bald with mustache. He's wearing gray coat. "Phew! I apologize for my daughter."

"What happened? You scared her, she's trembling."

"She disobeyed me not to play around since festival will begin soon. And when I scold her she ran away! I'm really sorry for this trouble."

"What is her name?" asked Haris.

"Ah it's Minna."

"Minna your daughter, seems like you didn't just scold her. More like, you want to devour her-"

"Come on! Why would I do that to my daughter?! Anyway, we're leaving. I'm sorry again for wasting your time, and please don't stick your nose to other's families' problems. I'm not angry, just saying." he took Minna from me. She's not letting go and whining louder, shaking her head.

"Minna, next time obey your parent if you don't want to fear them." I feel hypocrite. And there she came with her father, pacifying her. I look at them smiling. I was so stubborn too, and until now, maybe. I noticed Haris' glare at the man. Like he's suspecting him to something feign. I look behind when Davih called us together with Jexica. And finally, we found them. Or they found us.

"Wow! You took the bar back! How did you do that? Can you replay?"

"We have no time for this. Let's go." Jexica commanded like we're her servants.

"Davih, what is this festival they're talking about?" And now Haris is curious.

"Oh that?" he look away, "A bunch of blood thirsty people, having fun with a holocaust."

I clear my throat, "I'm not surprised, that's too obvious. They're a group of riffraff."

"They have a sorcerer. The host of the festival, it can perform witchery like you, Haris. They have some games with tons of pennies as a reward. Unlucky women will be burned, letting their ashes reach the stars for believing that Goyal, their god lives there, and their prayers reached there. Children will be fed by carnivores, the survivor will be the next sorcerer. They end the festival by the losers of the games will neither decapitate or hanged."

I can't imagine how it looks like when I'm there. And I think that we should leave. Strange, I'm sleepy. And Haris is thinking very deep.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Just my conjecture, Minna is one of the sacrifice." my eyes widen. Stammering.

"Her father is with her, she'll be safe..."

"What if that's not her father?" He look at me.

"What are you guys talking about? Let's leave!" And why is Jexica in a hurry?

"Ashti." Haris called me. But my vision blurs. Everything is swaying, I felt that he caught me but I didn't saw it clearly, until the light vanished.

※ ※ ※ ORC ※ ※ ※

I was resuscitated by Haris. I just saw his face when I woke up, emotionless as always.

"What happened?"

"We all fell out of conscious, we inhaled a curse made in air. And we're disintegrated from the two again." He seems so down. And it's too late to noticed, we're inside a cage made of iron rod. This cage is hanging and below is a boiling oil in a huge earthenware pot. Is this some kind of one-wrong-answer then you'll fall?! We're in the middle of the crowd, down here on the battle ground of the gladiator stadium.

My apprehension, we became part of their dreadful game! There are children bound on the ground, crying. Unfortunately, I found Minna. There are women hanged and on the other side, incinerated. The crowd scream in frolic excitement when the host gave us the attention. It's the fat man we saw before. Eventually, Haris' hunch was true.

I gave my attention to him, but he's wool-gathering.


"H-huh...?" I would like to ask him something but I just lour. I grip two rods, trying to break it yet it won't budge.

"And looks like the princess is trying to escape! Just like seeing a god, that's impossible!!" and he chortle. How pathetic they are! They haven't seen a god?! While I grow with that being and witness another one recently! He just mocked me actually.

"Remember this fat hag! I'm gonna kick your filthy mouth down to your death-!"

"Was that a threat? Or a joke?!" He laugh again. Haris held my hand to stop me on raging.

"I have an idea, first you need to calm down."

I breathe deep, "Fine, what is it?" should I be grateful with his intent yet I know he's feeling the same since morning? He hold only my index finger, walk closer and blow breath on my eyes. On a blink I shrink. I became a doll again! The people burble.

He's holding my hand with only two fingers. Then put me on his pocket.

"What exactly is your plan?" he look down at me.

"To gain your trust," he said. I raise an eyebrow. He talk with the man.

"Do you call yourself a sorcerer?"

"Me, I am the one and only bizarre mage! Esteemed above all sorcerers!"

"Okay. Was that a promotion? Or a joke?" the fat man's grin reduced to grimace. The cage fell and flinch. Haris fell down too, the crowd shouted, like they're asking for excitement.

For the second time the sudden fall happened and paused.

"And look who's crying!! A bird stuck inside the cage!" I heard his guffaw.

"Haris..." And I can't help my agitation. He stood up again.

"Is that all you've got? Well that was a nice ride. Take it as a compliment." He did great on mocking the fat guy. But the cage fell down straight to the boiling oil this time. I scream continuously, waiting to drown or die.

I squint and we're finally out of the cage. What happened? I heard the splash of the water in the huge pot in front of us. Haris is wearing the fat man's coat.

"It's kinda loose," he complaint. He pat his chest and it fit him. Better outfit than topless. And what occurred, they changed spot. Haris is standing on the spot where the fat man was standing before.

One man from the crowd saw us, telling everyone that we're here. Murmurs, then screams in amazement. And the fat man, he's inside the cage. We simply trade positions.

And the oil became water. Haris pulled me out from his pocket and turn me back to normal. People screams again, I hate being a part of their show! And this sudden change of the wind blow is because of Haris' magic.

"How idiotic," I utter. Haris raised the cage with his hand in the air. The fat man is there, wearing Haris' clothe, chasing his breathe.

"How dare you...! Release them all!"

More cages are opened, Hyenas run for its prey, the children. Haris submerged the old man's cage again. All the children are running with panic, many did stumble and were eaten.

All of us here on the battleground was filled with tremor, while the audience enjoys the massacre. I'm so bewildered! I thought of saving Minna.

"Haris we have to-!" he's appalled. Intense tremor. Unable to move nor think. "Haris what's going on with you?!"

I beheld gore on the ground, headless kid and chopped. Hyenas are fighting for one meal, pulling the flesh until the bones split apart and clunch as it sundered. This is exactly how Davih illustrated the festival. Now I know why. This recurs Haris' grim past.

"Haris we have to save them!! We have to save Minna!" He shook his head.

"No... no..." He's losing himself? Fear floods his eyes in tears. Trembling like a scared child. I turn his face to look at me. Talking with him calmly.

"Listen, you can do something now unlike before. Don't let them treat you like a futile child," he's still afraid. I've never seen him like this before. I heard a scream of a girl, I saw it's Minna.

I run for her but Haris stopped me. He whistles, then shivers. He caught every single Hyenas here, coming closer around us. Looking ferocious and hungry, they're all gnashing their teeth.

When Haris raised his baby finger, he bite it. All the Hyenas eat each other. And I stand close to him while witnessing this! I found the fat man, looking at us and doing something weird. He's over worshiping an unseen being, reciting an unknown words.

"What is he doing?"

"Pay attention," Haris said. But I saw him behind the fat man, having a sword beside his throat. A menace. He never noticed I'm coming closer until I kick his mouth and nudge his head down in a harsh way. I smirk with the heavy thud I heard.

"How dare you...!"

I sit in front of him. "Goyal is alive, and you can see her if you change." I did so much moral support today.

"You're crazy. You're a demon! Kill her!! Kill them!!"

There are archers in the audience. But their attack postponed, Jexica arrived.

"Oh!! Princess Ashti!" Davih is waving. I'm relief we're safe, but not all the children, Minna is laying dead. I was filled with regret.

"Haris..." I hug him, if that's the only way to ease his bleak. And there he began to weep on my shoulder.