
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 49

Long Shan chuckled and sincerely say

"But I am still thankful for my childish mind back then! i don't think of coming to you for revenge then i won't have the chance to meet you!"

Qi Xiao felt her teeth will fall because it was too cringey so she pushed him away and said

"Okay the story is done and the matters are all clear now so go on now! it's late and we still have a lot of things to do tomorrow!"

Long Shan sigh really speechless about Qi Xiao's manner

"So after using me you will just throw me away like that? you really are heartless!"

Qi Xiao grinned and just pushed him out of her place never really caring about his feeling.

Long Shan looks down and laugh, feeling light-hearted.

Qi Xiao giggles remembering the stupid story of her best friend, she can finally feel at ease knowing that he already moved on from hate!

That night most of them slept contentedly except for the two individual

"Grandma you don't know when he saw that Qi Xiao again his eyes changed!do you think it is still working? can he really hate her with me around?"

Shen Chuchu complains to Grandma Han.

Grandma Han sigh she felt a lot more older this past year!

After the Mi family fell her husband constrict her movements a lot.

Her power in Han family was cut off! a lot of her properties were taken back, the pampering was lost.

She and her husband become more likely a stranger.

She asked what is happening but he is not answering at all!

There is a subtle voice in her heart that her infidelity was found out but if that is the case why not just divorce her?

"Chuchu just wait a little longer okay? everything will be fine! our plan will succeed i'll assure you that!"

Shen Chuchu's eyes are full of hatred!

It was always like this! she can only say that but she never really cared!

But her voice remains extremely docile

"Okay, grandma! i will just do as you say!"

After saying goodbye she threw her phone angrily

"They are all mocking me! i swear that i will gonna step all over them! i swear that there will be a time that all of them will beg me! just you wait!"

After cursing and swearing for a long time she finally feel a little better and decided to just sleep.

Han Min doesn't feel like sleeping at all so he just does some work.

But he can't concentrate at all! remembering Qi Xiao's face, smile, movements, and voice.

It is only almost 2 years but he felt that it was an eternity!

When his memory returned his heart broke into a million pieces!

Every time he remembers how cold his attitude towards her he wants to hit himself badly!

He is miserable these past few months!

But he doesn't have a plan to extend his misery.

He is already determined to take back his whole world!.

Qi Xiao wanted to tour her brothers and best friend but Long Shan pull her into their company to meet Han Min, Mo Ling, and Ko Pin to talk about business.

The trio arrived earlier so started chatting while waiting

"Say say brother Han what happen to you? did you even sleep?"

Han Min just look at Mo Ling and ignore his question.

Ko Pin laugh and explain to his airhead friend

"Seeing your sweetheart after how many months i am sure that you will feel the same!"

Mo Ling is finally enlightened

"Ooh! hahaha!thank you brother for reminding me! i will feel the same too! even me seeing little Xiao was exciting! she look more beautiful!"