
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 3:our memories

"Come with me"

Before she could react he already pull her and lead her somewhere.

Han Min brought her to the forest near their house.

Qi Xiao marveled at the scenery, there were a lot of fireflies flying around them,

She jumps and exclaims

"This is so pretty! I never thought that I can see beautiful scenery just at the back of our homes!"

Han Min smiles softly and touches her cheeks while asking

"You like it?"

Qi Xiao didn't look at him and just answer

"Yes! I never see as pretty as this!"

Han Min chuckled cupping her cheeks gently and letting her look at him

"This is my first birthday gift to you"

Qi Xiao finally looks at him and asks with anticipation

"Then where is my second gift?"

He laugh dangerously and gave her a peck on her lips.

"This is my second gift"

Qi Xiao's mind explode, and after a few seconds, her face turned red.

She didn't expect that! she thought he will bring her to another place with a great view but!

"YOU! why did you do that?"

Han Min's smile grew bigger and ask

"What did I do?"

She blushed more and answer incoherent

"Y-y-you k-k-ki-ki-kiss me!"

Han Min laugh happily and explain with a hint of mischief

"I told you it was my second gift! you like it?"

Qi Xiao almost jump 3 meters away from him

"Who likes your kiss?!"

He laugh when he saw her look like a kitten with her fur exploded

"You didn't like it? why not try again so maybe you'll like it after the second time?"

Qi Xiao cover her lips and hastily agreed

"I like it! I like it! I like it!"

Han Min laugh again and pull her into his arms

"Xiaoxiao you are still young but I am willing to wait! the first time I saw you I know that you will change my life! I promise you that I will be nice only to you! you want that?"

Qi Xiao was stunned and look at him closely while asking innocently

"I don't understand"

Han Min smile helplessly and said

"I like you! I want to be your boyfriend, what do you think?"

Qi Xiao was stunned

"Are you a bit straightforward? but we are still young!"

He sighs and asks again

"you like me right?"

She nods absentmindedly so he smiles more dazzling

"So that's it! leave everything to me okay? as long as I am here everything will be fine!"

Qi Xiao cried again after she remember her memories of when she turned 15.

After he said that she become more carefree and let him handle everything, she believed him 100 percent but everything changed when he return half a month ago.

He left to go to country X 2 months ago for a business trip after her 18th birthday.

His plane crashed and they lost for almost a month, when he came back he has amnesia.

And he is already smiling tenderly and warmly to a woman beside her.

Qi Xiao felt that her world shattered.

Shen Chuchu was with Han Min when the plane crashed, and she was the one with him with his most crucial life experiences.

She saved him and took good care of him.

Qi Xiao was thankful that he is saved but seeing him being warm and kind to another woman is making her feel like something is digging her heart out.

Every day her jealousy and pain are eating her away which pushes her to make irrational and evil things to Shen Chuchu that make Han Min hate her to the bone.

In the end, she ruined her life and even included the lives of the people who truly loved her.

Her family.