
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 27

Qi Xiao tried pushing him away but he is like a wall but she didn't give up and tried harder,

Han Min capture her hands and hold them up above her, while his other hand hold her thin waist forcefully and ask in a menacing voice

"Say it! i dare you to say it again!"

Qi Xiao was blinded by her anger so she didn't realize that Han Min was warning her

"You don't have the right"

Her lips were blocked before she could finish her words,

Qi Xiao's eyes widen under her huge sunglass,

The kiss was not the other kiss they shared before, it was punishing and painful,

She closed her eyes but her tears still fall,

Han Min stopped when he feel the hot tears.

Han Min hurriedly wipe her face but Qi Xiao move away her face and said in a shaky voice

"You clearly know why i left right? you were lost, i went crazy when your parents told us that you are missing, unknown location and unsure if you are still alive or dead, my heart broke but i still believed that you are still alive somewhere! i cant sleep, cant eat, and even water i cant take! until my body fell, i almost died because of dehydration but i choose to find you! so my parents have to tranquilize me every time i woke up until i can calm down on my own, one week,i have to rely upon tranquilizer!"

Qi Xiao stop to breathe and continue

"I slept for only 3 hours or sometimes i can't even sleep worrying about you! until one day there was news about you! I was too happy that i felt alive again"

Her tears started falling again but she still talks

"I thought that when you were missing is the most painful and the most and worst time of my life, but i was wrong!"

She breathe in and because she was choking from her overwhelming emotion

Han Min pat her back gently and remind her

"Just breathe okay? stop talking already! please"

But Qi Xiao didn't stop

"I felt i died when i saw you holding another girl and smiling at her gently! that time i knew that i lost you but i fought! i wanted to take you back or snatch you back but in the end, i hurt a lot of people because of that selfish decision! but you know what? my world crashed when you told me that i should stop because it's all in the past! it was just past!"

Qi Xiao remove her sunglass to wipe her tears

"Han Min i admit that i love you and maybe completely forgetting you is impossible but can you just don't give me any false hope? can you please just let me realize my self-worth?"

Qi Xiao push him again and this time she succeeded, and left without looking back.

Han Min laugh, he laugh out his bitterness and pain, he felt that someone is squeezing his heart, he look at his hand with her tears and felt scalded,

He sat down feeling his strength leave him, he hid his face in his palm while laughing again but his eyes is full of tears.

Assistant Chen already arrive a while ago but didn't get close to them, but close enough to hear it all,

He was one of the witnesses to how devastated Qi Xiao was when his boss went missing,

She was even more miserable than the Hans,

He was one of the people who keeps on holding her while the doctor are injecting her tranquilizer!

Han Min stood up and look at him and ask

"I want you to tell me everything"