
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
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53 Chs

Chapter 2:the story

Qi Xiao looks at her room and lay on her bed while remembering the past.

Qi family is one of the rich families in country H.

She remembers when she was still 5 years old when she met him.

The Han family become their neighbor after they moved to the capital.

The Han family is huge, rich and one of the most influential families in the country,

Compared to the Han family Qi family is nothing.

Qi Xiao first meets the youngest daughter Han Yun they are the same age and both of them are in the same class.

So both of them become best friends.

Qi Xiao is a well-behaved type of girl while Han Yun is naughty, so when the Han parents meet Qi Xiao they instantly liked her.

While staying in the Han villa Qi Xiao finally met the eldest son Han Min.

He was just 9 years old but he speak and move like a grown-up,

Qi Xiao was scared because of how coldly he looked at them but Han Yun told her that it was his natural reaction.

Qi Xiao pout and remember her brothers, her big brothers never looked at her coldly so that time she decided to like her brothers more.

The Qi and Han family gradually become family friends so Qi Xiao and Han Yun rarely left each other's side.

They almost become inseparable so Qi Xiao has no choice but to face Han Min as well even though she was afraid of him.

Later on, she gets used to how cold and scary Han Min is but she is still avoiding him as long as she can.

When Qi Xiao and Han Yun turn 10 Han Min changed a lot.!

But he only changed in front of Qi Xiao, he become warm and nice exclusively to her,

Qi Xiao was startled at first but then accepted him and didn't avoid him anymore,

Although she was confused about his sudden change she choose to not question him and just get closer to him little by little.

After another 4 years, Han Yun and Qi Xiao grew up and become more beautiful,

Han Yun is a seductive and daring type of beauty.

And Qi Xiao is a cherry blossom fairy, she has an undeniable allure within her.

A lot of boys tried to hit on both of them but Qi Xiao's second older brother Qi Fan never give them chance.

And surprisingly even Han Min made a move so no boys dared again.

Qi Xiao ask Han Min what he did to stop them but he just smile mysteriously and flick her forehead while saying

"Do you think they can pass through me that easily? I have been guarding you for almost 10 years now!do you think that I will let someone else steal you?do they think that I am dead?"

At the time Qi Xiao's reaction was only a lot of question marks in her head but before she could ponder more her second brother pull her away from Han Min and gave him a hard glare.

After another year everything changed.

It was Qi Xiao's 15th birthday, the Qi family wanted to throw a huge party but she declined it wanting to celebrate it simply.

So the Qi and Han family just ate out and drove back home.

Qi Xiao was about to sleep when a 'ding' sound was heard,

She checked her phone and read the message

'Come out

It was from Han Min so she put on a coat and go out.

Qi Xiao was dazzled by Han Min's smile when she came out