
our past,my present,your future

Qi Xiao came back five years before she died,looking at the girl in front of her she take a sharp breath and stand up to bow "miss Shen i am sorry for the previous blander i made,i just love him too much that i become selfish,but now i realized that he never belongs to me so as a woman who loved him deeply,i hope that you will make him complete and happy that i didnt managed to do" breathing deeply to stop herself from crying she continue "please take good care of him and please be happy" she straighten up after saying that and left with her determination.

Idlelayn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
53 Chs

Chapter 14

While Han Yun is having a stomach full of anger because of a letter and photo the culprit is now enjoying the hot air balloon ride in the country R.

While riding a hot air balloon Qi Xiao is planning on what to do next,in-country R there are also a lot of things to try so she decided to enjoy it all while staying in there.

But she didn't know that because in the photo she sent she grew another tail.

When Han Min saw the photo he already recognized that it was in country F,

So he sends some secret message again urging people to search for her there.

But he was greatly surprised when his people find out that there is already a group searching for Qi Xiao,

Having obtained a clue by accident, of course Han Min will not let go of this clue he ask his men to investigate those group and found out their identity.

After giving those various instructions Han Min put down his phone and again start communicating with the doctor.

Han Min flew to country Y for a business trip and also for his so-called amnesia.

"You mean that if you keep trying on remembering one particular person your head will ache? and you are feeling that something is blocking this memory? and there is a voice in your head saying kinds of stuff?"

The specialist repeat what Han Min says earlier


"Then can you tell me in detail what is it about? I mean the voice in your mind? what is it telling you?"

Han Min sigh and say it all

"When I was in the accident there was a girl with me when I open my eyes and saw her the voice started saying to be nice to the girl and love her, at first I thought that it was natural for me to think that, especially that we both rely on each other when we are stuck in that desolate place, but when I return I saw my girlfriend, my heart beat faster when I saw her but in my mind, the voice keeps screaming that I should be nice to the girl who saves me"

The doctor knit his eyebrows and start analyzing his words while starting to ask the crucial part

"Can you try to remember how the plane crashed?"

Han Min knit his eyebrows and shook his head,

The specialist just nods and throws another question

"Then can you tell me how long you stayed in that place before you were found?"

"We were lost for a month"

The doctor massage his head and ask again

"Then remember where you stayed while your family keep on searching for you?"

Han Min pause and think


The specialist raises his eyebrows and push

"Even if you had amnesia when you had the accident you should have a memory the moment you open your eyes right? you even remember that when you open your eyes and see the girl, the voice started saying things right?"

Han Min squints his eyes and starts pondering

"Yes I remember that, but I don't remember where the place is or how long we did stay there?"

The specialist laughs and finds his answer

"I guess you are under a hypnosis, someone hypnotized you to forget your girlfriend, but don't get me wrong, I guess the aim is not just your girlfriend?"

Han Min clench his fist and ask slowly

"Do you know any hypnotists?"

The specialist laugh

"You know that hypnotizing is dangerous right?"

Han Min nods his head, of course, he knows!

It was about his brain! someone will gonna invade his mind so he knows what kind of danger he will face but he has to know who is the real enemy!