
Our mess

Love_Forever_2955 · Adolescente
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After the death of the 'Steinem' Kitty felt like she had lost everything but fortunately Kitty had (Laurence Olivier) her aunt who was related to "Gloria Steinem" Kitty's mom.

Laurence made a decision to take Kitty with her to "Greenwoods" where she lived with her husband,cause it was best for Kitty and them as well. She was a barren for the meantime so she thought of it as training her own blood.

She was worried about Kitty who was packing up for her to move in with her aunt.So Laurence decided to check up on her.

"May I come in?"Laurence asked politely

"Since when do you ask for permission to do things here"Kitty said aggressively.

"Kitty I know you're going through alot,trust I've been there before but you should give a chance for changes that's what your parents would've wanted"Laurence gave a condolence message.

"Yeah, I'm sure they would've wanted that"she played along

Laurence knew the message wasn't passed but just had ignore the attitude.

"Ok then, I'll leave you to pack"Laurence left the room.

That gave Kitty a little time to think about the advice given to her and besides it would be a new beginning from the death of "Steinem's".So she agreed to the decision Laurence made as she packed her bags and moved it to the car,then Kitty realized that she had to apologize to Laurence for the attitude,so she went to see Laurence in the kitchen preparing dinner for them both to eat.

"Hey"Kitty smiled a little to impress her aunt.

"Hey there,how are you feeling now?"Laurence asked with a sad face.

"Aunt,I came to apologize for how treated you like shit"Kitty moved closer to the kitchen counter.

"Like I said before I know what you're going through ok it's fine I'm just glad you took my advice,now come here and give me a big hug"Laurence laughed.

"Oh aunt!"She stretched out her hands to hug aunt Laurence, laughing together.

"Just remember I'll always treat you like I would treat my unborn child to come,I love you so dearly how I loved your mother you bring happiness into my life since when you were little"Laurence was still hugging her niece.

"Thank you for being there for me"Kitty released herself from the hug.

"You're always welcome,and I noticed you don't have friends around here but you can make friends in greenwoods,you'd love it there"she smiled back

"We'll see about that,so what are you making for dinner?"Kitty asked as she took orange juice from the refrigerator.

"I'm preparing Mac n cheese, it's been two weeks now since your parents had been gone so I wanted to cook my niece's favorite Mac n cheese"Her aunt checked the food if it was ready to eat.

"That's nice,so we'll be going tomorrow to greenwoods right?"she asked to confirm not that she really wanted to be there.

"Yeah, someone is pumped up to leave"Laurence giggled .

"Not even close, I'm just worried you've missed your sweetie pie Ben that's all."

"Of course I'm missing him so much"

Kitty smirked and took the plates to arrange the After the disappearance of kitty's parents things turned around for her, but fortunately Kitty had (Laurence Olivier) her aunt who was related to "Gloria Steinem" Kitty's mom.

Laurence made a decision to take Kitty with her to "Greenwoods" where she lived with her husband,cause it was best for Kitty and them as well. She was a barren for the meantime so she thought of it as training her own blood.

She was worried about Kitty who was packing up for her to move in with her aunt.

"May I come in?"Laurence asked politely

"Since when do you ask for permission to do things here"Kitty said aggressively.

"Kitty I know you're going through alot,trust I've been there before but you should give a chance for changes that's what your parents would've wanted"Laurence gave a condolence message.

"Yeah, I'm sure they would've wanted that"she played along

Laurence knew the message wasn't passed but just had ignore the attitude.

"Ok then, I'll leave you to pack"Laurence left the room.

That gave Kitty a little time to think about the advice given to her and besides it would be a new beginning from the death of "Steinem's".So she agreed to the decision Laurence made as she packed her bags and moved it to the car,then Kitty realized that she had to apologize to Laurence for the attitude,so she went to see Laurence in the kitchen preparing dinner for them both to eat.

"Hey"Kitty smiled a little to impress her aunt.

"Hey there,how are you feeling now?"Laurence asked with a sad face.

"Aunt,I came to apologize for how treated you like shit"Kitty moved closer to the kitchen counter.

"Like I said before I know what you're going through ok it's fine I'm just glad you took my advice,now come here and give me a big hug"Laurence laughed.

"Oh aunt!"She stretched out her hands to hug aunt Laurence, laughing together.

"Just remember I'll always treat you like I would treat my unborn child to come,I love you so dearly how I loved your mother you bring happiness into my life since when you were little"Laurence was still hugging her niece.

"Thank you for being there for me"Kitty released herself from the hug.

"You're always welcome,and I noticed you don't have friends around here but you can make friends in greenwoods,you'd love it there"she smiled back

"We'll see about that,so what are you making for dinner?"Kitty asked as she took orange juice from the refrigerator.

"I'm preparing Mac n cheese, it's been two weeks now since your parents had been gone so I wanted to cook my niece's favorite Mac n cheese"Her aunt checked the food if it was ready to eat.

"That's nice,so we'll be going tomorrow to greenwoods right?"she asked to confirm not that she really wanted to be there.

"Yeah, someone is pumped up to leave"Laurence giggled .

"Not even close, I'm just worried you've missed your sweetie pie Ben that's all."

"Of course I'm missing him so much"

Kitty smirked and took the plates to arrange the table before the food was ready,they laughed and played and spoke about her formal school ,for thirty minutes the food was finally ready to dish.

They drank some wine after dinner talking,laughing, crying about everything that had happened before they went to bed.

Two hours later Laurence husband called to check on her.

"Hello"she said yawning.

"Sorry to call by this hour,I just wanted to check on you I've been worried"he sounded frustrated.

"Oh baby don't be we're okay actually Kitty agreed with moving in with us starting a new beginning"Laurence shared the news.

"Wow that's nice it's good for us both,and I think greenwoods Will be the nice start, I'm happy like extremely happy"He calmly replied when he heard the news.

"That's not all,we chatted about her life it turns out she's an introvert like my sister"Laurence discouragingly said

"Untill she met her soulmate Donald Steinem Kitty's Father and besides greenwoods will sharpen her up don't be worried about that."Her husband encouraged her.

"Yeah, you're right about that Donald and Gloria started in greenwoods."Laurence smiled.

"What else is bothering my sweet potato?"

"It's about Donald's lawyer."Laurence stated

"Really what happened?"He asked

"He hasn't called since yesterday we spoke."Laurence explained.

"Yea, maybe he's preparing the documents it's complicated you know that, Laurence don't stress over it."He was concerned.

"I know but it's just I'm worried about Kitty."Laurence worriedly said.

"Worried about what?"Her husband asked.

"Baby it's nothing don't worry about it."Laurence smiled.

"Is Kitty in danger?"

"No, honey leave it as it is okay, I'll talk to you tomorrow before I leave the house."Laurence changed the topic.

"Oh alright dear,I love you."Her husband said lovingly.

"I love you so much"Laurence replied.

"And also tell Kitty I said hi."

"Sure I will"Laurence agreed.

By the looks of it,it seems Laurence was hiding something From everyone something mysterious and dark and we hope to find them from every little details.the food was finally ready to dish.

They drank some wine after dinner talking,laughing, crying about everything that had happened before they went to bed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

plus read it while listening to music it helps

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