
Our Lustful Encounter

One languid afternoon, as Blue gracefully moved about her apartment, the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains cast enchanting shadows across her form. Akihiro, unable to resist the temptation, found himself drawn to a small hole in the wall—a voyeur's window into Blue's private world. Through that clandestine peephole, Akihiro beheld Blue in a moment of vulnerability, as she shed her clothes with a natural grace that left him spellbound. His heart raced with a mixture of guilt and longing, his desire for her burning brighter with each stolen glance. Caught in the throes of this forbidden desire, Akihiro yearned to bridge the divide between them, to share in the intimacy that lay just beyond the walls of their apartments. And as Blue moved about, unaware of the intensity of his gaze, Akihiro couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same magnetic pull drawing them together, urging them to explore the depths of their desires in ways they had never imagined.

Xuxa_Erica_Quemado · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Defiance in the Wall

Blue's heart sank at Manuel's response, a wave of concern washing over her features. "He didn't come back at all?" she queried, her voice betraying her worry.

Manuel, his stooped figure engrossed in the repetitive motion of sweeping, glanced up briefly at Blue's question. "No, Miss Blue. Not a peep. You two seem to have gotten pretty close, huh?" he remarked, offering a small, knowing smile.

Blue forced a laugh, masking her apprehension. "Not, just neighbors," she replied, though the words felt hollow even to her.

The elevator descended in silence, each floor passing by in a blur of sterile walls and flickering lights. Blue couldn't shake the image of Akihiro's empty room, the absence of his presence like a gaping hole in the fabric of her routine. As the doors slid open to the ground floor, she bid Manuel a curt farewell before stepping out into the lobby, her mind still consumed by thoughts of her enigmatic neighbor.

Blue hurried through the bustling school corridors, her books clutched tightly to her chest as she tried to blend in with the throng of students. But no matter how fast she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides.

As she rounded a corner, she was suddenly cornered by three guys, their smirking faces looming over her like predators closing in on their prey.

"Hey there, sweetheart," one of them leered, his voice dripping with malice. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?"

Blue's heart pounded in her chest as she tried to edge past them, but they blocked her path, their bodies forming an impenetrable barrier.

"Let me through," she demanded, her voice trembling with fear and anger.

But the boys only laughed, their taunts echoing off the walls as they closed in on her, their hands reaching out to grab her.

"Come on, don't be shy," another one sneered, his breath hot against her ear as he leaned in close.

Blue's pulse raced as she fought to keep her composure, her mind racing with panic as she searched for a way out of the terrifying situation.

Just then, the shrill ring of the school bell echoed through the corridor, signaling the end of the period and sending students streaming out of classrooms.

Seizing the opportunity, Blue ducked past the boys and dashed down the hallway, her heart pounding in her chest as she fled to safety.

As the three guys contemplated their next move, a sudden chill ran down their spines, and before they could react, a trio of figures materialized behind them like phantoms emerging from the shadows.

Aiven, Jervyn, and Ortiz appeared almost like a flash in the eyes of the three guys, their expressions dark and foreboding as they closed in, trapping the offenders between them.

Jervyn and Aiven's smiles were anything but friendly as they rested their hands on the shoulders of the three guys who had harassed Blue. The leering expressions on their faces quickly turned to ones of fear as they realized they were in trouble.

Before the three guys could even react, Ortiz appeared, twirling a folding knife in his hand with a menacing grin. "Akihiro didn't like what you did to Blue Nakahara," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

The color drained from the guys' faces as they glanced nervously at each other, realizing they were in deep trouble. The students passing by paused to watch, sensing the tension in the air.

With a silent nod from Ortiz, Aiven, and Jervyn each grabbed one of the guys, hoisting them up effortlessly as if they weighed nothing. The three guys struggled and protested, but their efforts were futile against the strength of Aiven and Jervyn.

Ortiz led the way, his expression cold and unforgiving as he guided the group to the rooftop. The guys pleaded for mercy, but Ortiz remained silent, his gaze steely and unyielding.

Once they reached the rooftop, Aiven and Jervyn roughly deposited the guys on the ground, their eyes wide with fear as they realized the gravity of their situation.

"You mess with Akihiro, you mess with us," Jervyn growled, his voice echoing off the walls of the empty rooftop.

With a final warning glance, Ortiz turned and walked away, leaving the three guys trembling in fear as they contemplated the consequences of their actions.

The news spread like wildfire through the school corridors, reaching the ears of Kath like a venomous whisper in the wind. Her eyes narrowed with curiosity and suspicion as the student relayed the unsettling information about Akihiro's connection to Blue Nakahara.

Kath's mind raced with a mixture of emotions—anger, jealousy, and a gnawing sense of insecurity. She couldn't shake the feeling that Blue's presence in Akihiro's life posed a threat to her position as his confidante and companion.

Without a word, Kath thanked the student for her revelation, her mind already concocting plans to confront Akihiro about his association with Blue. She couldn't let this slide—not when her status within Akihiro's circle was at stake.

Determined to assert her dominance over the situation, Kath made plans to confront Blue, the intruder in Akihiro's life as she saw it. With a fire burning in her eyes and her heart set on reclaiming her position in Akihiro's world, Kath sought out the opportune moment to confront the unsuspecting Blue.

As she approached Blue, her steps were filled with purpose, her demeanor exuding confidence and authority. With a subtle flick of her hair and a piercing gaze, Kath stood before Blue, ready to challenge the interloper who dared to encroach upon her territory.

"Blue Nakahara," Kath's voice cut through the air like a sharp blade, her tone laced with a hint of disdain. "I've heard quite a bit about you lately."

Blue, taken aback by Kath's sudden appearance and confrontational tone, met her gaze with a mixture of surprise and apprehension. "And what might that be?" Blue replied, her voice tinged with caution.

"You seem to have caught Akihiro's eye," Kath continued, her words dripping with venom. "But let me make one thing clear: he's mine. So whatever game you think you're playing, it ends now."

Blue, sensing the underlying threat in Kath's words, squared her shoulders and met her gaze with unwavering determination. "I'm not here to play games," Blue retorted, her voice steady despite the tension crackling in the air. "But if you want to make this into one, then let's see who comes out on top."

Frustrated by Kath's relentless bullying, Blue breaks the point and decides to take a stand. With a hint of sarcasm in her voice, she uttered words that unwittingly sparked a fierce competition between them for Akihiro's affection.

"Well, if you're so convinced that Akihiro belongs to you," Blue quipped, her tone laced with defiance, "then let's see who he chooses in the end. May the best woman win."

Kath, fueled by a potent mix of jealousy and determination, accepted Blue's challenge without hesitation. With that, the stage was set for a battle of wills between two formidable women, both vying for their place by Akihiro's side.

Enraged by Blue's bold words, Kath's face flushed with anger as she clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging into her palms. Her eyes blazed with fury as she glared daggers at Blue, her breath coming out in sharp, angry huffs.

"How dare you!" Kath spat, her voice trembling with rage. "You think you can just waltz in here and challenge me for Akihiro's affection? You're nothing but a nobody, a mere nuisance in his life!"

With each word, Kath's anger intensified, her fists shaking with pent-up frustration. The thought of someone daring to challenge her claim on Akihiro filled her with a seething rage, driving her to lash out at Blue with all the venom she could muster.

But beneath her outward display of rage, a sense of insecurity gnawed at Kath's heart. She couldn't shake the feeling that Blue posed a threat to her carefully cultivated image as Akihiro's one and only, and the thought of losing him to someone else filled her with a deep, primal fear.

With a dismissive glance at Kath, Blue turned on her heel and strode out of the classroom, her steps purposeful and determined. She refused to let Kath's anger dampen her spirits or distract her from her goals. As she walked down the corridor, she felt a surge of defiance coursing through her veins, fueling her resolve to stand up for herself and not be intimidated by bullies like Kath.

Despite the turmoil brewing inside her, Blue kept her head held high, refusing to let the weight of Kath's words drag her down. She was determined to rise above the petty conflicts and drama, focusing instead on her studies and her personal growth.

As she disappeared around the corner, leaving Kath seething with rage in her wake, Blue felt a sense of liberation wash over her. She had chosen to prioritize her well-being and happiness, and nothing—not even Kath's wrath—could shake her newfound sense of confidence and self-assurance.