

No way Dad, I'm not getting married, at least not to him" Caroline looked up at her father with a fierce look.

A few days ago, her father told her about the troubles the kingdom has been facing lately and the only solution to it is if she marries the son of the rival kingdom, Valeria.

Her kingdom, Jenovia is a kingdom at the eastern side of the land. Tho Jenovia isn't as big as the other four kingdoms but it is well known for its rich soil and sunlight which the other kingdom barely have. The people of Jenovia are really hardworking and they go according to the law. Stealing and murder is almost non existent

Caroline, Princess of Jenovia looked at her father with an annoyed expression. She, is the Last child out of three children and is the only girl amongst the king's children. Because of this, Everyone regards her as a jewel to the king... Everyone except her older brother Prince Alexander. She has always gotten whatever she wants and she sometimes acts like a spoilt brat.

The king, looked at his daughter who refuses to cooperate with him. Honestly, if things were up to him, he wouldn't give his 15 year old daughter off for marriage but here lies the case, he has no other options but to do so.

Just when he was about to persuade his daughter, a maid walked into the chamber with her head bent low, not daring to look at the father daughter pair. She was shaking a little as she entered the room. The king chuckled and thought inwardly....

"I'm a really that scary? or maybe I'm too handsome... yeah it's definitely me being too handsome"... he gave the maid a questionable look.

" I'm sorry to interrupt you.. your majesty but the crown prince seems your presence.. he said it's really urgent" the maid said a lot of words in just one breath.