
Our King's Deadly Sin

Anastasia Brown. A fierce yet careless young lady. All alone in a world of cruelty. Surrounded by enemies with no one to trust. Ethan Dmitri Petrov. An introverted demon billionaire with a dark past and a wounded soul. Although looking perfect on the outside, it was impossible to weigh the kind of pain Ethan held inside him. Soothed by an imaginary female he began to write letters to 200 years ago, he was able to survive through the world of war and the numerous innocent blood he had shed. Somehow, 200 years later the letters get to Anastasia who seem to not give a care in the world but things start to change the moment Ana becomes moved by the romance and pain passed through words and starts to write back to a man she is not aware of. With another war lurking around, unexpected people plotting deceit and Ethans unacceptable sin of the time he was known as Dmitri, is there a silver lining for them, or is there life meant to be hell on earth? Will Ana be his rescue or would she be his arrest? Excerpt Truthfully he responds. "Money flows with me. Together, we are the root of all evil. You will not do well with a man like me." Her eyes shone when she heard money and her brain began to process 1000 things money would do to her. Leaning forward, she places her left hand on his and softly says. "Then we should get married. You see, marrying the root of all evil has been my lifetime goal." Ethan was left speechless.

introvertedauthor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
207 Chs

From the bottom of my heart.

Ethan paces around for some seconds inside his dressing room while occasionally staring at the entrance. Why is she smiling at him? Has he done something?

Was he supposed to smile back? Would she think him to be weird and boring now?

He picks a thick cardigan of his and a fluffy blanket. Holding it to his chest, he sucks in deep breath. Hopefully, hopefully, he would be able to have a conversation with her without blowing it off. His girl. His Anastasia is here, right in his room worried about him. Just the thought of it made his heart race like crazy and he felt like a teenager once again. Few years back, he had been satisfied with just stealing glances at her and thinking about her all day. Now that she is right next to him, he was no longer satisfied with just watching her. He wanted to have her all to himself.

Her body. Her heart. Her love. Her commitemt.

God! Even her smile. He wasnt sure he would be able keep his cool if she smiles like that to some other man.

Is that bright smile specifically for him?

Ana was starting to wonder why Ethan wasn't back yet. The cold was already hitting her hard and she could already feel her nipples getting hard. She rubs her hands and looks around the room again. There was actually nothing special about his room unlike what she had imagined lots of rich peoples room to look like. There was a painting on the wall to her left, one that looked like the back view of a woman. Another that caught her eyes was a huge painting just above his headboard. She had not noticed it when she first came in, but looking at it well, it looked like that of a child. As if a kids drawing has been enlarged.

Ana smiles to herself, feeling her heart turn warm for no reason. She had seen this painting somewhere before. Although she couldn't remember where, she was sure she had seen it before. Just as she was contemplating checking on Ethan in his dressing room, in case he has fallen off and lost consciousness, he appears behind her holding some clothes to his chest.

He glances at her face and she offers him a small smile. She was starting to understand the man. She couldn't say he didnt like people, he is just very shy and doesn't know how to interact. If someone had told her a demon like that existed she would have not believed it. Dont all demons think highly of themselves and deem humans lower? Why then would such being be so shy?

Ethan extends the clothes to her, his heart slightly racing again. He couldn't control his heart beat around Ana. If he didnt know what love felt like before, he would have thought he had a heart condition and called in his doctor.

Ana quickly takes the cloth from him avoiding skin contact before he withdraws and decides not to talk to her at all.

"Boss...what should I do with thses?" She checks the clothes and finds a black hoodie made of very thick wool material and a blanket.

Ethan simply gestures at the temperature plate before scratching the middle of his hair and looking at her nose. "For the cold."

Ana nods her head and opens her mouth to thank him but he had hurriedly muttered a simple 'okay' and walks past her to sit on the bed.

She places the blanket on the chair and wore the hoodie feeling that something was off. Should she be wearing her boss clothes?

Forget it. If she were to ask Ethan such, he might overthink it and think that she didnt want to take things from him. Judging by how he haf decided to cook for her and make her wedding dress, he would definitely interpret it in his own way.

"Boss, that painting is expensive isnt it?" She gestures to the painting of the back view of the woman trying to start a conversation. The hoodie was at least three times her size and so very comfortable. Ethan is tall and burly although he hides it unders his over sized clothes. She sat in the chair and covers herself with the thick blanket feeling more warm than before.

Ethan stares at the painting she was referring to for some time and a faint smile appears on his lip. "It isnt expensive. It is priceless." He couldn't sell it for the value of a thousand energy balls.

"Hehehe..doesnt that mean it is super expensive? Who is the artist?" She stares at the painting again before focusing back on him.

He bobs his head back and forth between the painting. Pulling the duvet over his leg and then removing it. He stares at his finger before looking into her eyes and softly saying. "I drew it." He paused and watched the realisation hit her before adding. "From the depth of my heart."

In that moment Ana could swear her heart skipped beats and her finger shook slightly. She who was cold few seconds ago suddenly start to feel hot from inside. She blows her face with her hands before giving him an awkward smile.

"Boss that sounds very romantic." She almost fell for it.

Ethan glances at the painting and then back at her. "Do...do you like it?" He didnt know what to reply her with after she said such thing and could only hope what he wantrd to do wont push her further away.

For her to have been worried about him and come to him, for her to want to talk to him and ease him off his burden, meant a lot to Ethan than all the wedding dresses he had designed.

Ana nods her head. "Of course, it is a lovely painting. I like it very much." she wasnt lying. She really does like it.

Ana freezes when she realised what she had said and saw Ethans soft expression as he stares at the painting. It cant be it right?

"Then...I will give it to you." He finally tells her and her shoulders drop.

This boss of hers, is impossible to deal with. she cant compliment him and she cant compliment his work as well. If she were to tell him that he is really good looking and she likes him, would he give himself to her as well?

I am so sorry. I have been busy -_-

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