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Bookworm_luvislife · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs




Sally was sitting on a couch watching a T.V. show, she turned off the T.V. and lied down on her bed surfing through social media.

When she was about to close her phone a notification popped on screen 'Your friend JohnRg.97 is active'. She texted him to sleep and immediately went to sleep after that.


As usual, John is late again. His eyes were fluffy and swollen, he either looked sad. Just like always he didn't talk much. Sitting alone all by himself staring at the sky out the window.

Sally understood what was wrong with him. She sighed looking at him and whispered 'He cried again'.


That day when he told me about Mia, I was sad or should I say jealous. I felt bad because he loved her more than me, maybe?

He said I was his happiness but he cried every single day for Mia. I was sad my heart ached.

Then we grew caring for each other but I felt John growing apart from me. As we grew , I never realized when these childish words became meaningful. We stopped saying 'I love you', 'You are my best friend'.

I always made sure to express these words without actually saying and maybe he understood too but I never understood or maybe he never expressed it. As we grew up I saw him grow more sad 😔 and it was the worst feeling for me cause the pain in my heart grew too.


My thoughts were interrupted by the school bell. "Good Bye class! Like this your school life comes to an end. Enjoy your vacations and start your college life with new enthusiasm".

And like this our last class of school life dismissed. I started packing my bag, bidding a last goodbye to my classmates and of course Aron. He was one of my close friends and a nice guy, he is funny and handsome.

I knew that he had a crush on me but things were clear between us, he knew that I love John and he was fine with it.

Since he had many girls fangirling over him, he wasn't that serious about me , Or so I thought.

As I turned around to leave with John, he was nowhere to be found. I think he already left, he didn't even talk to me today. Is he ignoring me? IT REALLY HURTS 😔.


Just how much I love this girl.....


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